
使用者可以自由更新或刪除 Google 日曆活動。如果使用者在建立會議後更新活動,外掛程式可能需要更新會議資料以回應變更。如果第三方會議系統仰賴追蹤事件資料,無法在活動變更時更新會議,可能會導致會議無法使用,並導致使用者體驗不佳。

根據 Google 日曆活動的變更,隨時更新會議資料的程序稱為「同步處理」。如要同步處理事件變更,您可以建立 Apps Script 可安裝觸發條件,在特定日曆中的事件發生變更時觸發。遺憾的是,觸發條件不會回報哪些事件發生變化,且您無法限制系統只會顯示您已建立的會議活動。相反地,您必須要求一份日曆自上次同步處理以來對日曆所做的所有變更,然後篩選事件清單,並據此進行更新。


  1. 使用者首次建立會議時,系統會初始化同步處理程序。
  2. 每當使用者建立、更新或刪除任一日曆活動時,該觸發條件會在外掛程式專案中執行觸發條件函式
  3. 觸發條件函式會檢查自上次同步處理以來的事件變更組合,判斷是否需要更新相關聯的第三方會議。
  4. 如要對會議進行任何必要的更新,您必須發出第三方 API 要求。
  5. 系統會儲存新的同步處理權杖,因此下一個觸發條件執行作業只需要檢查日曆的最新變更。





如要同步,外掛程式需要偵測含有會議附加會議的日曆活動何時變更。方法是建立 EventUpdated 可安裝的觸發條件。外掛程式只需要為每個日曆設定一個觸發條件,即可以程式輔助方式建立。



Apps Script 偵測到導致觸發條件觸發的條件時,就會執行觸發條件。EventUpdated 日曆觸發條件會在使用者建立、修改或刪除指定日曆中任何活動時觸發。


  1. 使用 syncToken 發出日曆進階服務 Calendar.Events.list() 呼叫,以擷取自上次同步處理後變更的活動清單。使用同步權杖可以減少外掛程式必須檢查的事件數量。


  2. 系統會檢查每個修改過的事件,判斷此事件是否有相關的第三方會議。
  3. 如果活動包含會議,系統會檢查活動內容,確認變更內容。 視變更而定,您可能需要修改相關聯的會議。舉例來說,如果活動已遭刪除,外掛程式應該也會刪除會議。
  4. 對會議所做的任何必要變更,都是對第三方系統發出 API 呼叫。
  5. 完成所有必要變更後,請儲存 Calendar.Events.list() 方法傳回的 nextSyncToken。此同步處理權杖位於 Calendar.Events.list() 呼叫所傳回結果的最後一個頁面中。

更新 Google 日曆活動

在某些情況下,您可能想在執行同步處理時更新 Google 日曆活動。如果選擇這麼做,請使用適當的 Google 日曆進階服務要求來更新事件。請務必使用 If-Match 標頭進行條件式更新。這樣可以防止您變更時,避免使用者在不同用戶端中同時進行了變更。



 *  Initializes syncing of conference data by creating a sync trigger and
 *  sync token if either does not exist yet.
 *  @param {String} calendarId The ID of the Google Calendar.
function initializeSyncing(calendarId) {
  // Create a syncing trigger if it doesn't exist yet.

  // Perform an event sync to create the initial sync token.
  syncEvents({'calendarId': calendarId});

 *  Creates a sync trigger if it does not exist yet.
 *  @param {String} calendarId The ID of the Google Calendar.
function createSyncTrigger(calendarId) {
  // Check to see if the trigger already exists; if does, return.
  var allTriggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
  for (var i = 0; i < allTriggers.length; i++) {
    var trigger = allTriggers[i];
    if (trigger.getTriggerSourceId() == calendarId) {

  // Trigger does not exist, so create it. The trigger calls the
  // 'syncEvents()' trigger function when it fires.
  var trigger = ScriptApp.newTrigger('syncEvents')

 *  Sync events for the given calendar; this is the syncing trigger
 *  function. If a sync token already exists, this retrieves all events
 *  that have been modified since the last sync, then checks each to see
 *  if an associated conference needs to be updated and makes any required
 *  changes. If the sync token does not exist or is invalid, this
 *  retrieves future events modified in the last 24 hours instead. In
 *  either case, a new sync token is created and stored.
 *  @param {Object} e If called by a event updated trigger, this object
 *      contains the Google Calendar ID, authorization mode, and
 *      calling trigger ID. Only the calendar ID is actually used here,
 *      however.
function syncEvents(e) {
  var calendarId = e.calendarId;
  var properties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
  var syncToken = properties.getProperty('syncToken');

  var options;
  if (syncToken) {
    // There's an existing sync token, so configure the following event
    // retrieval request to only get events that have been modified
    // since the last sync.
    options = {
      syncToken: syncToken
  } else {
    // No sync token, so configure to do a 'full' sync instead. In this
    // example only recently updated events are retrieved in a full sync.
    // A larger time window can be examined during a full sync, but this
    // slows down the script execution. Consider the trade-offs while
    // designing your add-on.
    var now = new Date();
    var yesterday = new Date();
    yesterday.setDate(now.getDate() - 1);
    options = {
      timeMin: now.toISOString(),          // Events that start after now...
      updatedMin: yesterday.toISOString(), // ...and were modified recently
      maxResults: 50,   // Max. number of results per page of responses
      orderBy: 'updated'

  // Examine the list of updated events since last sync (or all events
  // modified after yesterday if the sync token is missing or invalid), and
  // update any associated conferences as required.
  var events;
  var pageToken;
  do {
    try {
      options.pageToken = pageToken;
      events = Calendar.Events.list(calendarId, options);
    } catch (err) {
      // Check to see if the sync token was invalidated by the server;
      // if so, perform a full sync instead.
      if (err.message ===
            "Sync token is no longer valid, a full sync is required.") {
      } else {
        throw new Error(err.message);

    // Read through the list of returned events looking for conferences
    // to update.
    if (events.items && events.items.length > 0) {
      for (var i = 0; i < events.items.length; i++) {
         var calEvent = events.items[i];
         // Check to see if there is a record of this event has a
         // conference that needs updating.
         if (eventHasConference(calEvent)) {
           updateConference(calEvent, calEvent.conferenceData.conferenceId);

    pageToken = events.nextPageToken;
  } while (pageToken);

  // Record the new sync token.
  if (events.nextSyncToken) {
    properties.setProperty('syncToken', events.nextSyncToken);

 *  Returns true if the specified event has an associated conference
 *  of the type managed by this add-on; retuns false otherwise.
 *  @param {Object} calEvent The Google Calendar event object, as defined by
 *      the Calendar API.
 *  @return {boolean}
function eventHasConference(calEvent) {
  var name = calEvent.conferenceData.conferenceSolution.name || null;

  // This version checks if the conference data solution name matches the
  // one of the solution names used by the add-on. Alternatively you could
  // check the solution's entry point URIs or other solution-specific
  // information.
  if (name) {
    if (name === "My Web Conference" ||
        name === "My Recorded Web Conference") {
      return true;
  return false;

 *  Update a conference based on new Google Calendar event information.
 *  The exact implementation of this function is highly dependant on the
 *  details of the third-party conferencing system, so only a rough outline
 *  is shown here.
 *  @param {Object} calEvent The Google Calendar event object, as defined by
 *      the Calendar API.
 *  @param {String} conferenceId The ID used to identify the conference on
 *      the third-party conferencing system.
function updateConference(calEvent, conferenceId) {
  // Check edge case: the event was cancelled
  if (calEvent.status === 'cancelled' || eventHasConference(calEvent)) {
    // Use the third-party API to delete the conference too.

  } else {
    // Extract any necessary information from the event object, then
    // make the appropriate third-party API requests to update the
    // conference with that information.
