Entity relationships

This page contains relationship diagrams of Google Ads entities.

Notation legend

  1. Entity: Links to the most relevant guide (if exists).
  2. Cardinality: Written besides an entity, this denotes allowable number of instances. For example, 1..* means that one or more are allowed. However, this does not imply that there are no limits.
  3. Object/Class: Denoted by a fixed-width font, links to the latest reference page.
  4. Grouping: Entities enclosed in a box belong to the box entity. For example, Campaigns belong to Account.
  5. Relationship: A solid line between two boxes establishes a relationship. Cardinality for the relationship is noted close to each end of a line. For example, zero to many Campaigns can be associated with zero to one Portfolio Bidding Strategy.
  6. Composition: Denoted by a solid rhombus, represents a relationship where an entity is composed of some other entities. When there is a number besides the rhombus, the number denotes the allowable number of instances. For example, an AdGroupAd is composed of one Ad object.
  7. Aggregation: Denoted by a rhombus, represents a relationship where an entity can contain one of other entities. For example, an Ad can contain either ExpandedTextAdInfo or TextAdInfo objects, but not both.

Entity diagrams

Top level

CustomerUserAccess Customer Campaign CampaignBudget BiddingStrategy Portfolio bidding strategy Standard bidding strategy Standard bidding strategy CampaignCriterion AdGroup AdGroupAd AdGroupCriterion Bids AdGroupBidModifier

Campaign bidding strategy

Campaign Commission ManualCpc ManualCpm ManualCpv MaximizeConversions MaximizeConversionValue TargetCpa TargetImpressionShare TargetRoas TargetSpend PercentCpc TargetCpm BiddingStrategy EnhancedCpc MaximizeConversions MaximizeConversionValue TargetCpa TargetImpressionShare TargetRoas TargetSpend

Campaign criteria

CampaignCriterion KeywordInfo PlacementInfo MobileAppCategoryInfo MobileApplicationInfo LocationInfo DeviceInfo AdScheduleInfo AgeRangeInfo GenderInfo IncomeRangeInfo ParentalStatusInfo UserListInfo YouTubeVideoInfo YouTubeChannelInfo ProximityInfo TopicInfo ListingScopeInfo LanguageInfo IpBlockInfo ContentLabelInfo CarrierInfo UserInterestInfo WebpageInfo OperatingSystemVersionInfo MobileDeviceInfo LocationGroupInfo CustomAffinityInfo CustomAudienceInfo CombinedAudienceInfo

Ad group ads

AdGroupAd Ad TextAdInfo ExpandedTextAdInfo CallOnlyAdInfo ExpandedDynamicSearchAdInfo HotelAdInfo ShoppingSmartAdInfo ShoppingProductAdInfo GmailAdInfo ImageAdInfo VideoAdInfo VideoResponsiveAdInfo ResponsiveSearchAdInfo LegacyResponsiveDisplayAdInfo AppAdInfo LegacyAppInstallAdInfo ResponsiveDisplayAdInfo LocalAdInfo DisplayUploadAdInfo AppEngagementAdInfo ShoppingComparisonListingAdInfo


AdGroup int64 int64 int64 int64 int64 int64

Ad group criteria

AdGroupCriterion int64 int64 int64 int64 KeywordInfo PlacementInfo MobileAppCategoryInfo MobileApplicationInfo ListingGroupInfo AgeRangeInfo GenderInfo IncomeRangeInfo ParentalStatusInfo UserListInfo YouTubeVideoInfo YouTubeChannelInfo TopicInfo UserInterestInfo WebpageInfo AppPaymentModelInfo CustomAffinityInfo CustomIntentInfo CustomAudienceInfo CombinedAudienceInfo

Ad group bid modifiers

AdGroupBidModifier HotelDateSelectionTypeInfo HotelAdvanceBookingWindowInfo HotelLengthOfStayInfo HotelCheckInDayInfo