Panduan developer Augmented Faces untuk Android

Pelajari cara menggunakan fitur Augmented Faces di aplikasi Anda sendiri.


Pastikan Anda memahami konsep AR dasar dan cara mengonfigurasi sesi ARCore sebelum melanjutkan.

Menggunakan Augmented Face di Android

  1. Mengonfigurasi sesi ARCore
  2. Mendapatkan akses ke wajah yang terdeteksi

Mengonfigurasi sesi ARCore

Pilih kamera depan di sesi ARCore yang ada untuk mulai menggunakan Augmented Faces. Perhatikan bahwa memilih kamera depan akan menyebabkan sejumlah perubahan pada perilaku ARCore.


// Set a camera configuration that usese the front-facing camera.
CameraConfigFilter filter =
    new CameraConfigFilter(session).setFacingDirection(CameraConfig.FacingDirection.FRONT);
CameraConfig cameraConfig = session.getSupportedCameraConfigs(filter).get(0);


// Set a camera configuration that usese the front-facing camera.
val filter = CameraConfigFilter(session).setFacingDirection(CameraConfig.FacingDirection.FRONT)
val cameraConfig = session.getSupportedCameraConfigs(filter)[0]
session.cameraConfig = cameraConfig

Aktifkan AugmentedFaceMode:


Config config = new Config(session);


val config = Config(session)
config.augmentedFaceMode = Config.AugmentedFaceMode.MESH3D

Orientasi mesh wajah

Perhatikan orientasi mesh wajah:

Mengakses wajah yang terdeteksi

Dapatkan Trackable untuk setiap frame. Trackable adalah sesuatu yang dapat dilacak ARCore dan Anchor yang dapat dilampirkan.


// ARCore's face detection works best on upright faces, relative to gravity.
Collection<AugmentedFace> faces = session.getAllTrackables(AugmentedFace.class);


// ARCore's face detection works best on upright faces, relative to gravity.
val faces = session.getAllTrackables(

Dapatkan TrackingState untuk setiap Trackable. Jika yang ditampilkan adalah TRACKING, maka posenya saat ini dikenal oleh ARCore.


for (AugmentedFace face : faces) {
  if (face.getTrackingState() == TrackingState.TRACKING) {
    // UVs and indices can be cached as they do not change during the session.
    FloatBuffer uvs = face.getMeshTextureCoordinates();
    ShortBuffer indices = face.getMeshTriangleIndices();
    // Center and region poses, mesh vertices, and normals are updated each frame.
    Pose facePose = face.getCenterPose();
    FloatBuffer faceVertices = face.getMeshVertices();
    FloatBuffer faceNormals = face.getMeshNormals();
    // Render the face using these values with OpenGL.


faces.forEach { face ->
  if (face.trackingState == TrackingState.TRACKING) {
    // UVs and indices can be cached as they do not change during the session.
    val uvs = face.meshTextureCoordinates
    val indices = face.meshTriangleIndices
    // Center and region poses, mesh vertices, and normals are updated each frame.
    val facePose = face.centerPose
    val faceVertices = face.meshVertices
    val faceNormals = face.meshNormals
    // Render the face using these values with OpenGL.