Committee Classification

Use CommitteeClassification to describe the classification of a political committee. The Committee element includes CommitteeClassificationCollection, which contains the full set of CommitteeClassification objects for a given committee in the feed.


The following table shows the elements for CommitteeClassification:

Element Multiplicity Type Additional Restrictions Description
EndDate 1 PartialDate The latest possible date in which a committee had this classification.
NormalizedDesignation 0 or more CommitteeDesignationEnum 1 for Federal, 0 or many for State. The normalized designation of a committee.
NormalizedType 0 or more CommitteeTypeEnum 1 for Federal, 0 or many for State. The normalized type of a committee.
RawDesignation 0 or more String 1 for Federal, 0 or many for State. The designation of a committee.
RawType 0 or more String 1 for Federal, 0 or many for State. The type of a committee.
ScopeLevel 1 IDREF The IDREF of the related politic district object
StartDate 1 PartialDate The earliest possible date in which a committee had this classification.


