Guia do desenvolvedor sobre a Posição instantânea para Android

Saiba como usar a API Instant Placement nos seus próprios apps.


Verifique se você entendeu os conceitos fundamentais de RA e como configurar uma sessão do ARCore antes de continuar.

Configurar uma nova sessão com o Instant Placement

Em uma nova sessão do ARCore, ative o Instant Placement mode.


// Create the ARCore session.
public void createSession() {
  session = new Session(applicationContext);
  Config config = new Config(session);
  // Set the Instant Placement mode.


// Create the ARCore session.
fun createSession() {
  session = Session(applicationContext);
  val config = Config(session)
  // Set the Instant Placement mode.
  config.instantPlacementMode = Config.InstantPlacementMode.LOCAL_Y_UP

Colocar um objeto

Use Frame.hitTestInstantPlacement() para criar um ponto de posicionamento instantâneo rastreável com base em uma posição de toque na tela. Recupere a pose atual com o método getPose().


private placementIsDone = false;

public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) {
  Frame frame = session.update();

  // Place an object on tap.
  if (!placementIsDone && didUserTap()) {
    // Use estimated distance from the user's device to the real world, based
    // on expected user interaction and behavior.
    float approximateDistanceMeters = 2.0f;
    // Performs a ray cast given a screen tap position.
    List<HitResult> results =
      frame.hitTestInstantPlacement(tapX, tapY, approximateDistanceMeters);
    if (!results.isEmpty()) {
      InstantPlacementPoint point = (InstantPlacementPoint) results.get(0).getTrackable();
      // Create an Anchor from the point's pose.
      Anchor anchor = point.createAnchor(point.getPose());
      placementIsDone = true;


var placementIsDone = false;

fun onDrawFrame(gl: GL10) {
  val frame = session.update();

  // Place an object on tap.
  if (!placementIsDone && didUserTap()) {
    // Use estimated distance from the user's device to the real world, based
    // on expected user interaction and behavior.
    val approximateDistanceMeters = 2.0f;
    // Performs a ray cast given a screen tap position.
    val results = frame.hitTestInstantPlacement(tapX, tapY, approximateDistanceMeters)
    if (results.isNotEmpty()) {
      val point = results[0].trackable as InstantPlacementPoint
      // Create an Anchor from the point's pose.
      val anchor = point.createAnchor(point.pose)
      placementIsDone = true

A Posição instantânea oferece suporte ao rastreamento do espaço da tela com distância aproximada, alternando automaticamente para o rastreamento completo quando o ponto da Posição instantânea está ancorado no mundo real. Recupere a pose atual com getPose(). Acesse o método de acompanhamento atual com getTrackingMethod().

Embora o ARCore possa realizar testes de hit da Posição instantânea em superfícies de qualquer orientação, os resultados de hits sempre retornam uma pose com +Y para cima, em relação à direção da gravidade. Em superfícies horizontais, testes de hit retornam posições precisas muito mais rápido.

Suavizar a transição do método de acompanhamento

Quando a profundidade verdadeira estiver disponível, o ARCore vai mudar o método de rastreamento de um InstantPlacementPoint de SCREENSPACE_WITH_APPROXIMATE_DISTANCE para FULL_TRACKING. A pose do ponto também vai mudar para refletir a profundidade real. Isso pode fazer com que o objeto pareça aumentar ou encolher. Para evitar essa mudança repentina, adicione um wrapper InstantPlacementPoint.


// Wrapper class to track state to reduce sudden visual changes in object size
class WrappedInstantPlacement {
  public InstantPlacementPoint point;
  public InstantPlacementPoint.TrackingMethod previousTrackingMethod;
  public float previousDistanceToCamera;
  public float scaleFactor = 1.0f;

  public WrappedInstantPlacement(
      InstantPlacementPoint point,
      InstantPlacementPoint.TrackingMethod previousTrackingMethod,
      float previousDistanceToCamera) {
    this.point = point;
    this.previousTrackingMethod = previousTrackingMethod;
    this.previousDistanceToCamera = previousDistanceToCamera;


// Wrapper class to track state to reduce sudden visual changes in object size
class WrappedInstantPlacement(
  var point: InstantPlacementPoint,
  var previousTrackingMethod: InstantPlacementPoint.TrackingMethod,
  var previousDistanceToCamera: Float,
  var scaleFactor: Float = 1.0f

Em seguida, adicione o seguinte à sua atividade.


List<WrappedInstantPlacement> wrappedPoints = new ArrayList<>();

public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) {
  Frame frame = session.update();
  Camera camera = frame.getCamera();

  // Place an object on tap.
  if (didUserTap()) {
    // Instant Placement should only be applied if no results are available through hitTest.
    List<HitResult> results = frame.hitTest(tapX, tapY);
    if (results.isEmpty()) {
      // Use the estimated distance from the user's device to the closest
      // available surface, based on expected user interaction and behavior.
      float approximateDistanceMeters = 2.0f;

      // Returns a single result if the hit test was successful.
      results =
          frame.hitTestInstantPlacement(tapX, tapY, approximateDistanceMeters);
      if (!results.isEmpty()) {
        // Instant placement was successful.
        InstantPlacementPoint point = (InstantPlacementPoint) results.get(0).getTrackable();
        wrappedPoints.add(new WrappedInstantPlacement(point, point.getTrackingMethod(),
          distance(camera.getPose(), point.getPose())));
    } else {
      // results contain valid hit tests which can be used directly, so instant placement is not required.

  for (WrappedInstantPlacement wrappedPoint : wrappedPoints) {
    InstantPlacementPoint point = wrappedPoint.point;
    if (point.getTrackingState() == TrackingState.STOPPED) {
    if (point.getTrackingState() == TrackingState.PAUSED) {

    if (point.getTrackingMethod() == TrackingMethod.SCREENSPACE_WITH_APPROXIMATE_DISTANCE) {
       // Continue to use the estimated depth and pose. Record the distance to
       // the camera for use in the next frame if the transition to full
       // tracking happens.
       wrappedPoint.previousDistanceToCamera = distance(point.getPose(), camera.getPose());
    else if (point.getTrackingMethod() == TrackingMethod.FULL_TRACKING) {
      if (wrappedPoint.previousTrackingMethod == TrackingMethod.SCREENSPACE_WITH_APPROXIMATE_DISTANCE) {
        // Change from the estimated pose to the accurate pose. Adjust the
        // object scale to counteract the apparent change due to pose jump.
        wrappedPoint.scaleFactor = distance(point.getPose(), camera.getPose()) /
        // Apply the scale factor to the model.
        // ...
        wrappedPoint.previousTrackingMethod = TrackingMethod.FULL_TRACKING;

float distance(Pose p, Pose q) {
  return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p.tx() - q.tx(), 2) + Math.pow(p.ty() - q.ty(), 2) + Math.pow( -, 2));


var wrappedPoints = mutableListOf<WrappedInstantPlacement>()

fun onDrawFrame(gl: GL10?) {
  val frame = session.update()
  val camera =

  // Place an object on tap.
  if (didUserTap()) {
    // Instant Placement should only be applied if no results are available through hitTest.
    var results = frame.hitTest(tapX, tapY);
    if (results.isEmpty()) {
      // Use the estimated distance from the user's device to the closest
      // available surface, based on expected user interaction and behavior.
      val approximateDistanceMeters = 2.0f;

      // Returns a single result if the hit test was successful.
      results = frame.hitTestInstantPlacement(tapX, tapY, approximateDistanceMeters);
      if (results.isNotEmpty()) {
        // Instant placement was successful.
        val point = results[0].trackable as InstantPlacementPoint
        val wrapped = WrappedInstantPlacement(point, point.trackingMethod, point.pose.distance(camera.pose))
    } else {
      // Results contain valid hit tests which can be used directly, so Instant Placement 
      // is not required.

  loop@ for (wrappedPoint in wrappedPoints) {
    val point = wrappedPoint.point
    when {
      point.trackingState == TrackingState.STOPPED -> {
      point.trackingState == TrackingState.PAUSED -> continue@loop
      point.trackingMethod == TrackingMethod.SCREENSPACE_WITH_APPROXIMATE_DISTANCE -> {
        // Continue to use the estimated depth and pose. Record the distance to
        // the camera for use in the next frame if the transition to full
        // tracking happens.
        wrappedPoint.previousDistanceToCamera = point.pose.distance(camera.pose)
      wrappedPoint.previousTrackingMethod == TrackingMethod.SCREENSPACE_WITH_APPROXIMATE_DISTANCE &&
      point.trackingMethod == TrackingMethod.FULL_TRACKING -> {
        // Change from the estimated pose to the accurate pose. Adjust the
        // object scale to counteract the apparent change due to pose jump.
        wrappedPoint.scaleFactor =
          point.pose.distance(camera.pose) / wrappedPoint.previousDistanceToCamera
        // Apply the scale factor to the model.
        // ...
        wrappedPoint.previousTrackingMethod = TrackingMethod.FULL_TRACKING

fun Pose.distance(other: Pose) = sqrt(
  (tx() - other.tx()).pow(2.0f) + (ty() - other.ty()).pow(2.0f) + (tz() -

Aumente a eficiência após o posicionamento do objeto

Desative a colocação instantânea quando o objeto estiver na posição correta para economizar ciclos de CPU e energia.


void disableInstantPlacement() {
  Config config = new Config(session);


fun disableInstantPlacement() {
  val config = Config(session)
  // Set the Instant Placement mode.
  config.instantPlacementMode = Config.InstantPlacementMode.DISABLED