
Use Office to define an office and information associated with its contest. An office is identified by its electoral district and its office role.

The Office element applies to all feed types but doesn't need to be specified for a referenda. However, the definition of an office is interpreted differently based on the feed type. In an election context, an Office represents the title of the office that's sought, such as "Member of the House of Representatives." In an officeholder context, it's a specific seat for a single person.

Select one of the following feed types to learn more about how to use Office with that type of feed.

If a person occupies more than one ongoing position at the same time, be sure to provide information about these multiple offices. For example, if someone is both Chancellor of Germany and Member of the Bundestag, they need to be defined in both offices.

When a person is designated as an officeholder for a new district or a new position, link this person to the new office. Make sure to not reuse an outdated office.


The following table describes the attributes for Office:

Attribute Required? Type Description
objectId Required ID Unique internal identifier that's used by other elements to reference this element.


The following table describes the elements for Office:

Element Multiplicity Type Description
ContactInformation 0 or more ContactInformation Associates various contact information with the office. If this element is included, only specify information that's related to the office itself, not the candidate or current officeholder.
ElectoralDistrictId 0 or 1 IDREF

Provide the objectId of the GpUnit that represents the electoral district. For instance, give a state, like "Alaska," for a US Senator, or a district, like "New York's 14th congressional district," for a US Representative.

For the officeholder feed, we expect one Office per seat and the ElectoralDistrictId set to the district that elected that person into office.

Example: The Taiwan legislative election

  • Give each member of the Legislative Yuan a different Office, based on their district.

Another example: US senate officeholder feed

  • Provide 100 Office objects for the US Senate.
ExternalIdentifiers 1 ExternalIdentifiers

Associates an ID with the office. A stable identifier is required. Stable identifiers for offices must be unique across office tenures. For example, each of the following tenures need a distinct office stable identifier:

  • Grover Cleveland's presidency from 1885 to 1889
  • Grover Cleveland's presidency from 1893 to 1897
  • Franklin Roosevelt's presidency from 1933 to 1945

The ExternalIdentifiers element of Office lets you provide additional information with particular values for OtherType. For more details, see Additional types for ExternalIdentifiers.

Name 1 InternationalizedText

Provides the full name of the generic title of this office, but specific enough to include the jurisdiction of the office. Be sure to exclude any information that's related to the electoral district. The Name can appear on the ballot.


  • Member of Parliament of Singapore
  • Prime Minister of India
  • President of Indonesia
  • United States Senator
OfficeHolderPersonIds 1 IDREFS

Provide the objectId of the Person that holds this office.

SeatStatus 0 or 1 SeatStatus The enumerated type of the officeholder's SeatStatus, such as active or on-leave. The default value is active if no SeatStatus is specified.
SelectionMethod 0 or 1 OfficeSelectionMethod Information on how the officeholder is selected or placed into office.
Term 1 Term Provides office term-related information.

Additional types for ExternalIdentifiers

In the ExternalIdentifiers element of Office, provide additional data with a Type of other, along with values for OtherType and Value. The following table shows possible values for these elements:

OtherType Example values Description
jurisdiction-id gpu1


The objectId of the GpUnit that specifies the office's jurisdiction.

government-body United States Senate Any governmental, regulatory, or administrative agency, commission, department, court, or other similarly recognized organization or body of a government. Examples include senates, parliaments, ministries, and cabinets (among many others).
legislative-session 116th United States Congress
office-level Country Must be a value from OfficeLevel. If none apply, reach out to your Google contact.
office-role upper house


Must be a value from OfficeRole. If none apply, reach out to your Google contact.

office-seat Position 1, Seat 2, unexpired, special, Seat 2 special

Use this to differentiate offices with multiple seats or positions, and for at-large and unexpired offices.



    <Office objectId="off0">
          <Value>Administrative Area 1</Value>
          <Value>upper house</Value>
          <Value>United States Senate</Value>
        <Text language="en">United States Senator</Text>


    "Office": [
        "objectId": "off0",
        "ElectoralDistrictId": "ru-gpu0",
        "ExternalIdentifiers": {
          "ExternalIdentifier" : [
              "Type": "other",
              "OtherType": "stable",
              "Value": "stable-off0"
              "Type": "other",
              "OtherType": "office-level",
              "Value": "Administrative Area 1"
              "Type": "other",
              "OtherType": "office-role",
              "Value": "upper house"
              "Type": "other",
              "OtherType": "government-body",
              "Value": "United States Senate"
              "Type": "other",
              "OtherType": "jurisdiction-id",
              "Value": "ru-gpu0"
        "Name": {
          "Text": [
              "value": "United States Senator",
              "language": "en"
        "OfficeHolderPersonIds": "per0"
        “SelectionMethod”: “directly-elected”
        "Term": {
          "StartDate": "2019-01-02"