Google 雲端硬碟活動服務

Google 雲端硬碟活動服務能讓您在 Apps Script 中使用 Google Drive Activity API。這個 API 可讓使用者透過程式輔助方式存取 Google 雲端硬碟活動資訊,


如要進一步瞭解這項服務,請參閱 Google Drive Activity API 的參考說明文件。如同 Apps Script 的所有進階服務,Google 雲端硬碟活動服務會使用與公用 API 相同的物件、方法和參數。詳情請參閱「如何判定方法簽章」一文。

如要回報問題及尋求其他支援,請參閱 Google 雲端硬碟活動支援指南


下方程式碼範例使用第 2 版的 API。

取得 Google 雲端硬碟中的活動

這個範例會取得使用者 Google 雲端硬碟中的近期活動,並記錄每個活動的時間、執行者、動作和目標等相關資訊。

 * Lists 10 activity for a Drive user.
 * @see
function listDriveActivity() {
  const request = {
    pageSize: 10
    // Use other parameter here if needed.
  try {
    // Activity.query method is used Query past activity in Google Drive.
    const response = DriveActivity.Activity.query(request);
    const activities = response.activities;
    if (!activities || activities.length === 0) {
      console.log('No activity.');
    console.log('Recent activity:');
    for (const activity of activities) {
      // get time information of activity.
      const time = getTimeInfo(activity);
      // get the action details/information
      const action = getActionInfo(activity.primaryActionDetail);
      // get the actor's details of activity
      const actors =;
      // get target information of activity.
      const targets =;
      // print the time,actor,action and targets of drive activity.
      console.log('%s: %s, %s, %s', time, actors, action, targets);
  } catch (err) {
    // TODO (developer) - Handle error from drive activity API
    console.log('Failed with an error %s', err.message);

 * @param {object} object
 * @return {string}  Returns the name of a set property in an object, or else "unknown".
function getOneOf(object) {
  for (const key in object) {
    return key;
  return 'unknown';

 * @param {object} activity Activity object.
 * @return {string} Returns a time associated with an activity.
function getTimeInfo(activity) {
  if ('timestamp' in activity) {
    return activity.timestamp;
  if ('timeRange' in activity) {
    return activity.timeRange.endTime;
  return 'unknown';

 * @param {object} actionDetail The primary action details of the activity.
 * @return {string} Returns the type of action.
function getActionInfo(actionDetail) {
  return getOneOf(actionDetail);

 * @param {object} user The User object.
 * @return {string}  Returns user information, or the type of user if not a known user.
function getUserInfo(user) {
  if ('knownUser' in user) {
    const knownUser = user.knownUser;
    const isMe = knownUser.isCurrentUser || false;
    return isMe ? 'people/me' : knownUser.personName;
  return getOneOf(user);

 * @param {object} actor The Actor object.
 * @return {string} Returns actor information, or the type of actor if not a user.
function getActorInfo(actor) {
  if ('user' in actor) {
    return getUserInfo(actor.user);
  return getOneOf(actor);

 * @param {object} target The Target object.
 * @return {string} Returns the type of a target and an associated title.
function getTargetInfo(target) {
  if ('driveItem' in target) {
    const title = target.driveItem.title || 'unknown';
    return 'driveItem:"' + title + '"';
  if ('drive' in target) {
    const title = || 'unknown';
    return 'drive:"' + title + '"';
  if ('fileComment' in target) {
    const parent = target.fileComment.parent || {};
    const title = parent.title || 'unknown';
    return 'fileComment:"' + title + '"';
  return getOneOf(target) + ':unknown';