GMTSVehicleLocation Class Reference

GMTSVehicleLocation Class Reference


Object that contains the location information for the vehicle that describes the heading, speed, and time when this information was retrieved.

Inherits GMTCImmutableData.

Public Member Functions

(instancetype) - initWithLatLng:latLngAccuracy:heading:headingAccuracy:speed:speedAccuracy:updateTime:isSnappableToRoute:
 Designated initialization.


 Location of the vehicle.
double latLngAccuracy
 The radius of uncertainty for latLng, measured in meters.
CLLocationDirection heading
 Heading corner radius of the vehicle.
double headingAccuracy
 The radius of uncertainty for heading, measured in degrees.
int32_t speed
 Speed of the vehicle.
double speedAccuracy
 Accuracy of speed in meters per second.
NSTimeInterval updateTime
 The timestamp of the update time.
BOOL isSnappableToRoute
 Indicates whether the vehicle can be snapped to the route.

Member Function Documentation

- (instancetype) initWithLatLng: (nullable GMTSLatLng *)  latLng
latLngAccuracy: (double)  latLngAccuracy
heading: (CLLocationDirection)  heading
headingAccuracy: (double)  headingAccuracy
speed: (int32_t)  speed
speedAccuracy: (double)  speedAccuracy
updateTime: (NSTimeInterval)  updateTime
isSnappableToRoute: (BOOL)  isSnappableToRoute 

Designated initialization.

latLngThe location of the vehicle.
latLngAccuracyThe location accuracy of the vehicle.
headingThe heading corner radius of the vehicle.
headingAccuracyThe heading accuracy of the vehicle.
speedThe speed of the vehicle.
speedAccuracyThe speed accuracy of the vehicle.
updateTimeThe timestamp of the update time.
isSnappableToRouteIndicates whether the vehicle can be snapped to the route.

Property Documentation

- (GMTSLatLng*) latLng [read, assign]

Location of the vehicle.

- (double) latLngAccuracy [read, assign]

The radius of uncertainty for latLng, measured in meters.

The latLng indicates the center of the circle, and latLngAccuracy indicates the radius of that circle.

- (CLLocationDirection) heading [read, assign]

Heading corner radius of the vehicle.

- (double) headingAccuracy [read, assign]

The radius of uncertainty for heading, measured in degrees.

The heading identifies the mean of the heading estimate and this value indicates the standard deviation of the estimate.

- (int32_t) speed [read, assign]

Speed of the vehicle.

- (double) speedAccuracy [read, assign]

Accuracy of speed in meters per second.

- (NSTimeInterval) updateTime [read, assign]

The timestamp of the update time.

- (BOOL) isSnappableToRoute [read, assign]

Indicates whether the vehicle can be snapped to the route.