The Google User Messaging Platform (UMP) SDK is a privacy and messaging tool to help you manage privacy choices. For more information, see About Privacy & messaging.
Create a message type
Create user messages with one of the Available user message types under the Privacy & messaging tab of your AdMob account. The UMP SDK attempts to display a privacy message created from the AdMob Application ID set in your project.
For more details, see About privacy and messaging.
Import the SDK
CocoaPods (preferred)
The easiest way to import the SDK into an iOS project is to use CocoaPods. Open your project's Podfile and add this line to your app's target:
pod 'GoogleUserMessagingPlatform'
Then, run the following command:
pod install --repo-update
If you're new to CocoaPods, see Using CocoaPods for details on how to create and use Podfiles.
Swift Package Manager
The UMP SDK also supports the Swift Package Manager. Follow these steps to import the Swift package.
In Xcode, install the UMP SDK Swift Package by navigating to File > Add Packages....
In the prompt that appears, search for the UMP SDK Swift Package GitHub repository:
Select the version of the UMP SDK Swift Package you want to use. For new projects, we recommend using the Up to Next Major Version.
Xcode then resolves your package dependencies and downloads them in the background. For more details on how to add package dependencies, see Apple's article.
Manual download
The other way of importing the SDK is doing it manually.
Then, drag the framework into your Xcode project, ensuring you select Copy items if needed.
You can then include the framework in any file you need using:
import UserMessagingPlatform
#include <UserMessagingPlatform/UserMessagingPlatform.h>
Add the application ID
You can find your application ID in the
AdMob UI.
Add the ID to your
with the following code snippet:
Request for consent information
You should request an update of the user's consent information at every app
launch, using requestConsentInfoUpdateWithParameters:completionHandler:
. This request checks
the following:
- Whether consent is required. For example, consent is required for the first time, or the previous consent decision expired.
- Whether a privacy options entry point is required. Some privacy messages require apps to allow users to modify their privacy options at any time.
Here is an example of how to check the status from a UIViewController
in the
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Request an update for the consent information.
UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.requestConsentInfoUpdate(with: nil) {
[weak self] requestConsentError in
guard let self else { return }
if let consentError = requestConsentError {
// Consent gathering failed.
return print("Error: \(consentError.localizedDescription)")
// TODO: Load and present the privacy message form.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Request an update for the consent information.
completionHandler:^(NSError *_Nullable requestConsentError) {
if (requestConsentError) {
// Consent gathering failed.
NSLog(@"Error: %@", requestConsentError.localizedDescription);
// TODO: Load and present the privacy message form.
Load and present a privacy message form if required
After you have received the most up-to-date consent status, call
to load any forms required to
collect user consent. After loading, the forms present immediately.
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Request an update for the consent information.
UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.requestConsentInfoUpdate(with: nil) {
[weak self] requestConsentError in
guard let self else { return }
if let consentError = requestConsentError {
// Consent gathering failed.
return print("Error: \(consentError.localizedDescription)")
UMPConsentForm.loadAndPresentIfRequired(from: self) {
[weak self] loadAndPresentError in
guard let self else { return }
if let consentError = loadAndPresentError {
// Consent gathering failed.
return print("Error: \(consentError.localizedDescription)")
// Consent has been gathered.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
__weak __typeof__(self) weakSelf = self;
// Request an update for the consent information.
completionHandler:^(NSError *_Nullable requestConsentError) {
if (requestConsentError) {
// Consent gathering failed.
NSLog(@"Error: %@", requestConsentError.localizedDescription);
__strong __typeof__(self) strongSelf = weakSelf;
if (!strongSelf) {
[UMPConsentForm loadAndPresentIfRequiredFromViewController:strongSelf
completionHandler:^(NSError *loadAndPresentError) {
if (loadAndPresentError) {
// Consent gathering failed.
NSLog(@"Error: %@", loadAndPresentError.localizedDescription);
// Consent has been gathered.
If you need to perform any actions after the user has made a choice or dismissed the form, place that logic in the completion handler for your form.
Privacy options
Some privacy message forms are presented from a publisher-rendered privacy options entry point, letting users manage their privacy options at any time. To learn more about which message your users see at the privacy options entry point, see Available user message types.
To implement a privacy options entry point, complete the following steps:
- Check
. - If a privacy options entry point is required, add a visible and interactable UI element to your app.
- Trigger the privacy options form using
The following code example demonstrates these steps:
@IBOutlet weak var privacySettingsButton: UIBarButtonItem!
var isPrivacyOptionsRequired: Bool {
return UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.privacyOptionsRequirementStatus == .required
override func viewDidLoad() {
// ...
// Request an update for the consent information.
UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.requestConsentInfoUpdate(with: parameters) {
// ...
UMPConsentForm.loadAndPresentIfRequired(from: self) {
// Consent has been gathered.
// Show the button if privacy options are required.
self.privacySettingsButton.isEnabled = isPrivacyOptionsRequired
// ...
// Present the privacy options form when a user interacts with the
// privacy settings button.
@IBAction func privacySettingsTapped(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem) {
UMPConsentForm.presentPrivacyOptionsForm(from: self) {
[weak self] formError in
guard let self, let formError else { return }
// Handle the error.
@interface ViewController ()
@property(weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem *privacySettingsButton;
- (BOOL)isPrivacyOptionsRequired {
return UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.privacyOptionsRequirementStatus ==
- (void)viewDidLoad {
// ...
__weak __typeof__(self) weakSelf = self;
// Request an update for the consent information.
completionHandler:^(NSError *_Nullable requestConsentError) {
// ...
[UMPConsentForm loadAndPresentIfRequiredFromViewController:strongSelf
completionHandler:^(NSError *loadAndPresentError) {
// ...
// Consent has been gathered.
// Show the button if privacy options are required.
strongSelf.privacySettingsButton.enabled = isPrivacyOptionsRequired;
// Present the privacy options form when a user interacts with your
// privacy settings button.
- (IBAction)privacySettingsTapped:(UIBarButtonItem *)sender {
[UMPConsentForm presentPrivacyOptionsFormFromViewController:self
completionHandler:^(NSError *_Nullable formError) {
if (formError) {
// Handle the error.
Request ads
Before requesting ads in your app, check if you have obtained consent
from the user using UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.canRequestAds
. There are two
places to check while gathering consent:
- After consent has been gathered in the current session.
- Immediately after you have called
. It is possible consent has been obtained in the previous session. As a latency best practice, we recommend not waiting for the callback to complete so you can start loading ads as soon as possible after your app launches.
If an error occurs during the consent gathering process, you should still attempt to request ads. The UMP SDK uses the consent status from the previous session.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
// Use a boolean to initialize the Google Mobile Ads SDK and load ads once.
private var isMobileAdsStartCalled = false
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Request an update for the consent information.
UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.requestConsentInfoUpdate(with: nil) {
[weak self] requestConsentError in
guard let self else { return }
if let consentError = requestConsentError {
// Consent gathering failed.
return print("Error: \(consentError.localizedDescription)")
UMPConsentForm.loadAndPresentIfRequired(from: self) {
[weak self] loadAndPresentError in
guard let self else { return }
if let consentError = loadAndPresentError {
// Consent gathering failed.
return print("Error: \(consentError.localizedDescription)")
// Consent has been gathered.
if UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.canRequestAds {
// Check if you can initialize the Google Mobile Ads SDK in parallel
// while checking for new consent information. Consent obtained in
// the previous session can be used to request ads.
if UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.canRequestAds {
private func startGoogleMobileAdsSDK() {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard !self.isMobileAdsStartCalled else { return }
self.isMobileAdsStartCalled = true
// Initialize the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
// TODO: Request an ad.
// GADInterstitialAd.load(...)
@implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
__weak __typeof__(self) weakSelf = self;
// Request an update for the consent information.
completionHandler:^(NSError *_Nullable requestConsentError) {
if (requestConsentError) {
// Consent gathering failed.
NSLog(@"Error: %@", requestConsentError.localizedDescription);
__strong __typeof__(self) strongSelf = weakSelf;
if (!strongSelf) {
[UMPConsentForm loadAndPresentIfRequiredFromViewController:strongSelf
completionHandler:^(NSError *loadAndPresentError) {
if (loadAndPresentError) {
// Consent gathering failed.
NSLog(@"Error: %@", loadAndPresentError.localizedDescription);
// Consent has been gathered.
__strong __typeof__(self) strongSelf = weakSelf;
if (!strongSelf) {
if (UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.canRequestAds) {
[strongSelf startGoogleMobileAdsSDK];
// Check if you can initialize the Google Mobile Ads SDK in parallel
// while checking for new consent information. Consent obtained in
// the previous session can be used to request ads.
if (UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.canRequestAds) {
[self startGoogleMobileAdsSDK];
- (void)startGoogleMobileAdsSDK {
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
// Initialize the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
[GADMobileAds.sharedInstance startWithCompletionHandler:nil];
// TODO: Request an ad.
// [GADInterstitialAd loadWithAdUnitID...];
If you want to test the integration in your app as you're developing, follow these steps to programmatically register your test device. Be sure to remove the code that sets these test device IDs before you release your app.
- Call
. Check the log output for a message similar to the following example, which shows your device ID and how to add it as a test device:
<UMP SDK>To enable debug mode for this device, set: UMPDebugSettings.testDeviceIdentifiers = @[2077ef9a63d2b398840261c8221a0c9b]
Copy your test device ID to your clipboard.
Modify your code to call
and pass in a list of your test device IDs.Swift
let parameters = UMPRequestParameters() let debugSettings = UMPDebugSettings() debugSettings.testDeviceIdentifiers = ["TEST-DEVICE-HASHED-ID"] parameters.debugSettings = debugSettings // Include the UMPRequestParameters in your consent request. UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance.requestConsentInfoUpdate( with: parameters, completionHandler: { error in ... })
UMPRequestParameters *parameters = [[UMPRequestParameters alloc] init]; UMPDebugSettings *debugSettings = [[UMPDebugSettings alloc] init]; debugSettings.testDeviceIdentifiers = @[ @"TEST-DEVICE-HASHED-ID" ]; parameters.debugSettings = debugSettings; // Include the UMPRequestParameters in your consent request. [UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance requestConsentInfoUpdateWithParameters:parameters completionHandler:^(NSError *_Nullable error){ ... }];
Force a geography
The UMP SDK provides a way to test your app's behavior as though the device was
located in the EEA or UK using the debugGeography
property of type UMPDebugGeography
on UMPDebugSettings
. Note that
debug settings only work on test devices.
let parameters = UMPRequestParameters()
let debugSettings = UMPDebugSettings()
debugSettings.testDeviceIdentifiers = ["TEST-DEVICE-HASHED-ID"]
debugSettings.geography = .EEA
parameters.debugSettings = debugSettings
// Include the UMPRequestParameters in your consent request.
with: parameters,
completionHandler: { error in
UMPRequestParameters *parameters = [[UMPRequestParameters alloc] init];
UMPDebugSettings *debugSettings = [[UMPDebugSettings alloc] init];
debugSettings.testDeviceIdentifiers = @[ @"TEST-DEVICE-HASHED-ID" ];
debugSettings.geography = UMPDebugGeographyEEA;
parameters.debugSettings = debugSettings;
// Include the UMPRequestParameters in your consent request.
completionHandler:^(NSError *_Nullable error){
Reset consent state
In testing your app with the UMP SDK, you might find it helpful to reset the
state of the SDK so that you can simulate a user's first install experience.
The SDK provides the reset
method to do this.
[UMPConsentInformation.sharedInstance reset];