Options for the face detector task.

base_options Base options for the face detector task.
running_mode The running mode of the task. Default to the image mode. Face detector task has three running modes: 1) The image mode for detecting faces on single image inputs. 2) The video mode for detecting faces on the decoded frames of a video. 3) The live stream mode for detecting faces on a live stream of input data, such as from camera.
min_detection_confidence The minimum confidence score for the face detection to be considered successful.
min_suppression_threshold The minimum non-maximum-suppression threshold for face detection to be considered overlapped.
result_callback The user-defined result callback for processing live stream data. The result callback should only be specified when the running mode is set to the live stream mode.



min_detection_confidence 0.5
min_suppression_threshold 0.3
result_callback None
running_mode <VisionTaskRunningMode.IMAGE: 'IMAGE'>