Options for the audio embedder task.

base_options Base options for the audio embedder task.
running_mode The running mode of the task. Default to the audio clips mode. Audio embedder task has two running modes: 1) The audio clips mode for running embedding extraction on independent audio clips. 2) The audio stream mode for running embedding extraction on the audio stream, such as from microphone. In this mode, the "result_callback" below must be specified to receive the embedding results asynchronously.
l2_normalize Whether to normalize the returned feature vector with L2 norm. Use this option only if the model does not already contain a native L2_NORMALIZATION TF Lite Op. In most cases, this is already the case and L2 norm is thus achieved through TF Lite inference.
quantize Whether the returned embedding should be quantized to bytes via scalar quantization. Embeddings are implicitly assumed to be unit-norm and therefore any dimension is guaranteed to have a value in [-1.0, 1.0]. Use the l2_normalize option if this is not the case.
result_callback The user-defined result callback for processing audio stream data. The result callback should only be specified when the running mode is set to the audio stream mode.



l2_normalize None
quantize None
result_callback None
running_mode <AudioTaskRunningMode.AUDIO_CLIPS: 'AUDIO_CLIPS'>