New concepts in the new Search Ads Reporting API

The Search Ads 360 Reporting API is based on a modern platform and introduces a number of new concepts. These are described in the following sections.


Resource objects replace report types. Instead of requesting predefined report types, you can now query all resources using a new SQL-like query language. See Search Ads 360 Reporting API structure to learn more.

Search reporting

Search has its own service in the new API. The Search service replaces the legacy Reports service. All queries go through SearchAds360Service that provides two methods, SearchStream and Search, for searching and retrieving reporting data and metrics. Both search methods return all SearchAds360Row objects that match your search query. See Create search reports for more information.

Resource metadata

SearchAds360FieldService allows you to dynamically request the catalog for resources, resource fields, segmentation keys, and metrics available in the SearchAds360Service search methods. See Retrieve resource metadata to learn more.

Field names

The API introduces nested field names separated with the dot notation. For example, and You can also nest further, for example, See Search Ads 360 Reporting API structure to learn more.

Reporting in the previous Search Ads 360 API is based on separate fields on different entities for similar concepts. For example, both the campaign and adgroup reports include a separate campaignId field.

Query language

The API introduces the Search Ads 360 Query Language. This is a flexible, SQL-like language that allows you to define queries to retrieve the specific reporting data that best suits your business. See Search Ads 360 Query Language to learn more.

Get requests

In the new API, searching has its own service (SearchAds360Service), but GET requests still exist on each entity's specific service. For example, you can get custom column information from the CustomColumnService. See Format changes in the Search Ads 360 Reporting API to learn more.

Custom columns

In the new Search Ads 360, formula columns and custom conversions are called custom columns. Learn more about custom columns. The new CustomColumnService enables custom columns. Provided you have the necessary permissions, you can request CustomColumn resources owned by any account in the account tree.

Account management

The new Search Ads 360 organizes accounts into a hierarchy of manager accounts, sub-manager accounts, and client accounts. A manager account represents the agency account, and sub-manager accounts represent advertiser accounts in the previous Search Ads 360. See About Search Ads 360 manager accounts to learn more.

You can query the account tree and then submit requests for each account you would like reporting data from.

As a result of the change in the account hierarchy, fields related to the advertiser/agency concept have been replaced with appropriate alternatives to provide functional parity wherever possible. See Fields mappings for a list of affected fields and their substitutes.

Login customer ID header

login-customer-id is a new header that is required when using a manager account to access a sub-manager or client account. See Login customer ID header for more more information.


The Search Ads 360 Reporting API uses semantic versioning. There are major and minor versions, formatted as vMAJOR_MINOR. See Versioning to learn more.