
A Feed entity represents a single active or upcoming stream of CDF data files over time that correspond to a specific country and CDF feed type. For more details, see Feed types. A FeedDeliveryReport can contain multiple Feed entities for a given country and feed type, as long as their scopes don't overlap, either by geographical scope, time frame, or office level. The following are examples of valid combinations:

  • A single FeedDeliveryReport can contain both a US officeholders Feed and a US pre-election Feed (evergreen).
  • A single FeedDeliveryReport can contain a US pre-election Feed (2022) and a US pre-election Feed (2024).
  • A single FeedDeliveryReport can contain a US pre-election Feed (2022 Federal-Level Only) and contain a US pre-election Feed (2022 State-Level Only).
  • A single FeedDeliveryReport can contain a US officeholder Feed and a JP pre-election Feed (2022 National-Level Only), but only if both countries are in scope.

A Feed either has a limited duration, because there's an expected end date (such as 60 days after an election), or it's "evergreen," which means that there's no expected end date and it's continually refreshed.


Name Tag Type Notes Multiplicity
Feed ID FeedId String A unique and stable identifier for the lifetime of the feed. Non-reusable across feeds. 1
Feed name FeedName String A short description for the feed, such as "US Officeholders 2023". 1
Feed type FeedType FeedType Indicates which type of CDF feed this is. 1
Feed longevity FeedLongevity FeedLongevity Indicates the lifespan of the feed. 1
Feed location SourceDirPath String Fully qualified URI of the feed's xml file (only ftp and http are supported). Must be accessible through the same file hosting solution as the metadata feed (but it can be empty before the data is ready). 0 or 1
Country code CountryCode String The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code that this feed covers. 1
Feed inactive date FeedInactiveDate xs:dateTime A datetime in ISO-8601 format that indicates when the feed will no longer be updated and should no longer be ingested. For PRE_ELECTION or ELECTION_RESULTS feeds, this needs to be some reasonable time (like two weeks) after the end date of the last ElectionEvent in the feed. 0 or 1
Election event collection ElectionEventCollection ElectionEvent Contains information about elections covered by this feed. This is only respected for the feed types PRE_ELECTION or ELECTION_RESULTS. 0 or 1
Officeholder sub feed OfficeholderSubFeed OfficeholderSubFeed Contains information about the officeholders covered by this feed. This is only respected for the feed type OFFICEHOLDER. 0 or 1