Defines an interface for controlling playback of media elementary streams.
The value of the initial ticket held by the player before the first seek. The player will use this ticket value to make the first call to SbPlayerStatusFunc with kSbPlayerStateInitialized.
The value to pass into SbPlayerCreate's duration_pts
argument for cases where
the duration is unknown, such as for live streams.
Well-defined value for an invalid player.
An indicator of whether the decoder can accept more samples.
The decoder is asking for one more sample.
Identify the type of side data accompanied with SbPlayerSampleInfo
, as side
data may come from multiple sources.
The side data comes from the BlockAdditional data in the Matroska/Webm container. The first 8 bytes of the data contains the value of BlockAddID in big endian format, followed by the content of BlockAdditional. See:
[]( [](
An indicator of the general playback state.
The player has just been initialized. It is expecting an SbPlayerSeek() call to enter the prerolling state.
The player is prerolling, collecting enough data to fill the pipeline before presentation starts. After the first preroll is completed, there should always be a video frame to render, even if the player goes back to Prerolling after a Seek.
The player is presenting media, and it is either paused or actively playing in real-time. Note that the implementation should use this state to signal that the preroll has been finished.
The player is presenting media, but it is paused at the end of the stream.
The player has been destroyed, and will send no more callbacks.
An opaque handle to an implementation-private structure representing a player.
typedef struct SbPlayerPrivate* SbPlayer
Callback to free the given sample buffer data. When more than one buffer are
sent in SbPlayerWriteSample(), the implementation only has to call this callback
with sample_buffer
points to the first buffer.
typedef void(* SbPlayerDeallocateSampleFunc) (SbPlayer player, void *context, const void *sample_buffer)
Callback for decoder status updates, called in response to a call to
SbPlayerSeek() or SbPlayerWriteSample(). This callback will never be called
until at least one call to SbPlayerSeek has occurred. ticket
will be set to
the ticket passed into the last received call to SbPlayerSeek() at the time this
callback was dispatched. This is to distinguish status callbacks for
interrupting seeks. These callbacks will happen on a different thread than the
calling thread, and it is not valid to call SbPlayer functions from within this
callback. After an update with kSbPlayerDecoderStateNeedsData, the user of the
player will make at most one call to SbPlayerWriteSample() or
SbPlayerWriteEndOfStream(). The player implementation should update the decoder
status again after such call to notify its user to continue writing more frames.
typedef void(* SbPlayerDecoderStatusFunc) (SbPlayer player, void *context, SbMediaType type, SbPlayerDecoderState state, int ticket)
Callback for player errors, that may set a message
: indicates the error code.
: provides specific informative diagnostic message about the error
condition encountered. It is ok for the message to be an empty string or NULL if
no information is available.
typedef void(* SbPlayerErrorFunc) (SbPlayer player, void *context, SbPlayerError error, const char *message)
Callback for player status updates. These callbacks will happen on a different thread than the calling thread, and it is not valid to call SbPlayer functions from within this callback.
typedef void(* SbPlayerStatusFunc) (SbPlayer player, void *context, SbPlayerState state, int ticket)
The playback related parameters to pass into SbPlayerCreate() and SbPlayerGetPreferredOutputMode().
SbDrmSystem drm_system
Provides an appropriate DRM system if the media stream has encrypted portions. It will be
if the stream does not have encrypted portions.SbMediaAudioSampleInfo audio_sample_info
Contains a populated SbMediaAudioSampleInfo if
. Whenaudio_sample_info.codec
, the video doesn't have an audio track.SbMediaVideoSampleInfo video_sample_info
Contains a populated SbMediaVideoSampleInfo if
. Whenvideo_sample_info.codec
, the video is audio only.SbPlayerOutputMode output_mode
Selects how the decoded video frames will be output. For example,
indicates that the decoded video frames will be output to a background video layer by the platform, andkSbPlayerOutputDecodeToTexture
indicates that the decoded video frames should be made available for the application to pull via calls to SbPlayerGetCurrentFrame().
Information about the current media playback state.
int64_t current_media_timestamp
The position of the playback head, as precisely as possible, in microseconds.
int64_t duration
The known duration of the currently playing media stream, in microseconds.
int64_t start_date
The result of getStartDate for the currently playing media stream, in microseconds since the epoch of January 1, 1601 UTC.
int frame_width
The width of the currently displayed frame, in pixels, or 0 if not provided by this player.
int frame_height
The height of the currently displayed frame, in pixels, or 0 if not provided by this player.
bool is_paused
Whether playback is currently paused.
double volume
The current player volume in [0, 1].
int total_video_frames
The number of video frames sent to the player since the creation of the player.
int dropped_video_frames
The number of video frames decoded but not displayed since the creation of the player.
int corrupted_video_frames
The number of video frames that failed to be decoded since the creation of the player.
double playback_rate
The rate of playback. The video is played back in a speed that is proportional to this. By default it is 1.0 which indicates that the playback is at normal speed. When it is greater than one, the video is played in a faster than normal speed. When it is less than one, the video is played in a slower than normal speed. Negative speeds are not supported.
Information about the samples to be written into SbPlayerWriteSamples().
SbMediaType type
const void * buffer
Points to the buffer containing the sample data.
int buffer_size
Size of the data pointed to by
.int64_t timestamp
The timestamp of the sample in microseconds since Windows epoch UTC.
SbPlayerSampleSideData* side_data
Points to an array of side data for the input, when available.
int side_data_count
The number of side data pointed by
. It should be set to 0 if there is no side data for the input.SbMediaAudioSampleInfo audio_sample_info
Information about an audio sample. This value can only be used when
is kSbMediaTypeAudio.SbMediaVideoSampleInfo video_sample_info
Information about a video sample. This value can only be used when
is kSbMediaTypeVideo.union SbPlayerSampleInfo::@0 @1
constSbDrmSampleInfo* drm_info
The DRM system related info for the media sample. This value is required for encrypted samples. Otherwise, it must be
Side data accompanied with SbPlayerSampleInfo
, it can be arbitrary binary data
coming from multiple sources.
SbPlayerSampleSideDataType type
const uint8_t * data
will remain valid until SbPlayerDeallocateSampleFunc() is called on theSbPlayerSampleInfo::buffer
the data is associated with.size_t size
The size of the data pointed by
, in bytes.
Creates a player that will be displayed on window
for the specified
and audio_codec
, acquiring all resources needed to operate it,
and returning an opaque handle to it. The expectation is that a new player will
be created and destroyed for every playback.
This function returns the created player. Note the following:
The associated decoder of the returned player should be assumed to not be in
until SbPlayerSeek() has been called on it.It is expected either that the thread that calls SbPlayerCreate is the same thread that calls the other
functions for that player, or that there is a mutex guarding calls into eachSbPlayer
instance.If there is a platform limitation on how many players can coexist simultaneously, then calls made to this function that attempt to exceed that limit must return
. Multiple calls to SbPlayerCreate must not cause a crash.
: The window that will display the player. window
can be
for platforms where video is only displayed on a particular
window that the underlying implementation already has access to.
: The video codec used for the player. If video_codec
, the player is an audio-only player. If video_codec
is any other value, the player is an audio/video decoder. This can be set to
to play a video with only an audio track.
: The audio codec used for the player. The caller must provide a
populated audio_sample_info
if audio codec is kSbMediaAudioCodecAac
. Can be
set to kSbMediaAudioCodecNone
to play a video without any audio track. In such
case audio_sample_info
must be NULL.
: If the media stream has encrypted portions, then this parameter
provides an appropriate DRM system, created with SbDrmCreateSystem()
. If the
stream does not have encrypted portions, then drm_system
may be
: Note that the caller must provide a populated
if the audio codec is kSbMediaAudioCodecAac
. Otherwise,
can be NULL. See media.h for the format of the
Note that audio_specific_config
is a pointer and the content it points to is
no longer valid after this function returns. The implementation has to make a
copy of the content if it is needed after the function returns.
: This string communicates the max video capabilities
required to the platform. The web app will not provide a video stream exceeding
the maximums described by this parameter. Allows the platform to optimize
playback pipeline for low quality video streams if it knows that it will never
adapt to higher quality streams. The string uses the same format as the string
passed in to SbMediaCanPlayMimeAndKeySystem(), for example, when it is set to
"width=1920; height=1080; framerate=15;", the video will never adapt to
resolution higher than 1920x1080 or frame per second higher than 15 fps. When
the maximums are unknown, this will be set to NULL.
: If not NULL
, the player calls this function on an
internal thread to free the sample buffers passed into SbPlayerWriteSample().
: If not NULL
, the decoder calls this function on an
internal thread to provide an update on the decoder's status. No work should be
done on this thread. Rather, it should just signal the client thread interacting
with the decoder.
: If not NULL
, the player calls this function on an
internal thread to provide an update on the playback status. No work should be
done on this thread. Rather, it should just signal the client thread interacting
with the decoder.
: If not NULL
, the player calls this function on an
internal thread to provide an update on the error status. This callback is
responsible for setting the media error message.
: This is passed to all callbacks and is generally used to point at a
class or struct that contains state associated with the player.
: Selects how the decoded video frames will be output. For example,
kSbPlayerOutputModePunchOut indicates that the decoded video frames will be
output to a background video layer by the platform, and
kSbPlayerOutputDecodeToTexture indicates that the decoded video frames should be
made available for the application to pull via calls to
: Only present in Starboard version 3 and up. If not NULL
, then when
output_mode == kSbPlayerOutputModeDecodeToTexture, the player MAY use the
provider to create SbDecodeTargets on the renderer thread. A provider may not
always be needed by the player, but if it is needed, and the provider is not
given, the player will fail by returning kSbPlayerInvalid
is passed to any of the callbacks (sample_deallocator_func
, player_status_func
, or player_error_func
if it
applies), then kSbPlayerInvalid
must be returned.
SbPlayer SbPlayerCreate(SbWindow window, const SbPlayerCreationParam *creation_param, SbPlayerDeallocateSampleFunc sample_deallocate_func, SbPlayerDecoderStatusFunc decoder_status_func, SbPlayerStatusFunc player_status_func, SbPlayerErrorFunc player_error_func, void *context, SbDecodeTargetGraphicsContextProvider *context_provider)
Destroys player
, freeing all associated resources.
Upon calling this method, there should be one call to the player status callback (i.e.
used in the creation of the player) which indicates the player is destroyed. Note, the callback has to be inflight when SbPlayerDestroyed is called.No more other callbacks should be issued after this function returns.
It is not allowed to pass
into any otherSbPlayer
function once SbPlayerDestroy has been called on that player.
: The player to be destroyed. Must not be kSbPlayerInvalid
void SbPlayerDestroy(SbPlayer player)
Given a player created with the kSbPlayerOutputModeDecodeToTexture output mode,
it will return a SbDecodeTarget representing the current frame to be rasterized.
On GLES systems, this function must be called on a thread with an EGLContext
current, and specifically the EGLContext that will be used to eventually render
the frame. If this function is called with a player
object that was created
with an output mode other than kSbPlayerOutputModeDecodeToTexture,
kSbDecodeTargetInvalid is returned.
must not be kSbPlayerInvalid
SbDecodeTarget SbPlayerGetCurrentFrame(SbPlayer player)
Gets a snapshot of the current player state and writes it to out_player_info
This function may be called very frequently and is expected to be inexpensive.
: The player about which information is being retrieved. Must not be
: The information retrieved for the player.
void SbPlayerGetInfo2(SbPlayer player, SbPlayerInfo2 *out_player_info2)
Returns the maximum number of samples that can be written in a single call to SbPlayerWriteSamples(). Returning a value greater than one can improve performance by allowing SbPlayerWriteSamples() to write multiple samples in one call.
Note that this feature is currently disabled in Cobalt where SbPlayerWriteSamples() will always be called with one sample.
: The player for which the number is retrieved.
: The type of sample for which the number is retrieved. See the
enum in media.h.
int SbPlayerGetMaximumNumberOfSamplesPerWrite(SbPlayer player, SbMediaType sample_type)
Returns the preferred output mode of the implementation when a video described
by creation_param
is played. It is assumed that it is okay to call
SbPlayerCreate() with the same video described by creation_param
, with its
member replaced by the returned output mode. When the caller has
no preference on the output mode, it will set creation_param->output_mode
, and the implementation can return its preferred
output mode based on the information contained in creation_param
. The caller
can also set creation_param->output_mode
to its preferred output mode, and the
implementation should return the same output mode if it is supported, otherwise
the implementation should return an output mode that it is supported, as if
is set to kSbPlayerOutputModeInvalid
prior to
the call. Note that it is not the responsibility of this function to verify
whether the video described by creation_param
can be played on the platform,
and the implementation should try its best effort to return a valid output mode.
must not be NULL.
SbPlayerOutputMode SbPlayerGetPreferredOutputMode(const SbPlayerCreationParam *creation_param)
Returns whether the given player handle is valid.
static bool SbPlayerIsValid(SbPlayer player)
Tells the player to freeze playback (if playback has already started), reset or
flush the decoder pipeline, and go back to the Prerolling state. The player
should restart playback once it can display the frame at seek_to_timestamp
, or
the closest it can get. (Some players can only seek to I-Frames, for example.)
Seek must be called before samples are sent when starting playback for the first time, or the client never receives the
signal.A call to seek may interrupt another seek.
After this function is called, the client should not send any more audio or video samples until
is called back withkSbPlayerDecoderStateNeedsData
for each required media type.SbPlayerDecoderStatusFunc
is thedecoder_status_func
callback function that was specified when the player was created (SbPlayerCreate).
: The SbPlayer in which the seek operation is being performed. Must not
be kSbPlayerInvalid
: The frame at which playback should begin.
: A user-supplied unique ID to be passed to all subsequent
calls. (That is the decoder_status_func
function specified when calling SbPlayerCreate.)
The ticket
value is used to filter calls that may have been in flight when
SbPlayerSeek was called. To be very specific, once SbPlayerSeek has been called
with ticket X, a client should ignore all SbPlayerDecoderStatusFunc
calls that
do not pass in ticket X.
void SbPlayerSeek2(SbPlayer player, int64_t seek_to_timestamp, int ticket)
Sets the player bounds to the given graphics plane coordinates. The changes do
not take effect until the next graphics frame buffer swap. The default bounds
for a player is the full screen. This function is only relevant when the
is created with the kSbPlayerOutputModePunchOut output mode, and if
this is not the case then this function call can be ignored.
This function is called on every graphics frame that changes the video bounds. For example, if the video bounds are being animated, then this will be called at up to 60 Hz. Since the function could be called up to once per frame, implementors should take care to avoid related performance concerns with such frequent calls.
: The player that is being resized. Must not be kSbPlayerInvalid
: The z-index of the player. When the bounds of multiple players are
overlapped, the one with larger z-index will be rendered on top of the ones with
smaller z-index.
: The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the player.
: The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the player.
: The width of the player, in pixels.
: The height of the player, in pixels.
void SbPlayerSetBounds(SbPlayer player, int z_index, int x, int y, int width, int height)
Set the playback rate of the player
. rate
is default to 1.0 which indicates
the playback is at its original speed. A rate
greater than one will make the
playback faster than its original speed. For example, when rate
is 2, the
video will be played at twice the speed as its original speed. A rate
than 1.0 will make the playback slower than its original speed. When rate
0, the playback will be paused. The function returns true when the playback rate
is set to playback_rate
or to a rate that is close to playback_rate
the implementation supports. It returns false when the playback rate is
unchanged, this can happen when playback_rate
is negative or if it is too high
to support.
must not be kSbPlayerInvalid
bool SbPlayerSetPlaybackRate(SbPlayer player, double playback_rate)
Sets the player's volume.
: The player in which the volume is being adjusted. Must not be
: The new player volume. The value must be between 0.0
and 1.0
inclusive. A value of 0.0
means that the audio should be muted, and a value of
means that it should be played at full volume.
void SbPlayerSetVolume(SbPlayer player, double volume)
Writes a marker to player
's input stream of stream_type
indicating that
there are no more samples for that media type for the remainder of this media
stream. This marker is invalidated, along with the rest of the stream's
contents, after a call to SbPlayerSeek.
: The player to which the marker is written.
: The type of stream for which the marker is written.
void SbPlayerWriteEndOfStream(SbPlayer player, SbMediaType stream_type)
Writes samples of the given media type to player
's input stream. The lifetime
of sample_infos
, and the members of its elements like buffer
, and drm_info
(as well as member subsample_mapping
contained inside it) are not guaranteed past the call to SbPlayerWriteSamples().
That means that before returning, the implementation must synchronously copy any
information it wants to retain from those structures.
SbPlayerWriteSamples() allows writing of multiple samples in one call.
: The player to which the sample is written. Must not be
: The type of sample being written. See the SbMediaType
enum in
: A pointer to an array of SbPlayerSampleInfo with
elements, each holds the data for an sample, i.e. a
sequence of whole NAL Units for video, or a complete audio frame. sample_infos
cannot be assumed to live past the call into SbPlayerWriteSamples(), so it must
be copied if its content will be used after SbPlayerWriteSamples() returns.
: Specify the number of samples contained inside
. It has to be at least one, and at most the return value of
void SbPlayerWriteSample2(SbPlayer player, SbMediaType sample_type, const SbPlayerSampleInfo *sample_infos, int number_of_sample_infos)