kampania Performance Max nastawiona na sprzedaż online z plikiem danych o produktach (handel detaliczny)

Kampanie Performance Max dla sprzedawców detalicznych pomagają zwiększać zasięg i cele, ponieważ umożliwiają wyświetlanie reklam w dodatkowych zasobach reklamowych.

Aby umożliwić wyświetlanie reklam w nowych formatach i na nowych platformach, takich jak reklamy tekstowe, karty Discover, reklamy In-Stream w YouTube i reklamy displayowe, konieczne może być utworzenie nowych zasobów takich jak tekstowe, graficzne lub wideo.

Jeśli dysponujesz niepowtarzalnymi statystykami dotyczącymi segmentów użytkowników najbardziej skłonnych do dokonania konwersji, możesz teraz wykorzystać sygnały dotyczące odbiorców, aby poinformować o tym Google.

Oto kilka innych ulepszeń, które są dostępne w kampaniach Performance Max w porównaniu ze standardowymi kampaniami produktowymi:

  • Kierowanie na język na podstawie kryteriów kampanii lub pliku danych Merchant Center
  • Rozwinięcie końcowego adresu URL
  • Gdy wybierzesz cel „Wizyty w sklepie stacjonarnym”, kierowanie jest kierowane na wszystkie sklepy
  • Możliwość wyznaczania celów konwersji dla poszczególnych klientów lub kampanii

Aby korzystać z kampanii detalicznych Performance Max, konto Google Ads musi być połączone z dotychczasowym kontem Merchant Center. Po połączeniu z Merchant Center komponenty kampanii będą generowane automatycznie, ale ich zasięg i skuteczność będą ograniczone.

Dodaj grupy plików

Dodanie grupy komponentów powoduje włączenie kanałów Zakupów i remarketingu dynamicznego, a ustawienie Rozwinięcia adresu URL powoduje włączenie dynamicznych reklam w wyszukiwarce. Ogólnie im więcej komponentów udostępnisz, tym więcej formatów reklam może utworzyć system, aby kierować reklamy na dodatkowe zasoby reklamowe.

Zalecamy, aby każda grupa plików była kierowana na inne produkty. Pamiętaj, że limit dla grup informacji o produktach jest mniejszy niż limit dostępny wcześniej dla grup produktów w inteligentnych kampaniach produktowych. Dlatego należy ustawić kierowanie tylko na określony zestaw produktów z grupy komponentów, np. produkty A–L – w grupie komponentów 1, a produkty M–Z – w grupie komponentów 2.

Jeśli chcesz dostosować przekaz komponentów do odbiorców, możesz utworzyć wiele grup komponentów w każdej kampanii. Dzięki temu możesz utworzyć różne grupy komponentów dla tego samego końcowego adresu URL.

Poznaj więcej wskazówek dotyczących optymalizacji podczas konfigurowania kampanii Performance Max.

Tworzenie kampanii detalicznej Performance Max

Podobnie jak w przypadku innych kampanii produktowych skonfiguruj pola ShoppingSetting kampanii.


Identyfikator konta Merchant Center zawierającego produkty, które chcesz reklamować.



Ciąg znaków używany jako etykieta pliku danych zdefiniowany w Merchant Center. Tego pola należy używać do wyboru produktów z konkretnego pliku danych Merchant Center. Jeśli ich nie podasz, kampania będzie używać wszystkich plików danych dostępnych w Merchant Center.

Jeśli poprzednio używana była wycofana wersja sales_country, w dwuliterowym formacie kodu kraju (XX) użyj atrybutu feed_label. Więcej informacji znajdziesz w artykule pomocy na temat etykiety pliku danych.

Pamiętaj, że przesłanie kodu kraju w polu feed_label nie umożliwia automatycznie wyświetlania reklam w tym kraju. Musisz najpierw skonfigurować kierowanie na lokalizację geograficzną.


Priorytet kampanii produktowej. Kampanie o wyższych numerach mają pierwszeństwo przed kampaniami o niższych priorytetach.


Opcja włączenia w tej kampanii reklam produktów sprzedawanych w lokalnych sklepach.

Jeśli dostępny jest asortyment, produkty dostępne lokalnie są domyślnie włączone. Można to filtrować za pomocą grup informacji o produktach.


Możesz wybrać wiele języków, aby wyświetlać reklamy określonym grupom klientów.

Cele konwersji

Po przejściu z inteligentnych kampanii produktowych wszystkie cele konwersji na poziomie kampanii zachowują się tak samo z wyjątkiem wizyt w sklepie stacjonarnym.

Cele konwersji na poziomie klienta możesz zastąpić, aktualizując cele konwersji na poziomie kampanii, jak pokazano w tym przykładzie:


/** Retrieves the list of customer conversion goals. */
private static List<CustomerConversionGoal> getCustomerConversionGoals(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId) {
  String query =
      "SELECT customer_conversion_goal.category, customer_conversion_goal.origin "
          + "FROM customer_conversion_goal";

  List<CustomerConversionGoal> customerConversionGoals = new ArrayList<>();
  try (GoogleAdsServiceClient googleAdsServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createGoogleAdsServiceClient()) {
    // The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50, so we use
    // GoogleAdsService.search instead of search_stream.
    SearchPagedResponse response =
        googleAdsServiceClient.search(Long.toString(customerId), query);
    for (GoogleAdsRow googleAdsRow : response.iterateAll()) {

  return customerConversionGoals;

/** Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals. */
private static List<MutateOperation> createConversionGoalOperations(
    long customerId, List<CustomerConversionGoal> customerConversionGoals) {
  List<MutateOperation> mutateOperations = new ArrayList<>();
  // To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the
  // biddability of each of the customer conversion goals so that only
  // the desired conversion goal is biddable in this campaign.
  for (CustomerConversionGoal customerConversionGoal : customerConversionGoals) {
    ConversionActionCategory category = customerConversionGoal.getCategory();
    ConversionOrigin origin = customerConversionGoal.getOrigin();
    String campaignConversionGoalResourceName =
            customerId, PERFORMANCE_MAX_CAMPAIGN_TEMPORARY_ID, category, origin);
    CampaignConversionGoal.Builder campaignConversionGoalBuilder =
    // Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
    // Set biddability to True for the desired (category, origin).
    // Set biddability to False for all other conversion goals.
    // Note:
    //  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
    //     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
    //  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
    //     shows only one.
    if (category == ConversionActionCategory.PURCHASE && origin == ConversionOrigin.WEBSITE) {
    } else {
    CampaignConversionGoal campaignConversionGoal = campaignConversionGoalBuilder.build();
    CampaignConversionGoalOperation campaignConversionGoalOperation =
  return mutateOperations;



/// <summary>
/// Creates a MutateOperation that links an asset to an asset group.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fieldType">The field type of the asset to be linked.</param>
/// <param name="assetGroupResourceName">The resource name of the asset group
/// to link the asset to.</param>
/// <param name="assetResourceName">The resource name of the text asset to be
/// linked.</param>
/// <returns>A MutateOperation that links an asset to an asset group.</returns>
private MutateOperation CreateLinkAssetOperation(
    AssetFieldType fieldType,
    string assetGroupResourceName,
    string assetResourceName) => new MutateOperation()
        AssetGroupAssetOperation = new AssetGroupAssetOperation()
            Create = new AssetGroupAsset()
                FieldType = fieldType,
                AssetGroup = assetGroupResourceName,
                Asset = assetResourceName



private static function getCustomerConversionGoals(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId
): array {
    $customerConversionGoals = [];
    $googleAdsServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getGoogleAdsServiceClient();
    // Creates a query that retrieves all customer conversion goals.
    $query = 'SELECT customer_conversion_goal.category, customer_conversion_goal.origin ' .
        'FROM customer_conversion_goal';
    // The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use a search request
    // instead of search stream.
    $response = $googleAdsServiceClient->search(
        SearchGoogleAdsRequest::build($customerId, $query)->setPageSize(self::PAGE_SIZE)

    // Iterates over all rows in all pages and builds the list of conversion goals.
    foreach ($response->iterateAllElements() as $googleAdsRow) {
        /** @var GoogleAdsRow $googleAdsRow */
        $customerConversionGoals[] = [
            'category' => $googleAdsRow->getCustomerConversionGoal()->getCategory(),
            'origin' => $googleAdsRow->getCustomerConversionGoal()->getOrigin()

    return $customerConversionGoals;

 * Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals.
 * @param int $customerId the customer ID
 * @param array $customerConversionGoals the list of customer conversion goals that will be
 *      overridden
 * @return MutateOperation[] a list of MutateOperations that update campaign conversion goals
private static function createConversionGoalOperations(
    int $customerId,
    array $customerConversionGoals
): array {
    $operations = [];

    // To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the biddability of each of the
    // customer conversion goals so that only the desired conversion goal is biddable in this
    // campaign.
    foreach ($customerConversionGoals as $customerConversionGoal) {
        $campaignConversionGoal = new CampaignConversionGoal([
            'resource_name' => ResourceNames::forCampaignConversionGoal(
        // Changes the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
        // Sets biddability to true for the desired (category, origin).
        // Sets biddability to false for all other conversion goals.
        // Note:
        //  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
        //     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
        //  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
        //     shows only one.
        if (
            $customerConversionGoal["category"] === ConversionActionCategory::PURCHASE
            && $customerConversionGoal["origin"] === ConversionOrigin::WEBSITE
        ) {
        } else {

        $operations[] = new MutateOperation([
            'campaign_conversion_goal_operation' => new CampaignConversionGoalOperation([
                'update' => $campaignConversionGoal,
                // Sets the update mask on the operation. Here the update mask will be a list
                // of all the fields that were set on the update object.
                'update_mask' => FieldMasks::allSetFieldsOf($campaignConversionGoal)

    return $operations;


def get_customer_conversion_goals(client, customer_id):
    """Retrieves the list of customer conversion goals.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.

        a list of dicts containing the category and origin of customer
        conversion goals.
    ga_service = client.get_service("GoogleAdsService")
    customer_conversion_goals = []
    query = """
            FROM customer_conversion_goal
    # The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use
    # GoogleAdsService.search instead of search_stream.
    search_request = client.get_type("SearchGoogleAdsRequest")
    search_request.customer_id = customer_id
    search_request.query = query
    search_request.page_size = 10000
    results = ga_service.search(request=search_request)

    # Iterate over the results and build the list of conversion goals.
    for row in results:
                "category": row.customer_conversion_goal.category,
                "origin": row.customer_conversion_goal.origin,
    return customer_conversion_goals

def create_conversion_goal_operations(
    """Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals.

        client: an initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: a client customer ID.
        customer_conversion_goals: the list of customer conversion goals that
          will be overridden.

        MutateOperations that update campaign conversion goals.
    campaign_conversion_goal_service = client.get_service(
    operations = []

    # To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the
    # biddability of each of the customer conversion goals so that only
    # the desired conversion goal is biddable in this campaign.
    for customer_conversion_goal in customer_conversion_goals:
        mutate_operation = client.get_type("MutateOperation")
        campaign_conversion_goal = (

        campaign_conversion_goal.resource_name = (
        # Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
        # Set biddability to True for the desired (category, origin).
        # Set biddability to False for all other conversion goals.
        # Note:
        #  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
        #     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
        #  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
        #     shows only one.
        if (
            == client.enums.ConversionActionCategoryEnum.PURCHASE
            and customer_conversion_goal["origin"]
            == client.enums.ConversionOriginEnum.WEBSITE
            biddable = True
            biddable = False
        campaign_conversion_goal.biddable = biddable
        field_mask = protobuf_helpers.field_mask(
            None, campaign_conversion_goal._pb

    return operations


def _get_customer_conversion_goals(client, customer_id)
  query = <<~EOD
    FROM customer_conversion_goal

  customer_conversion_goals = []

  ga_service = client.service.google_ads
  # The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use
  # GoogleAdsService.search instead of search_stream.
  response = ga_service.search(
      customer_id: customer_id,
      query: query,
      page_size: PAGE_SIZE,

  # Iterate over the results and build the list of conversion goals.
  response.each do |row|
    customer_conversion_goals << {
        "category" => row.customer_conversion_goal.category,
        "origin" => row.customer_conversion_goal.origin


def create_conversion_goal_operations(client, customer_id, customer_conversion_goals)
  campaign_conversion_goal_service = client.service.campaign_conversion_goal

  operations = []

  # To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the
  # biddability of each of the customer conversion goals so that only
  # the desired conversion goal is biddable in this campaign.
  customer_conversion_goals.each do |customer_conversion_goal|
    operations << client.operation.mutate do |m|
        m.campaign_conversion_goal_operation = client.operation.campaign_conversion_goal do |op|
          op.update = client.resource.campaign_conversion_goal do |ccg|
              ccg.resource_name = client.path.campaign_conversion_goal(
              # Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
              # Set biddability to True for the desired (category, origin).
              # Set biddability to False for all other conversion goals.
              # Note:
              #  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
              #     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
              #  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
              #     shows only one.
              ccg.biddable = (customer_conversion_goal["category"] == :PURCHASE &&
                  customer_conversion_goal["origin"] == :WEBSITE)
          op.update_mask = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::FieldMaskUtil.all_set_fields_of(op.update)



sub get_customer_conversion_goals {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id) = @_;

  my $customer_conversion_goals = [];
  # Create a query that retrieves all customer conversion goals.
  my $query =
    "SELECT customer_conversion_goal.category, customer_conversion_goal.origin "
    . "FROM customer_conversion_goal";
  # The number of conversion goals is typically less than 50 so we use
  # GoogleAdsService->search() method instead of search_stream().
  my $search_response = $api_client->GoogleAdsService()->search({
    customerId => $customer_id,
    query      => $query,
    pageSize   => PAGE_SIZE

  # Iterate over the results and build the list of conversion goals.
  foreach my $google_ads_row (@{$search_response->{results}}) {
    push @$customer_conversion_goals,
      category => $google_ads_row->{customerConversionGoal}{category},
      origin   => $google_ads_row->{customerConversionGoal}{origin}};

  return $customer_conversion_goals;

# Creates a list of MutateOperations that override customer conversion goals.
sub create_conversion_goal_operations {
  my ($customer_id, $customer_conversion_goals) = @_;

  my $operations = [];
  # To override the customer conversion goals, we will change the biddability of
  # each of the customer conversion goals so that only the desired conversion goal
  # is biddable in this campaign.
  foreach my $customer_conversion_goal (@$customer_conversion_goals) {
    my $campaign_conversion_goal =
        resourceName =>
    # Change the biddability for the campaign conversion goal.
    # Set biddability to true for the desired (category, origin).
    # Set biddability to false for all other conversion goals.
    # Note:
    #  1- It is assumed that this Conversion Action
    #     (category=PURCHASE, origin=WEBSITE) exists in this account.
    #  2- More than one goal can be biddable if desired. This example
    #     shows only one.
    if ( $customer_conversion_goal->{category} eq PURCHASE
      && $customer_conversion_goal->{origin} eq WEBSITE)
      $campaign_conversion_goal->{biddable} = "true";
    } else {
      $campaign_conversion_goal->{biddable} = "false";

    push @$operations,
        campaignConversionGoalOperation =>
            update => $campaign_conversion_goal,
            # Set the update mask on the operation. Here the update mask will be
            # a list of all the fields that were set on the update object.
            updateMask => all_set_fields_of($campaign_conversion_goal)})});

  return $operations;

Raporty Zakupów

Użyj narzędzia shopping_performance_view, aby pobrać dane podsumowane według segmentów produktów, np. segments.product_item_id.

FROM shopping_performance_view
  campaign.advertising_channel_type = 'PERFORMANCE_MAX'
  AND segments.date DURING LAST_30_DAYS
  AND metrics.clicks > 0
  metrics.all_conversions DESC,
  metrics.conversions DESC,
  metrics.clicks DESC,
  metrics.cost_micros DESC,
  metrics.impressions DESC

Użyj narzędzia asset_group_product_group_view, aby pobrać dane o kliknięciach, konwersjach i wyświetleniach grupy informacji o produktach powiązanej z tą grupą plików.