Refresh a list with the refresh button

The optional refresh button on the Place List templates lets users refresh the list content to be relevant to a new area of the map. (Note: vehicle OEMs can opt to hide this button on AAOS.)

The new area might appear when a user pans to it, as shown below, or when the user drives out of the area referenced by the initial list content. The refresh button lets users update the list to apply to the new map area.

Sample flow

User action Where action is performed Step count after action
The user pans on the map to look for places in another area. Place List (navigation) template
Place List (navigation) template with 3 destinations and a refresh button
After panning to a new area on the map, the user presses the refresh button. Place List (navigation) template (refresh)
Place List (navigation) template with 3 destinations and a refresh button
The app displays a loading state while sending new content that is based on the new coordinates showing on the map. Place List (navigation) template (second refresh)
Place List (navigation) template in the middle of a refresh
The app displays new list content relevant to the new map coordinates. Place List (navigation) template (third refresh)
Place List (navigation) template with 3 destinations and a refresh button