Follow any usage guidelines that trademark owners provide.
For trademark marking or attribution in documentation, follow any usage
guidelines provided by the owners of the respective marks. For more about Google trademarks in particular, see About our trademarks and
how to use them. When you use a trademarked term, always use it to modify a noun, not as a noun
by itself. Don't use a trademark as a verb. Never form a possessive or a plural from a trademark or change it in any way. For more
information, see Possessives.
Recommended: Another option is to use a Chromebook notebook computer. Not recommended: Another option is to use a Chromebook. Not recommended: Chromebook's features rely on an internet connection. Not recommended: For information about Chromebook computers, google "notebook computers" For more information about using Google trademarks, see Rules for proper
usage.Label trademarked terms
Use trademarks only as modifiers
Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Last updated 2024-05-24 UTC.
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "missingTheInformationINeed",
"label":"Missing the information I need"
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "tooComplicatedTooManySteps",
"label":"Too complicated / too many steps"
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "outOfDate",
"label":"Out of date"
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "samplesCodeIssue",
"label":"Samples / code issue"
"type": "thumb-down",
"id": "otherDown",
"type": "thumb-up",
"id": "easyToUnderstand",
"label":"Easy to understand"
"type": "thumb-up",
"id": "solvedMyProblem",
"label":"Solved my problem"
"type": "thumb-up",
"id": "otherUp",
{"lastModified": "Last updated 2024-05-24 UTC."}