
The following list provides the enumerations for office levels in the ExternalIdentifier entity when used with Office:

Office Level Description
International Refers to political entities that are part of international or multinational organizations, not specific to a country. The European Union is an example.
Country A nation with its own government occupying a particular territory.
Administrative Area 1 Refers to the top-level administrative division within a country.
The specific name and structure of this division can vary significantly from one country to another. Some examples of what Administrative Area 1 might represent:
  • States in the United States
  • Provinces in Canada
  • Regions in France
Administrative Area 2 Refers to the second-level administrative division within a country. It's a subdivision of the top-level Administrative Area 1. The specific name and structure of Administrative Area 2 can differ significantly between countries, just like with Administrative Area 1. Some examples of what Administrative Area 2 might represent in different countries:
  • Counties in the United States
  • Departments in France
Municipality Used in CDF to denote office level with jurisdiction over a city or town.
District Unused for now.
Neighbourhood Unused for now.
Region Unused for now.
Ward Unused for now.