Module: mp


calculators module

model_ckpt_util module: Pybind model checkpoint utility functions.

packet_creator module: The public facing packet creator APIs.

packet_getter module: The public facing packet getter APIs.

resource_util module: MediaPipe resource util module.

tasks module: MediaPipe Tasks API.


class CalculatorGraph: The primary API for the MediaPipe Framework.

class GraphInputStreamAddMode: Members:

class Image: A container for storing an image or a video frame, in one of several formats.

class ImageFormat: An enum describing supported raw image formats.

class ImageFrame: A container for storing an image or a video frame, in one of several formats.

class Matrix

class Packet: The basic data flow unit of MediaPipe. A generic container class which can hold data of any type.

class Timestamp: A class which represents a timestamp in the MediaPipe framework.

class ValidatedGraphConfig: A class to validate and canonicalize a CalculatorGraphConfig.

version '0.10.11'