MediaPipeTasksVision Framework Reference


The following protocols are available globally.

  • This protocol defines an interface for the delegates of FaceDetector face to receive results of performing asynchronous face detection on images (i.e, when runningMode = .liveStream).

    The delegate of FaceDetector must adopt FaceDetectorLiveStreamDelegate protocol. The methods in this protocol are optional.



    protocol FaceDetectorLiveStreamDelegate : NSObjectProtocol
  • This protocol defines an interface for the delegates of FaceLandmarker face to receive results of performing asynchronous face detection on images (i.e, when runningMode = .liveStream).

    The delegate of FaceLandmarker must adopt FaceLandmarkerLiveStreamDelegate protocol. The methods in this protocol are optional.



    protocol FaceLandmarkerLiveStreamDelegate : NSObjectProtocol
  • This protocol defines an interface for the delegates of GestureRecognizer object to receive results of performing asynchronous gesture recognition on images (i.e, when runningMode = .liveStream).

    The delegate of GestureRecognizer must adopt GestureRecognizerLiveStreamDelegate protocol. The methods in this protocol are optional.



    protocol GestureRecognizerLiveStreamDelegate : NSObjectProtocol
  • This protocol defines an interface for the delegates of HandLandmarker object to receive results of performing asynchronous hand landmark detection on images (i.e, when runningMode = .liveStream).

    The delegate of HandLandmarker must adopt HandLandmarkerLiveStreamDelegate protocol. The methods in this protocol are optional.



    protocol HandLandmarkerLiveStreamDelegate : NSObjectProtocol
  • This protocol defines an interface for the delegates of ImageClassifier object to receive results of asynchronous classification of images (i.e, when runningMode = .liveStream).

    The delegate of ImageClassifier must adopt ImageClassifierLiveStreamDelegate protocol. The methods in this protocol are optional.



    protocol ImageClassifierLiveStreamDelegate : NSObjectProtocol
  • This protocol defines an interface for the delegates of ObjectDetector object to receive results of performing asynchronous object detection on images (i.e, when runningMode = .liveStream).

    The delegate of ObjectDetector must adopt ObjectDetectorLiveStreamDelegate protocol. The methods in this protocol are optional.



    protocol ObjectDetectorLiveStreamDelegate : NSObjectProtocol