Recommended events

Google Analytics sends some event types automatically. This page describes optional, additional events you can configure to measure more behaviors and generate more useful reports for your business. These additional events take more effort to configure before you can use them, so Google Analytics 4 can't send them automatically. For step-by-step instructions on how to configure recommended and custom events for your website or app, see Set up events.

To view details of each event you can use, select your tag management platform:


This event signifies a user has submitted their payment information in an ecommerce checkout process.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

Value metrics on the view_item event to not contribute to revenue

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* Set value to the sum of (price * quantity) for all items in items. Don't include shipping or tax.
* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the event.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
payment_type string No Credit Card The chosen method of payment.
items Array<Item> Yes The items for the event.

Item parameters

Name Type Required Example value Description
item_id string Yes* SKU_12345

The ID of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

item_name string Yes* Stan and Friends Tee

The name of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

affiliation string No Google Store A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.
Note: `affiliation` is only available at the item-scope.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the item.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
discount number No 2.22 The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.
index number No 5 The index/position of the item in a list.
item_brand string No Google The brand of the item.
item_category string No Apparel The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.
item_category2 string No Adult The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category3 string No Shirts The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category4 string No Crew The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category5 string No Short sleeve The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_id is used, if present.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.
item_variant string No green The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.
location_id string No ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo (the Google Place ID for San Francisco) The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.
Note: `location id` is only available at the item-scope.
price number No 10.01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.
If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.
quantity number No 3

Item quantity.

If not set, quantity is set to 1.

In addition to the prescribed parameters, you can include up to 27 custom parameters in the items array.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: add_payment_info
  • Data Layer Variables (Name - Data Layer Variable Name):
    • Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
    • Ecommerce Value - ecommerce.value
    • Ecommerce Currency - ecommerce.currency
    • Ecommerce Coupon -
    • Ecommerce Payment Type - ecommerce.payment_type
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • items - {{Ecommerce Items}}
    • value - {{Ecommerce Value}}
    • currency - {{Ecommerce Currency}}
    • coupon - {{Ecommerce Coupon}}
    • payment_type - {{Ecommerce Payment Type}}
  • Trigger: event equals add_payment_info

Trigger configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Custom Event
  • Event Name: add_payment_info
  • This trigger fires on: All Custom Events
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
  event: "add_payment_info",
  ecommerce: {
    currency: "USD",
    value: 30.03,
    coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
    payment_type: "Credit Card",
    items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 2.22,
      index: 0,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "green",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 10.01,
      quantity: 3


This event signifies a user has submitted their shipping information in an ecommerce checkout process.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

Value metrics on the view_item event to not contribute to revenue

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* Set value to the sum of (price * quantity) for all items in items. Don't include shipping or tax.
* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the event.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
shipping_tier string No Ground The shipping tier (e.g. Ground, Air, Next-day) selected for delivery of the purchased item.
items Array<Item> Yes The items for the event.

Item parameters

Name Type Required Example value Description
item_id string Yes* SKU_12345

The ID of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

item_name string Yes* Stan and Friends Tee

The name of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

affiliation string No Google Store A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.
Note: `affiliation` is only available at the item-scope.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the item.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
discount number No 2.22 The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.
index number No 5 The index/position of the item in a list.
item_brand string No Google The brand of the item.
item_category string No Apparel The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.
item_category2 string No Adult The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category3 string No Shirts The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category4 string No Crew The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category5 string No Short sleeve The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_id is used, if present.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.
item_variant string No green The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.
location_id string No ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo (the Google Place ID for San Francisco) The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.
Note: `location id` is only available at the item-scope.
price number No 10.01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.
If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.
quantity number No 3

Item quantity.

If not set, quantity is set to 1.

In addition to the prescribed parameters, you can include up to 27 custom parameters in the items array.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: add_shipping_info
  • Data Layer Variables (Name - Data Layer Variable Name):
    • Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
    • Ecommerce Value - ecommerce.value
    • Ecommerce Currency - ecommerce.currency
    • Ecommerce Coupon -
    • Ecommerce Shipping Tier - ecommerce.shipping_tier
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • items - {{Ecommerce Items}}
    • value - {{Ecommerce Value}}
    • currency - {{Ecommerce Currency}}
    • coupon - {{Ecommerce Coupon}}
    • shipping_tier - {{Ecommerce Shipping Tier}}
  • Trigger: event equals add_shipping_info

Trigger configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Custom Event
  • Event Name: add_shipping_info
  • This trigger fires on: All Custom Events
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
  event: "add_shipping_info",
  ecommerce: {
    currency: "USD",
    value: 30.03,
    coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
    shipping_tier: "Ground",
    items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 2.22,
      index: 0,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "green",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 10.01,
      quantity: 3


This event signifies that an item was added to a cart for purchase.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

Value metrics on the view_item event to not contribute to revenue

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* Set value to the sum of (price * quantity) for all items in items. Don't include shipping or tax.
* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.
items Array<Item> Yes The items for the event.

Item parameters

Name Type Required Example value Description
item_id string Yes* SKU_12345

The ID of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

item_name string Yes* Stan and Friends Tee

The name of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

affiliation string No Google Store A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.
Note: `affiliation` is only available at the item-scope.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the item.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
discount number No 2.22 The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.
index number No 5 The index/position of the item in a list.
item_brand string No Google The brand of the item.
item_category string No Apparel The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.
item_category2 string No Adult The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category3 string No Shirts The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category4 string No Crew The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category5 string No Short sleeve The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_id is used, if present.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.
item_variant string No green The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.
location_id string No ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo (the Google Place ID for San Francisco) The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.
Note: `location id` is only available at the item-scope.
price number No 10.01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.
If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.
quantity number No 3

Item quantity.

If not set, quantity is set to 1.

In addition to the prescribed parameters, you can include up to 27 custom parameters in the items array.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: add_to_cart
  • Data Layer Variables (Name - Data Layer Variable Name):
    • Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
    • Ecommerce Value - ecommerce.value
    • Ecommerce Currency - ecommerce.currency
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • items - {{Ecommerce Items}}
    • value - {{Ecommerce Value}}
    • currency - {{Ecommerce Currency}}
  • Trigger: event equals add_to_cart

Trigger configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Custom Event
  • Event Name: add_to_cart
  • This trigger fires on: All Custom Events
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
  event: "add_to_cart",
  ecommerce: {
    currency: "USD",
    value: 30.03,
    items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 2.22,
      index: 0,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "green",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 10.01,
      quantity: 3


The event signifies that an item was added to a wishlist. Use this event to identify popular gift items in your app.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

Value metrics on the view_item event to not contribute to revenue

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* Set value to the sum of (price * quantity) for all items in items. Don't include shipping or tax.
* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.
items Array<Item> Yes The items for the event.

Item parameters

Name Type Required Example value Description
item_id string Yes* SKU_12345

The ID of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

item_name string Yes* Stan and Friends Tee

The name of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

affiliation string No Google Store A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.
Note: `affiliation` is only available at the item-scope.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the item.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
discount number No 2.22 The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.
index number No 5 The index/position of the item in a list.
item_brand string No Google The brand of the item.
item_category string No Apparel The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.
item_category2 string No Adult The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category3 string No Shirts The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category4 string No Crew The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category5 string No Short sleeve The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_id is used, if present.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.
item_variant string No green The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.
location_id string No ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo (the Google Place ID for San Francisco) The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.
Note: `location id` is only available at the item-scope.
price number No 10.01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.
If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.
quantity number No 3

Item quantity.

If not set, quantity is set to 1.

In addition to the prescribed parameters, you can include up to 27 custom parameters in the items array.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: add_to_wishlist
  • Data Layer Variables (Name - Data Layer Variable Name):
    • Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
    • Ecommerce Value - ecommerce.value
    • Ecommerce Currency - ecommerce.currency
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • items - {{Ecommerce Items}}
    • value - {{Ecommerce Value}}
    • currency - {{Ecommerce Currency}}
  • Trigger: event equals add_to_wishlist

Trigger configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Custom Event
  • Event Name: add_to_wishlist
  • This trigger fires on: All Custom Events
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
  event: "add_to_wishlist",
  ecommerce: {
    currency: "USD",
    value: 30.03,
    items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 2.22,
      index: 0,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "green",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 10.01,
      quantity: 3


This event signifies that a user has begun a checkout.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

Value metrics on the view_item event to not contribute to revenue

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* Set value to the sum of (price * quantity) for all items in items. Don't include shipping or tax.
* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the event.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
items Array<Item> Yes The items for the event.

Item parameters

Name Type Required Example value Description
item_id string Yes* SKU_12345

The ID of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

item_name string Yes* Stan and Friends Tee

The name of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

affiliation string No Google Store A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.
Note: `affiliation` is only available at the item-scope.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the item.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
discount number No 2.22 The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.
index number No 5 The index/position of the item in a list.
item_brand string No Google The brand of the item.
item_category string No Apparel The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.
item_category2 string No Adult The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category3 string No Shirts The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category4 string No Crew The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category5 string No Short sleeve The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_id is used, if present.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.
item_variant string No green The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.
location_id string No ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo (the Google Place ID for San Francisco) The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.
Note: `location id` is only available at the item-scope.
price number No 10.01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.
If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.
quantity number No 3

Item quantity.

If not set, quantity is set to 1.

In addition to the prescribed parameters, you can include up to 27 custom parameters in the items array.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: begin_checkout
  • Data Layer Variables (Name - Data Layer Variable Name):
    • Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
    • Ecommerce Value - ecommerce.value
    • Ecommerce Currency - ecommerce.currency
    • Ecommerce Coupon -
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • items - {{Ecommerce Items}}
    • value - {{Ecommerce Value}}
    • currency - {{Ecommerce Currency}}
    • coupon - {{Ecommerce Coupon}}
  • Trigger: event equals begin_checkout

Trigger configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Custom Event
  • Event Name: begin_checkout
  • This trigger fires on: All Custom Events
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
  event: "begin_checkout",
  ecommerce: {
    currency: "USD",
    value: 30.03,
    coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
    items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 2.22,
      index: 0,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "green",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 10.01,
      quantity: 3


This event measures when a lead has been converted and closed (for example, through a purchase).


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the value of the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: close_convert_lead
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • currency - USD
    • value - 30.03
  • Trigger the event when the user became a converted lead (a customer)


This event measures when a user is marked as not becoming a converted lead, along with the reason.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the value of the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.
unconvert_lead_reason string No Never responded The reason the lead was unconverted.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: close_unconvert_lead
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • currency - USD
    • value - 30.03
  • Trigger the event when a user is marked as not becoming a converted lead for one of several reasons


This event measures when a user is marked as disqualified to become a lead, along with the reason for the disqualification.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the value of the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.
disqualified_lead_reason string No Not looking to buy The reason a lead was marked as disqualified.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: disqualify_lead
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • currency - USD
    • value - 30.03
    • disqualified_lead_reason - Not looking to buy
  • Trigger the event when a user is marked as disqualified to become a lead for one of several reasons


This event measures when a user is awarded virtual currency in a game. Log this along with spend_virtual_currency to better understand your virtual economy.


Name Type Required Example value Description
virtual_currency_name string No Gems The name of the virtual currency.
value number No 5 The value of the virtual currency.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: earn_virtual_currency
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • virtual_currency_name - Gems
    • value - 5
  • Trigger the event when someone is awarded virtual currency


This event measures when a lead has been generated (for example, through a form). Log this to understand the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and how many customers re-engage with your business after remarketing to the customers.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the value of the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.
lead_source string No Trade show The source of the lead.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: generate_lead
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • currency - USD
    • value - 30.03
    • lead_source - Trade show
  • Trigger the event when a lead has been generated


Log this event when a user joins a group such as a guild, team, or family. Use this event to analyze how popular certain groups or social features are.


Name Type Required Example value Description
group_id string No G_12345 The ID of the group.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: join_group
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • group_id - G_12345
  • Trigger the event when a user joins a group


This event signifies that a player has reached the end of a level in a game.


Name Type Required Example value Description
level_name string No The journey begins... The name of the level.
success boolean No true Set to true if the level was completed successfully.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: level_end
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • level_name - The journey begins...
    • success - true
  • Trigger when a player has reached the end of a level (e.g., the level confirmation page)


This event signifies that a player has started a level in a game.


Name Type Required Example value Description
level_name string No The journey begins... The name of the level.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: level_start
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • level_name - The journey begins...
  • Trigger when someone starts a new level (e.g., the level start page)


This event signifies that a player has leveled up in a game. Use it to gauge the level distribution of your user base and identify levels that are difficult to complete.


Name Type Required Example value Description
level number No 5 The level of the character.
character string No Player 1 The character that leveled up.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: level_up
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • level - 5
    • character - Player 1
  • Trigger when a player has leveled up


Send this event to signify that a user has logged in to your website or app.


Name Type Required Example value Description
method string No Google The method used to login.


Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: login
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • method - Google
  • Trigger when a user has logged in


Send this event when the user posts a score. Use this event to understand how users are performing in your game and correlate high scores with audiences or behaviors.


Name Type Required Example value Description
score number Yes 10000 The score to post.
level number No 5 The level for the score.
character string No Player 1 The character that achieved the score.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: post_score
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • score - 10000
    • level - 5
    • character - Player 1
  • Trigger when the user posts a score


This event signifies when one or more items is purchased by a user.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

Value metrics on the view_item event to not contribute to revenue

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* Set value to the sum of (price * quantity) for all items in items. Don't include shipping or tax.
* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.
transaction_id string Yes T_12345 The unique identifier of a transaction.

The transaction_id parameter helps you avoid getting duplicate events for a purchase.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the event.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
shipping number No 3.33 Shipping cost associated with a transaction.
tax number No 1.11 Tax cost associated with a transaction.
items Array<Item> Yes The items for the event.

Item parameters

Name Type Required Example value Description
item_id string Yes* SKU_12345

The ID of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

item_name string Yes* Stan and Friends Tee

The name of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

affiliation string No Google Store A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.
Note: `affiliation` is only available at the item-scope.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the item.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
discount number No 2.22 The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.
index number No 5 The index/position of the item in a list.
item_brand string No Google The brand of the item.
item_category string No Apparel The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.
item_category2 string No Adult The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category3 string No Shirts The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category4 string No Crew The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category5 string No Short sleeve The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_id is used, if present.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.
item_variant string No green The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.
location_id string No ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo (the Google Place ID for San Francisco) The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.
Note: `location id` is only available at the item-scope.
price number No 10.01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.
If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.
quantity number No 3

Item quantity.

If not set, quantity is set to 1.

In addition to the prescribed parameters, you can include up to 27 custom parameters in the items array.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: purchase
    • Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
    • Ecommerce Transaction ID - ecommerce.transaction_id
    • Ecommerce Value - ecommerce.value
    • Ecommerce Tax -
    • Ecommerce Shipping - ecommerce.shipping
    • Ecommerce Currency - ecommerce.currency
    • Ecommerce Coupon -
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • items - {{Ecommerce Items}}
    • transaction_id - {{Ecommerce Transaction ID}}
    • value - {{Ecommerce Value}}
    • tax - {{Ecommerce Tax}}
    • shipping - {{Ecommerce Shipping}}
    • currency - {{Ecommerce Currency}}
    • coupon - {{Ecommerce Coupon}}
  • Trigger: event equals purchase

Trigger configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Custom Event
  • Event Name: purchase
  • This trigger fires on: All Custom Events
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
  event: "purchase",
  ecommerce: {
    transaction_id: "T_12345",
    // Sum of (price * quantity) for all items.
    value: 72.05,
    tax: 3.60,
    shipping: 5.99,
    currency: "USD",
    coupon: "SUMMER_SALE",
    items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 2.22,
      index: 0,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "green",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 10.01,
      quantity: 3
      item_id: "SKU_12346",
      item_name: "Google Grey Women's Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 3.33,
      index: 1,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "gray",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 21.01,
      promotion_id: "P_12345",
      promotion_name: "Summer Sale",
      quantity: 2


This event measures when a user is marked as meeting the criteria to become a qualified lead.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the value of the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: qualify_lead
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • currency - USD
    • value - 30.03
  • Trigger the event when a user is marked as fitting the criteria to become a qualified lead


This event signifies when one or more items is refunded to a user.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

Value metrics on the view_item event to not contribute to revenue

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
transaction_id string Yes T_12345 The unique identifier of a transaction.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* Set value to the sum of (price * quantity) for all items in items. Don't include shipping or tax.
* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the event.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
shipping number No 3.33 Shipping cost associated with a transaction.
tax number No 1.11 Tax cost associated with a transaction.
items Array<Item> No* The items for the event.

Item parameters

Name Type Required Example value Description
item_id string Yes* SKU_12345

The ID of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

item_name string Yes* Stan and Friends Tee

The name of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

affiliation string No Google Store A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.
Note: `affiliation` is only available at the item-scope.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the item.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
discount number No 2.22 The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.
index number No 5 The index/position of the item in a list.
item_brand string No Google The brand of the item.
item_category string No Apparel The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.
item_category2 string No Adult The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category3 string No Shirts The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category4 string No Crew The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category5 string No Short sleeve The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_id is used, if present.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.
item_variant string No green The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.
location_id string No ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo (the Google Place ID for San Francisco) The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.
Note: `location id` is only available at the item-scope.
price number No 10.01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.
If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.
quantity number No 3

Item quantity.

If not set, quantity is set to 1.

In addition to the prescribed parameters, you can include up to 27 custom parameters in the items array.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: refund
  • Data Layer Variables (Name - Data Layer Variable Name):
    • Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
    • Ecommerce Transaction ID - ecommerce.transaction_id
    • Ecommerce Value - ecommerce.value
    • Ecommerce Tax -
    • Ecommerce Shipping - ecommerce.shipping
    • Ecommerce Currency - ecommerce.currency
    • Ecommerce Coupon -
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • items - {{Ecommerce Items}}
    • transaction_id - {{Ecommerce Transaction ID}}
    • value - {{Ecommerce Value}}
    • tax - {{Ecommerce Tax}}
    • shipping - {{Ecommerce Shipping}}
    • currency - {{Ecommerce Currency}}
    • coupon - {{Ecommerce Coupon}}
  • Trigger: event equals refund

Trigger configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Custom Event
  • Event Name: refund
  • This trigger fires on: All Custom Events
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
  event: "refund",
  ecommerce: {
    currency: "USD",
    transaction_id: "T_12345", // Transaction ID. Required for purchases and refunds.
    value: 30.03,
    coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
    shipping: 3.33,
    tax: 1.11,
    items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 2.22,
      index: 0,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "green",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 10.01,
      quantity: 3


This event signifies that an item was removed from a cart.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

Value metrics on the view_item event to not contribute to revenue

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* Set value to the sum of (price * quantity) for all items in items. Don't include shipping or tax.
* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.
items Array<Item> Yes The items for the event.

Item parameters

Name Type Required Example value Description
item_id string Yes* SKU_12345

The ID of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

item_name string Yes* Stan and Friends Tee

The name of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

affiliation string No Google Store A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.
Note: `affiliation` is only available at the item-scope.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the item.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
discount number No 2.22 The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.
index number No 5 The index/position of the item in a list.
item_brand string No Google The brand of the item.
item_category string No Apparel The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.
item_category2 string No Adult The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category3 string No Shirts The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category4 string No Crew The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category5 string No Short sleeve The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_id is used, if present.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.
item_variant string No green The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.
location_id string No ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo (the Google Place ID for San Francisco) The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.
Note: `location id` is only available at the item-scope.
price number No 10.01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.
If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.
quantity number No 3

Item quantity.

If not set, quantity is set to 1.

In addition to the prescribed parameters, you can include up to 27 custom parameters in the items array.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: remove_from_cart
  • Data Layer Variables (Name - Data Layer Variable Name):
    • Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
    • Ecommerce Value - ecommerce.value
    • Ecommerce Currency - ecommerce.currency
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • items - {{Ecommerce Items}}
    • value - {{Ecommerce Value}}
    • currency - {{Ecommerce Currency}}
  • Trigger: event equals remove_from_cart

Trigger configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Custom Event
  • Event Name: remove_from_cart
  • This trigger fires on: All Custom Events
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
  event: "remove_from_cart",
  ecommerce: {
    currency: "USD",
    value: 30.03,
    items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 2.22,
      index: 0,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "green",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 10.01,
      quantity: 3

Log this event to indicate when the user has performed a search. You can use this event to identify what users are searching for on your website or app. For example, you could send this event when a user views a search results page after performing a search.


Name Type Required Example value Description
search_term string Yes t-shirts The term that was searched for.

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: search
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • search_term - t-shirts
  • Trigger when a user searches on your website


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: search
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • search_term - t-shirts
  • Trigger when a user searches on your website


This event signifies that a user has selected some content of a certain type. This event can help you identify popular content and categories of content on your website or app.


Name Type Required Example value Description
content_type string No product The type of selected content.
content_id string No C_12345 An identifier for the content that was selected.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: select_content
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • content_type - product
    • content_id - C_12345
  • Trigger: event equals select_content


This event signifies an item was selected from a list.


Name Type Required Example value Description
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

Ignored if set at the item-level.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

Ignored if set at the item-level.
items Array<Item> Yes* The items for the event.

* The items array is expected to have a single element, representing the selected item. If multiple elements are provided, only the first element in items will be used.

Item parameters

Name Type Required Example value Description
item_id string Yes* SKU_12345

The ID of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

item_name string Yes* Stan and Friends Tee

The name of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

affiliation string No Google Store A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.
Note: `affiliation` is only available at the item-scope.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the item.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
discount number No 2.22 The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.
index number No 5 The index/position of the item in a list.
item_brand string No Google The brand of the item.
item_category string No Apparel The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.
item_category2 string No Adult The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category3 string No Shirts The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category4 string No Crew The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category5 string No Short sleeve The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_id is used, if present.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.
item_variant string No green The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.
location_id string No ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo (the Google Place ID for San Francisco) The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.
Note: `location id` is only available at the item-scope.
price number No 10.01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.
If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.
quantity number No 3

Item quantity.

If not set, quantity is set to 1.

In addition to the prescribed parameters, you can include up to 27 custom parameters in the items array.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: select_item
  • Data Layer Variables (Name - Data Layer Variable Name):
    • Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
    • Ecommerce Item List ID - ecommerce.item_list_id
    • Ecommerce Item List Name - ecommerce.item_list_name
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • items - {{Ecommerce Items}}
    • item_list_id - {{Ecommerce Item List ID}}
    • item_list_name - {{Ecommerce Item List Name}}
  • Trigger: event equals select_item

Trigger configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Custom Event
  • Event Name: select_item
  • This trigger fires on: All Custom Events
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
  event: "select_item",
  ecommerce: {
    item_list_id: "related_products",
    item_list_name: "Related products",
    items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 2.22,
      index: 0,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "green",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 10.01,
      quantity: 3


This event signifies a promotion was selected from a list.


Name Type Required Example value Description
creative_name string No summer_banner2 The name of the promotional creative.

Ignored if set at the item-level.
creative_slot string No featured_app_1 The name of the promotional creative slot associated with the event.

Ignored if set at the item-level.
promotion_id string No P_12345 The ID of the promotion associated with the event.

Ignored if set at the item-level.
promotion_name string No Summer Sale The name of the promotion associated with the event.

Ignored if set at the item-level.
items Array<Item> No The items for the event.

Item parameters

Name Type Required Example value Description
item_id string Yes* SKU_12345

The ID of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

item_name string Yes* Stan and Friends Tee

The name of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

affiliation string No Google Store A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.
Note: `affiliation` is only available at the item-scope.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the item.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
creative_name string No summer_banner2 The name of the promotional creative.

If set, event-level creative_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level creative_name is used, if present.
creative_slot string No featured_app_1 The name of the promotional creative slot associated with the item.

If set, event-level creative_slot is ignored.
If not set, event-level creative_slot is used, if present.
discount number No 2.22 The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.
index number No 5 The index/position of the item in a list.
item_brand string No Google The brand of the item.
item_category string No Apparel The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.
item_category2 string No Adult The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category3 string No Shirts The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category4 string No Crew The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category5 string No Short sleeve The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_id is used, if present.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.
item_variant string No green The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.
location_id string No ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo (the Google Place ID for San Francisco) The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.
Note: `location id` is only available at the item-scope.
price number No 10.01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.
If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.
promotion_id string No P_12345 The ID of the promotion associated with the item.

If set, event-level promotion_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level promotion_id is used, if present.
promotion_name string No Summer Sale The name of the promotion associated with the item.

If set, event-level promotion_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level promotion_name is used, if present.
quantity number No 3

Item quantity.

If not set, quantity is set to 1.

In addition to the prescribed parameters, you can include up to 27 custom parameters in the items array.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Data Layer Variables (Name - Data Layer Variable Name):
    • Ecommerce Creative Name - ecommerce.creative_name
    • Ecommerce Creative Slot - ecommerce.creative_slot
    • Ecommerce Promotion ID - ecommerce.promotion_id
    • Ecommerce Promotion Name - ecommerce.promotion_name
    • Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • creative_name - {{Ecommerce Creative Name}}
    • creative_slot - {{Ecommerce Creative Slot}}
    • promotion_id - {{Ecommerce Promotion ID}}
    • promotion_name - {{Ecommerce Promotion Name}}
    • items - {{Ecommerce Items}}
  • Variable Type: data layer Variable - 'ecommerce.items'
  • Trigger: event equals select_promotion

Trigger configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Custom Event
  • Event Name: select_promotion
  • This trigger fires on: All Custom Events
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
  event: "select_promotion",
  ecommerce: {
    creative_name: "Summer Banner",
    creative_slot: "featured_app_1",
    promotion_id: "P_12345",
    promotion_name: "Summer Sale",
    items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 2.22,
      index: 0,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "green",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 10.01,
      quantity: 3


Use this event when a user has shared content.


Name Type Required Example value Description
method string No Twitter The method in which the content is shared.
content_type string No image The type of shared content.
item_id string No C_12345 The ID of the shared content.

The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: share
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • method - Twitter
    • content_type - image
    • item_id - C_12345
  • Trigger when a user has shared content


Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: share
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • method - Twitter
    • content_type - image
    • item_id - C_12345
  • Trigger when a user has shared content


This event indicates that a user has signed up for an account. Use this event to understand the different behaviors of logged in and logged out users.


Name Type Required Example value Description
method string No Google The method used for sign up.

The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: sign_up
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • method - Google
  • Trigger when a user has signed up for an account


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: sign_up
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • method - Google
  • Trigger when a user has signed up for an account


This event measures the sale of virtual goods in your app and helps you identify which virtual goods are the most popular.


Name Type Required Example value Description
value number Yes 5 The value of the virtual currency.
virtual_currency_name string Yes Gems The name of the virtual currency.
item_name string No Starter Boost The name of the item the virtual currency is being used for.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: spend_virtual_currency
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • value - 5
    • virtual_currency_name - Gems
    • item_name - Starter Boost
  • Trigger when someone purchases a virtual good


This event signifies the start of the on-boarding process. Use this in a funnel with tutorial_complete to understand how many users complete the tutorial.


There are no parameters for this event.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: tutorial_begin
  • Trigger when someone begins the on-boarding process


This event signifies the user's completion of your on-boarding process. Use this in a funnel with tutorial_begin to understand how many users complete the tutorial.


No parameters are suggested for this event.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: tutorial_complete
  • Trigger when someone completes the on-boarding process


Log this event when the user has unlocked an achievement. This event can help you understand how users are experiencing your game.


Name Type Required Example value Description
achievement_id string Yes A_12345 The id of the achievement that was unlocked.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: unlock_achievement
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • achievement_id - A_12345
  • Trigger when a user has unlocked an achievement


This event signifies that a user viewed their cart.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

Value metrics on the view_item event to not contribute to revenue

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* Set value to the sum of (price * quantity) for all items in items. Don't include shipping or tax.
* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.
items Array<Item> Yes The items for the event.

Item parameters

Name Type Required Example value Description
item_id string Yes* SKU_12345

The ID of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

item_name string Yes* Stan and Friends Tee

The name of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

affiliation string No Google Store A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.
Note: `affiliation` is only available at the item-scope.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the item.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
discount number No 2.22 The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.
index number No 5 The index/position of the item in a list.
item_brand string No Google The brand of the item.
item_category string No Apparel The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.
item_category2 string No Adult The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category3 string No Shirts The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category4 string No Crew The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category5 string No Short sleeve The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_id is used, if present.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.
item_variant string No green The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.
location_id string No ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo (the Google Place ID for San Francisco) The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.
Note: `location id` is only available at the item-scope.
price number No 10.01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.
If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.
quantity number No 3

Item quantity.

If not set, quantity is set to 1.

In addition to the prescribed parameters, you can include up to 27 custom parameters in the items array.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: view_cart
  • Data Layer Variables (Name - Data Layer Variable Name):
    • Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
    • Ecommerce Value - ecommerce.value
    • Ecommerce Currency - ecommerce.currency
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • items - {{Ecommerce Items}}
    • value - {{Ecommerce Value}}
    • currency - {{Ecommerce Currency}}
  • Trigger: event equals view_cart

Trigger configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Custom Event
  • Event Name: view_cart
  • This trigger fires on: All Custom Events
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
  event: "view_cart",
  ecommerce: {
    currency: "USD",
    value: 30.03,
    items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 2.22,
      index: 0,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "green",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 10.01,
      quantity: 3


This event signifies that some content was shown to the user. Use this event to discover the most popular items viewed.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

Value metrics on the view_item event to not contribute to revenue

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* Set value to the sum of (price * quantity) for all items in items. Don't include shipping or tax.
* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.
items Array<Item> Yes The items for the event.

Item parameters

Name Type Required Example value Description
item_id string Yes* SKU_12345

The ID of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

item_name string Yes* Stan and Friends Tee

The name of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

affiliation string No Google Store A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.
Note: `affiliation` is only available at the item-scope.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the item.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
discount number No 2.22 The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.
index number No 5 The index/position of the item in a list.
item_brand string No Google The brand of the item.
item_category string No Apparel The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.
item_category2 string No Adult The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category3 string No Shirts The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category4 string No Crew The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category5 string No Short sleeve The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_id is used, if present.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.
item_variant string No green The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.
location_id string No ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo (the Google Place ID for San Francisco) The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.
Note: `location id` is only available at the item-scope.
price number No 10.01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.
If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.
quantity number No 3

Item quantity.

If not set, quantity is set to 1.

In addition to the prescribed parameters, you can include up to 27 custom parameters in the items array.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: view_item
  • Data Layer Variables (Name - Data Layer Variable Name):
    • Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
    • Ecommerce Value - ecommerce.value
    • Ecommerce Currency - ecommerce.currency
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • items - {{Ecommerce Items}}
    • value - {{Ecommerce Value}}
    • currency - {{Ecommerce Currency}}
  • Trigger: event equals view_item

Trigger configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Custom Event
  • Event Name: view_item
  • This trigger fires on: All Custom Events
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
  event: "view_item",
  ecommerce: {
    currency: "USD",
    value: 30.03,
    items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 2.22,
      index: 0,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "green",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 10.01,
      quantity: 3


Log this event when the user has been presented with a list of items of a certain category.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

Value metrics on the view_item event to not contribute to revenue

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

Ignored if set at the item-level.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

Ignored if set at the item-level.
items Array<Item> Yes The items for the event.

Item parameters

Name Type Required Example value Description
item_id string Yes* SKU_12345

The ID of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

item_name string Yes* Stan and Friends Tee

The name of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

affiliation string No Google Store A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.
Note: `affiliation` is only available at the item-scope.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the item.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
discount number No 2.22 The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.
index number No 5 The index/position of the item in a list.
item_brand string No Google The brand of the item.
item_category string No Apparel The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.
item_category2 string No Adult The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category3 string No Shirts The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category4 string No Crew The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category5 string No Short sleeve The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_id is used, if present.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.
item_variant string No green The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.
location_id string No ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo (the Google Place ID for San Francisco) The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.
Note: `location id` is only available at the item-scope.
price number No 10.01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.
If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.
quantity number No 3

Item quantity.

If not set, quantity is set to 1.

In addition to the prescribed parameters, you can include up to 27 custom parameters in the items array.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: view_item_list
  • Data Layer Variables (Name - Data Layer Variable Name):
    • Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
    • Ecommerce Item List ID - ecommerce.item_list_id
    • Ecommerce Item List Name - ecommerce.item_list_name
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • items - {{Ecommerce Items}}
    • item_list_id - {{Ecommerce Item List ID}}
    • item_list_name - {{Ecommerce Item List Name}}
  • Trigger: event equals view_item_list

Trigger configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Custom Event
  • Event Name: view_item_list
  • This trigger fires on: All Custom Events
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
  event: "view_item_list",
  ecommerce: {
    item_list_id: "related_products",
    item_list_name: "Related products",
    items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 2.22,
      index: 0,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "green",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 10.03,
      quantity: 3
      item_id: "SKU_12346",
      item_name: "Google Grey Women's Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 3.33,
      index: 1,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "gray",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 21.01,
      promotion_id: "P_12345",
      promotion_name: "Summer Sale",
      quantity: 2


This event signifies a promotion was viewed from a list.


Name Type Required Example value Description
creative_name string No summer_banner2 The name of the promotional creative.

Ignored if set at the item-level.
creative_slot string No featured_app_1 The name of the promotional creative slot associated with the event.

Ignored if set at the item-level.
promotion_id string No P_12345 The ID of the promotion associated with the event.

Ignored if set at the item-level.
promotion_name string No Summer Sale The name of the promotion associated with the event.

Ignored if set at the item-level.
items Array<Item> Yes* The items for the event.

* The items array is expected to have a single element, representing the item associated with the promotion. If multiple elements are provided, only the first element in items will be used.

Item parameters

Name Type Required Example value Description
item_id string Yes* SKU_12345

The ID of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

item_name string Yes* Stan and Friends Tee

The name of the item.

*One of item_id or item_name is required.

affiliation string No Google Store A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar store location.
Note: `affiliation` is only available at the item-scope.
coupon string No SUMMER_FUN The coupon name/code associated with the item.

Event-level and item-level coupon parameters are independent.
creative_name string No summer_banner2 The name of the promotional creative.

If set, event-level creative_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level creative_name is used, if present.
creative_slot string No featured_app_1 The name of the promotional creative slot associated with the item.

If set, event-level creative_slot is ignored.
If not set, event-level creative_slot is used, if present.
discount number No 2.22 The unit monetary discount value associated with the item.
index number No 5 The index/position of the item in a list.
item_brand string No Google The brand of the item.
item_category string No Apparel The category of the item. If used as part of a category hierarchy or taxonomy then this will be the first category.
item_category2 string No Adult The second category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category3 string No Shirts The third category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category4 string No Crew The fourth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_category5 string No Short sleeve The fifth category hierarchy or additional taxonomy for the item.
item_list_id string No related_products The ID of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_id is used, if present.
item_list_name string No Related products The name of the list in which the item was presented to the user.

If set, event-level item_list_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level item_list_name is used, if present.
item_variant string No green The item variant or unique code or description for additional item details/options.
location_id string No ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo (the Google Place ID for San Francisco) The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It's recommended to use the Google Place ID that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location ID can also be used.
Note: `location id` is only available at the item-scope.
price number No 10.01 The monetary unit price of the item, in units of the specified currency parameter.
If a discount applies to the item, set price to the discounted unit price and specify the unit price discount in the discount parameter.
promotion_id string No P_12345 The ID of the promotion associated with the item.

If set, event-level promotion_id is ignored.
If not set, event-level promotion_id is used, if present.
promotion_name string No Summer Sale The name of the promotion associated with the item.

If set, event-level promotion_name is ignored.
If not set, event-level promotion_name is used, if present.
quantity number No 3

Item quantity.

If not set, quantity is set to 1.

In addition to the prescribed parameters, you can include up to 27 custom parameters in the items array.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: view_promotion
  • Data Layer Variables (Name - Data Layer Variable Name):
    • Ecommerce Creative Name - ecommerce.creative_name
    • Ecommerce Creative Slot - ecommerce.creative_slot
    • Ecommerce Promotion ID - ecommerce.promotion_id
    • Ecommerce Promotion Name - ecommerce.promotion_name
    • Ecommerce Items - ecommerce.items
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • creative_name - {{Ecommerce Creative Name}}
    • creative_slot - {{Ecommerce Creative Slot}}
    • promotion_id - {{Ecommerce Promotion ID}}
    • promotion_name - {{Ecommerce Promotion Name}}
    • items - {{Ecommerce Items}}
  • Trigger: event equals view_promotion

Trigger configuration:

  • Trigger Type: Custom Event
  • Event Name: view_promotion
  • This trigger fires on: All Custom Events
dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null });  // Clear the previous ecommerce object.
  event: "view_promotion",
  ecommerce: {
    creative_name: "Summer Banner",
    creative_slot: "featured_app_1",
    promotion_id: "P_12345",
    promotion_name: "Summer Sale",
    items: [
      item_id: "SKU_12345",
      item_name: "Stan and Friends Tee",
      affiliation: "Google Merchandise Store",
      coupon: "SUMMER_FUN",
      discount: 2.22,
      index: 0,
      item_brand: "Google",
      item_category: "Apparel",
      item_category2: "Adult",
      item_category3: "Shirts",
      item_category4: "Crew",
      item_category5: "Short sleeve",
      item_list_id: "related_products",
      item_list_name: "Related Products",
      item_variant: "green",
      location_id: "ChIJIQBpAG2ahYAR_6128GcTUEo",
      price: 10.01,
      quantity: 3


This event measures when a user contacts or is contacted by a representative.


Name Type Required Example value Description
currency string Yes* USD Currency of the value of the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.

* If you set value then currency is required for revenue metrics to be computed accurately.
value number Yes* 30.03 The monetary value of the event.

* value is typically required for meaningful reporting. If you mark the event as a key event then it's recommended you set value.
* currency is required if you set value.
lead_status string No Started conversations The status of the lead.


The following example is for Tag Manager implementations:

Show me the tag configuration

Tag configuration:

  • Tag type: GA4 Event
  • Event Name: working_lead
  • Event Parameters (Parameter Name - Value):
    • currency - USD
    • value - 30.03
    • lead_status - Started conversations
  • Trigger the event when a user contacts or is contacted by a representative