

As mentioned earlier, TaglessCRM is using Airflow for data piplining. The basic term of a pipeline in Airflow is referred to as DAG. A DAG in Airflow is a Python script for running tasks in the right order of dependencies. The DAG name in TaglessCRM indicates the input and the output sources. For example to send 1P data from BigQuery to Google Analytics you would use the tcrm_bq_to_ga DAG.

Dag Examples:

Available DAGs in TaglessCRM

Please use the links below to see the setup Instructions for each DAG.

DAG Definition
tcrm_bq_to_ads_cm BigQuery to Google Ads Customer Match
tcrm_bq_to_ads_oc BigQuery to Google Ads Offline Conversion
tcrm_bq_to_ads_uac BigQuery to Google Ads Universal App Campaign
tcrm_bq_to_cm BigQuery to Campaign Manager Offline Conversions
tcrm_bq_to_ga BigQuery to Google Analytics via Measurement Protocol
tcrm_bq_to_ga4 BigQuery to Google Analytics via GA4 API
tcrm_gcs_to_ads_cm Google Cloud Storage to Google Ads Customer Match
tcrm_gcs_to_ads_oc Google Cloud Storage to Google Ads Offline Conversion
tcrm_gcs_to_ads_uac Google Cloud Storage to Google Ads Universal App Campaign
tcrm_gcs_to_cm Google Cloud Storage to Campaign Manager Offline Conversions
tcrm_gcs_to_ga Google Cloud Storage to Google Analytics
tcrm_gcs_to_ga4 Google Cloud Storage to Google Analytics via GA4 API