
Settings that control the rate at which a budget is spent.

JSON representation
  "pacingPeriod": enum (PacingPeriod),
  "pacingType": enum (PacingType),

  // Union field daily_max_value can be only one of the following:
  "dailyMaxMicros": string,
  "dailyMaxImpressions": string
  // End of list of possible types for union field daily_max_value.

enum (PacingPeriod)

Required. The time period in which the pacing budget will be spent.

When automatic budget allocation is enabled at the insertion order via automationType, this field is output only and defaults to PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT.


enum (PacingType)

Required. The type of pacing that defines how the budget amount will be spent across the pacingPeriod.

Union field daily_max_value. Applicable when pacing_period is set to be PACING_PERIOD_DAILY. daily_max_value can be only one of the following:

string (int64 format)

Maximum currency amount to spend every day in micros of advertiser's currency.

Applicable when the budget is currency based. Must be greater than 0. For example, for 1.5 standard unit of the currency, set this field to 1500000.

The value assigned will be rounded to whole billable units for the relevant currency by the following rules: any positive value less than a single billable unit will be rounded up to one billable unit and any value larger than a single billable unit will be rounded down to the nearest billable value. For example, if the currency's billable unit is 0.01, and this field is set to 10257770, it will round down to 10250000, a value of 10.25. If set to 505, it will round up to 10000, a value of 0.01.


string (int64 format)

Maximum number of impressions to serve every day.

Applicable when the budget is impression based. Must be greater than 0.


Possible time periods used to spend to the pacing amount.

PACING_PERIOD_UNSPECIFIED Period value is not specified or is unknown in this version.
PACING_PERIOD_DAILY The pacing setting will be applied on daily basis.
PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT The pacing setting will be applied to the whole flight duration.


Possible pacing types.

PACING_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED Pacing mode value is not specified or is unknown in this version.
PACING_TYPE_AHEAD Only applicable to PACING_PERIOD_FLIGHT pacing period. Ahead pacing attempts to spend faster than evenly, to make sure the entire budget is spent by the end of the flight.
PACING_TYPE_ASAP Spend all of pacing budget amount as quick as possible.
PACING_TYPE_EVEN Spend a consistent budget amount every period of time.