
When hacking in Blockly's core or developing a plugin, the playground is a tremendously useful tool. It has a preconfigured instance of Blockly that you can use for testing, debugging, or prototyping. At Google, virtually all of Blockly's development occurs using the playground. As a preview, here is the simple playground on the demo server.

There are 3 types of playgrounds for core Blockly: simple, advanced, and multi. In blockly-samples, typically only the advanced playground is used.


Blockly now uses the Closure module system. Because of the way they are loaded, uncompiled Closure modules must be fetched from an http: or https: URL and cannot be fetched directly from file: URLs. Consequently, to load the playground in uncompiled mode, you must load it from a local web server.

We have created a script that starts up a local server and loads all of the code required to load the Blockly modules. You will need to have npm installed on your machine and run npm install from the root of Blockly in order to install all dependencies.

Using Internet Explorer

Blockly now uses advanced features in its codebase that may not be compatible with Internet Explorer. In the compressed (compiled) code, these features are transpiled to work with IE, but loading the uncompressed code may not work. If you load the playground in IE, even via a local http server, the playground will therefore automatically load the compressed Blockly code in an effort to ensure compatibility. See the "Accessing playgrounds directly" section for more details about testing changes in the playground in compressed mode.

Simple Playground

The simple playground is what the other two playgrounds are based on. It displays a toolbox and workspace, and allows you to adjust a limited number of settings.

To open the playground, run

npm run start

from the root of Blockly. Make sure there is nothing else listening on port 8080. This command will start a server hosting the Blockly modules and automatically open your browser to the playground page. When you're ready to shut the playground down, end the process (ctrl-c in Mac and Linux environments).

The playground features:

  • All code is uncompressed for rapid development.
  • All the default blocks (except for some deprecated ones).
  • All the language generators (JavaScript, Python, PHP, Lua, and Dart).
  • Serialize and deserialize workspace state (JSON or XML).
  • Switch between LTR and RTL layout.
  • Switch between toolbox layouts.
  • Stress tests for the renderer.
  • Log all events in the console.

Advanced playground

The advanced playground contains additional features to make debugging Blockly even easier. This is also the default playground used in blockly-samples for all plugins.

This playground features all of the simple playground features plus:

  • Additional settings can be configured, such as grid size, zoom/move controls, renderer, theme, and more.
  • Settings and blocks used are cached and used automatically next time the playground is loaded.
  • See the output of each generator in the same window.

To start the advanced playground for any plugin in blockly-samples, run npm run start from the plugin's root directory. Currently, only one plugin can run at a time, and it uses port 3000. If you have trouble getting the plugin to start, first make sure nothing else is listening on that port.

To start the advanced playground in core, run npm run start from Blockly's root, and then click the "Advanced" link under the title.

You can also create your own test page that includes the advanced playground by using Blockly's dev-tools package.

Multi playground

The multi playground contains several playgrounds in different configurations for LTR mode and location of the toolbox. This is mainly used to quickly check that Blockly hasn't broken anything related to LTR before a release. To open this playground, follow the steps for the simple playground, and then change the URL to /tests/multi_playground.html.

Testing changes

When running any of the playgrounds from a local server, all you need to do to see your changes in Blockly in most cases is refresh the page. If you've added a new file or added a new dependency to a file, you may need to first run npm run build which will update the test/deps.js file to ensure dependencies are loaded correctly, and then refresh the page.

If you're running a plugin's advanced playground, you don't even need to refresh the page. Changes are hotloaded automatically!

Accessing playgrounds directly

Previously, the simple playground was accessed locally by directly navigating to the test/playground.html file in your browser. This is still possible with the simple and multi playgrounds, but it is no longer recommended. If you do this, the playground will detect that you are not running a local server and automatically use compressed Blockly files (see the Building Blockly page for more info) and whenever you change something in core Blockly, you will have to rebuild core and stage the changes. You can still access these pages if hosted on a remote server, such as our example hosted on our demo site. The background will be bright blue whenever you are in compressed mode.

The advanced playground is not available via file: access.