MediaPipeTasksVision Framework Reference


protocol ImageClassifierLiveStreamDelegate : NSObjectProtocol

This protocol defines an interface for the delegates of ImageClassifier object to receive results of asynchronous classification of images (i.e, when runningMode = .liveStream).

The delegate of ImageClassifier must adopt ImageClassifierLiveStreamDelegate protocol. The methods in this protocol are optional.

  • This method notifies a delegate that the results of asynchronous classification of an image submitted to the ImageClassifier is available.

    This method is called on a private serial queue created by the ImageClassifier for performing the asynchronous delegates calls.



    optional func imageClassifier(_ imageClassifier: MPPImageClassifier, didFinishClassification result: ImageClassifierResult?, timestampInMilliseconds: Int, error: Error?)



    The image classifier which performed the classification. This is useful to test equality when there are multiple instances of ImageClassifier.


    An ImageClassifierResult object that contains a list of image classifications.


    The timestamp (in milliseconds) which indicates when the input image was sent to the image classifier.


    An optional error parameter populated when there is an error in performing image classification on the input live stream image data.