Migrate from v2 to v3

Last update: 2023-10-31

Migrate your application

Migrating from v2 to v3 requires updating your endpoint URLs to call v3 and updating your application to account for breaking changes.

Update your API calls from v2 to v3

To use v3 instead of v2, you need to update your requests to use new v3 endpoints.

For example, to call the advertisers.get method with v2, you would use the following URL:

GET https://displayvideo.googleapis.com/v2/advertisers/advertiserId

For v3, update the URL to the following:

GET https://displayvideo.googleapis.com/v3/advertisers/advertiserId

If you are using a client library to make requests to the API, use the most recent version of the client library and update your configuration to use v3.

Make required changes

We're introducing a number of breaking changes in v3. Review the following instructions and make the required changes relevant to your existing use of the Display & Video 360 API.

Include required billing configurations when creating advertisers

billingConfig is now a required field in the Advertiser resource. Update your advertisers.create requests to verify that this field is set. The default billing information can be retrieved for the parent partner through the new Partner resource billingConfig field.

Use new field to control optimized targeting

A new boolean enableOptimizedTargeting field has replaced the targetingExpansionLevel field in the TargetingExpansionConfig object.

Update insertion order integration to use new KPI field

A new kpi field has replaced the performanceGoal field in the InsertionOrder resource. This new field uses a Kpi object in place of the PerformanceGoal object and uses new fields and enums.

Remove references to deprecated services and fields

Various entities have been removed in v3 to align with past feature deprecations:

Additional changes

In addition to the breaking changes listed above, v3 also introduces new features.

Features added to v3 after the initial launch can be found in our release notes.

Proximity location list management

In v3 you can fully manage proximity location lists, allowing you to use the advertisers.locationLists.assignedLocations service to create and delete locations assigned to TARGETING_LOCATION_TYPE_PROXIMITY LocationList resources. Locations are identified using the ID of TARGETING_TYPE_POI TargetingOption resources. These can be retrieved using targetingTypes.targetingOptions.search.

Ability to build rule-based custom bidding algorithms

In v3, you can build and retrieve rule-based custom bidding algorithms using the customBiddingAlgorithms, media, customBiddingAlgorithms.rules services.

This feature is in beta and only available to allowlisted partners. If your partner is not allowlisted, your request will return an error.