Listing dimensions for listing group criterion.
Fields | |
Union field
Advertiser-specific hotel ID. |
Class of the hotel as a number of stars 1 to 5. |
Country or Region the hotel is located in. |
State the hotel is located in. |
City the hotel is located in. |
Category of a product offer. |
Brand of a product offer. |
Locality of a product offer. |
Availability of a product offer. |
Condition of a product offer. |
Custom attribute of a product offer. |
Item id of a product offer. |
Type of a product offer. |
Grouping of a product offer. This listing dimension is deprecated and it is supported only in Display campaigns. |
Labels of a product offer. This listing dimension is deprecated and it is supported only in Display campaigns. |
Legacy condition of a product offer. This listing dimension is deprecated and it is supported only in Display campaigns. |
Full type of a product offer. This listing dimension is deprecated and it is supported only in Display campaigns. |
Advertiser-specific activity ID. |
Rating of the activity as a number 1 to 5, where 5 is the best. |
The country where the travel activity is available. |
Unknown dimension. Set when no other listing dimension is set. |