
Computes a cumulative cost map based on an image containing costs to traverse each pixel and an image containing source locations.

Each output band represents the cumulative cost over the corresponding input cost band.

Image.cumulativeCost(source, maxDistance, geodeticDistance)Image
this: costImageAn image representing the cost to traverse each pixel. Masked pixels can't be traversed. When comparing pixel traversal costs, we use band-wise dictionary ordering. Ancillary cost bands are only considered when paths over primary bands are equal cost.
sourceImageA single-band image representing the sources. A pixel value different from 0 defines a source pixel.
maxDistanceFloatMaximum distance for computation, in meters.
geodeticDistanceBoolean, default: trueIf true, geodetic distance along the curved surface is used, assuming a spherical Earth of radius 6378137.0. If false, Euclidean distance in the 2D plane of the map projection is used (faster, but less accurate).