metrics.absolute_top_impression_percentage |
Field description | Search absolute top impression share is the percentage of your Search ad impressions that are shown in the most prominent Search position. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.all_conversions |
Field description | The total number of conversions. This includes all conversions regardless of the value of include_in_conversions_metric. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.all_conversions_by_conversion_date |
Field description | The total number of conversions. This includes all conversions regardless of the value of include_in_conversions_metric. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date columns are available at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.all_conversions_from_click_to_call |
Field description | The number of times people clicked the "Call" button to call a store during or after clicking an ad. This number doesn't include whether or not calls were connected, or the duration of any calls. This metric applies to feed items only. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.all_conversions_from_directions |
Field description | The number of times people clicked a "Get directions" button to navigate to a store after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.all_conversions_from_interactions_rate |
Field description | All conversions from interactions (as oppose to view through conversions) divided by the number of ad interactions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.all_conversions_from_interactions_value_per_interaction |
Field description | The value of all conversions from interactions divided by the total number of interactions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
Field description | The number of times people clicked a link to view a store's menu after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.all_conversions_from_order |
Field description | The number of times people placed an order at a store after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.all_conversions_from_other_engagement |
Field description | The number of other conversions (for example, posting a review or saving a location for a store) that occurred after people clicked an ad. This metric applies to feed items only. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.all_conversions_from_store_visit |
Field description | Estimated number of times people visited a store after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.all_conversions_from_store_website |
Field description | The number of times that people were taken to a store's URL after clicking an ad. This metric applies to feed items only. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.all_conversions_value |
Field description | The value of all conversions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.all_conversions_value_by_conversion_date |
Field description | The value of all conversions. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date columns are available at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.all_conversions_value_per_cost |
Field description | The value of all conversions divided by the total cost of ad interactions (such as clicks for text ads or views for video ads). |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.average_cost |
Field description | The average amount you pay per interaction. This amount is the total cost of your ads divided by the total number of interactions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.average_quality_score |
Field description | The average quality score. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.clicks |
Field description | The number of clicks. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.client_account_conversions |
Field description | The number of client account conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_client_account_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.client_account_conversions_value |
Field description | The value of client account conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_client_account_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.client_account_cross_sell_cost_of_goods_sold_micros |
Field description | Client account cross-sell cost of goods sold (COGS) is the total cost of products sold as a result of advertising a different product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If these products don't match then this is considered cross-sell. Cross-sell cost of goods sold is the total cost of the products sold that weren't advertised. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat has a cost of goods sold value of $3, the shirt has a cost of goods sold value of $5. The cross-sell cost of goods sold for this order is $5. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.client_account_cross_sell_gross_profit_micros |
Field description | Client account cross-sell gross profit is the profit you made from products sold as a result of advertising a different product, minus cost of goods sold (COGS). How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the purchase is a sold product. If these products don't match then this is considered cross-sell. Cross-sell gross profit is the revenue you made from cross-sell attributed to your ads minus the cost of the goods sold. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The shirt is priced $20 and has a cost of goods sold value of $5. The cross-sell gross profit of this order is $15 = $20 - $5. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.client_account_cross_sell_revenue_micros |
Field description | Client account cross-sell revenue is the total amount you made from products sold as a result of advertising a different product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If these products don't match then this is considered cross-sell. Cross-sell revenue is the total value you made from cross-sell attributed to your ads. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat is priced $10 and the shirt is priced $20. The cross-sell revenue of this order is $20. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.client_account_cross_sell_units_sold |
Field description | Client account cross-sell units sold is the total number of products sold as a result of advertising a different product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If these products don't match then this is considered cross-sell. Cross-sell units sold is the total number of cross-sold products from all orders attributed to your ads. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat, a shirt and a jacket. The cross-sell units sold in this order is 2. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.client_account_lead_cost_of_goods_sold_micros |
Field description | Client account lead cost of goods sold (COGS) is the total cost of products sold as a result of advertising the same product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If the advertised and sold products match, then the cost of these goods is counted under lead cost of goods sold. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat has a cost of goods sold value of $3, the shirt has a cost of goods sold value of $5. The lead cost of goods sold for this order is $3. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.client_account_lead_gross_profit_micros |
Field description | Client account lead gross profit is the profit you made from products sold as a result of advertising the same product, minus cost of goods sold (COGS). How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If the advertised and sold products match, then the revenue you made from these sales minus the cost of goods sold is your lead gross profit. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat is priced $10 and has a cost of goods sold value of $3. The lead gross profit of this order is $7 = $10 - $3. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.client_account_lead_revenue_micros |
Field description | Client account lead revenue is the total amount you made from products sold as a result of advertising the same product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If the advertised and sold products match, then the total value you made from the sales of these products is shown under lead revenue. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat is priced $10 and the shirt is priced $20. The lead revenue of this order is $10. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.client_account_lead_units_sold |
Field description | Client account lead units sold is the total number of products sold as a result of advertising the same product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If the advertised and sold products match, then the total number of these products sold is shown under lead units sold. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat, a shirt and a jacket. The lead units sold in this order is 1. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.client_account_view_through_conversions |
Field description | The total number of view-through conversions. These happen when a customer sees an image or rich media ad, then later completes a conversion on your site without interacting with (for example, clicking on) another ad. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.content_budget_lost_impression_share |
Field description | The estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Display Network but didn't because your budget was too low. Note: Content budget lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.content_impression_share |
Field description | The impressions you've received on the Display Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive. Note: Content impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.content_rank_lost_impression_share |
Field description | The estimated percentage of impressions on the Display Network that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank. Note: Content rank lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.conversions |
Field description | The number of conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.conversions_by_conversion_date |
Field description | The sum of conversions by conversion date for biddable conversion types. Can be fractional due to attribution modeling. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.conversions_from_interactions_rate |
Field description | Average biddable conversions (from interaction) per conversion eligible interaction. Shows how often, on average, an ad interaction leads to a biddable conversion. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.conversions_from_interactions_value_per_interaction |
Field description | The value of conversions from interactions divided by the number of ad interactions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.conversions_value |
Field description | The sum of conversion values for the conversions included in the "conversions" field. This metric is useful only if you entered a value for your conversion actions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.conversions_value_by_conversion_date |
Field description | The sum of biddable conversions value by conversion date. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.conversions_value_per_cost |
Field description | The value of biddable conversion divided by the total cost of conversion eligible interactions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.cost_micros |
Field description | The sum of your cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) costs during this period. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.cost_per_all_conversions |
Field description | The cost of ad interactions divided by all conversions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.cost_per_conversion |
Field description | Average conversion eligible cost per biddable conversion. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.cost_per_current_model_attributed_conversion |
Field description | The cost of ad interactions divided by current model attributed conversions. This only includes conversion actions which include_in_conversions_metric attribute is set to true. If you use conversion-based bidding, your bid strategies will optimize for these conversions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.cross_device_conversions |
Field description | Conversions from when a customer clicks on an ad on one device, then converts on a different device or browser. Cross-device conversions are already included in all_conversions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.cross_device_conversions_value |
Field description | The sum of the value of cross-device conversions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.cross_sell_cost_of_goods_sold_micros |
Field description | Cross-sell cost of goods sold (COGS) is the total cost of products sold as a result of advertising a different product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If these products don't match then this is considered cross-sell. Cross-sell cost of goods sold is the total cost of the products sold that weren't advertised. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat has a cost of goods sold value of $3, the shirt has a cost of goods sold value of $5. The cross-sell cost of goods sold for this order is $5. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.cross_sell_gross_profit_micros |
Field description | Cross-sell gross profit is the profit you made from products sold as a result of advertising a different product, minus cost of goods sold (COGS). How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the purchase is a sold product. If these products don't match then this is considered cross-sell. Cross-sell gross profit is the revenue you made from cross-sell attributed to your ads minus the cost of the goods sold. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The shirt is priced $20 and has a cost of goods sold value of $5. The cross-sell gross profit of this order is $15 = $20 - $5. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.cross_sell_revenue_micros |
Field description | Cross-sell revenue is the total amount you made from products sold as a result of advertising a different product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If these products don't match then this is considered cross-sell. Cross-sell revenue is the total value you made from cross-sell attributed to your ads. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat is priced $10 and the shirt is priced $20. The cross-sell revenue of this order is $20. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.cross_sell_units_sold |
Field description | Cross-sell units sold is the total number of products sold as a result of advertising a different product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If these products don't match then this is considered cross-sell. Cross-sell units sold is the total number of cross-sold products from all orders attributed to your ads. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat, a shirt and a jacket. The cross-sell units sold in this order is 2. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.ctr |
Field description | The number of clicks your ad receives (Clicks) divided by the number of times your ad is shown (Impressions). |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.historical_creative_quality_score |
Field description | The creative historical quality score. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type |
Type URL | |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.historical_landing_page_quality_score |
Field description | The quality of historical landing page experience. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type |
Type URL | |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.historical_quality_score |
Field description | The historical quality score. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.historical_search_predicted_ctr |
Field description | The historical search predicted click through rate (CTR). |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type |
Type URL | |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.impressions |
Field description | Count of how often your ad has appeared on a search results page or website on the Google Network. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.interaction_event_types |
Field description | The types of payable and free interactions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type |
Type URL | |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | False |
Repeated | True |
metrics.interaction_rate |
Field description | How often people interact with your ad after it is shown to them. This is the number of interactions divided by the number of times your ad is shown. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.interactions |
Field description | The number of interactions. An interaction is the main user action associated with an ad format-clicks for text and shopping ads, views for video ads, and so on. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.invalid_click_rate |
Field description | The percentage of clicks filtered out of your total number of clicks (filtered + non-filtered clicks) during the reporting period. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.invalid_clicks |
Field description | Number of clicks Google considers illegitimate and doesn't charge you for. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.lead_cost_of_goods_sold_micros |
Field description | Lead cost of goods sold (COGS) is the total cost of products sold as a result of advertising the same product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If the advertised and sold products match, then the cost of these goods is counted under lead cost of goods sold. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat has a cost of goods sold value of $3, the shirt has a cost of goods sold value of $5. The lead cost of goods sold for this order is $3. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.lead_gross_profit_micros |
Field description | Lead gross profit is the profit you made from products sold as a result of advertising the same product, minus cost of goods sold (COGS). How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If the advertised and sold products match, then the revenue you made from these sales minus the cost of goods sold is your lead gross profit. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat is priced $10 and has a cost of goods sold value of $3. The lead gross profit of this order is $7 = $10 - $3. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.lead_revenue_micros |
Field description | Lead revenue is the total amount you made from products sold as a result of advertising the same product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If the advertised and sold products match, then the total value you made from the sales of these products is shown under lead revenue. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat and a shirt. The hat is priced $10 and the shirt is priced $20. The lead revenue of this order is $10. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. This metric is a monetary value and returned in the customer's currency by default. See the metrics_currency parameter at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | INT64 |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.lead_units_sold |
Field description | Lead units sold is the total number of products sold as a result of advertising the same product. How it works: You report conversions with cart data for completed purchases on your website. If the ad that was interacted with before the purchase has an associated product (see Shopping Ads) then this product is considered the advertised product. Any product included in the order the customer places is a sold product. If the advertised and sold products match, then the total number of these products sold is shown under lead units sold. Example: Someone clicked on a Shopping ad for a hat then bought the same hat, a shirt and a jacket. The lead units sold in this order is 1. This metric is only available if you report conversions with cart data. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.mobile_friendly_clicks_percentage |
Field description | The percentage of mobile clicks that go to a mobile-friendly page. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.search_absolute_top_impression_share |
Field description | The percentage of the customer's Shopping or Search ad impressions that are shown in the most prominent Shopping position. See for details. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.search_budget_lost_absolute_top_impression_share |
Field description | The number estimating how often your ad wasn't the very first ad among the top ads in the search results due to a low budget. Note: Search budget lost absolute top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.search_budget_lost_impression_share |
Field description | The estimated percent of times that your ad was eligible to show on the Search Network but didn't because your budget was too low. Note: Search budget lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.search_budget_lost_top_impression_share |
Field description | The number estimating how often your ad didn't show adjacent to the top organic search results due to a low budget. Note: Search budget lost top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.search_click_share |
Field description | The number of clicks you've received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of clicks you were eligible to receive. Note: Search click share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.search_exact_match_impression_share |
Field description | The impressions you've received divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive on the Search Network for search terms that matched your keywords exactly (or were close variants of your keyword), regardless of your keyword match types. Note: Search exact match impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.search_impression_share |
Field description | The impressions you've received on the Search Network divided by the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive. Note: Search impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.search_rank_lost_absolute_top_impression_share |
Field description | The number estimating how often your ad wasn't the very first ad among the top ads in the search results due to poor Ad Rank. Note: Search rank lost absolute top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.search_rank_lost_impression_share |
Field description | The estimated percentage of impressions on the Search Network that your ads didn't receive due to poor Ad Rank. Note: Search rank lost impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.search_rank_lost_top_impression_share |
Field description | The number estimating how often your ad didn't show adjacent to the top organic search results due to poor Ad Rank. Note: Search rank lost top impression share is reported in the range of 0 to 0.9. Any value above 0.9 is reported as 0.9001. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.search_top_impression_share |
Field description | The impressions you've received among the top ads compared to the estimated number of impressions you were eligible to receive among the top ads. Note: Search top impression share is reported in the range of 0.1 to 1. Any value below 0.1 is reported as 0.0999. Top ads are generally above the top organic results, although they may show below the top organic results on certain queries. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.top_impression_percentage |
Field description | The percent of your ad impressions that are shown adjacent to the top organic search results. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.value_per_all_conversions |
Field description | The value of all conversions divided by the number of all conversions. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.value_per_all_conversions_by_conversion_date |
Field description | The value of all conversions divided by the number of all conversions. When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. Details for the by_conversion_date columns are available at |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.value_per_conversion |
Field description | The value of biddable conversion divided by the number of biddable conversions. Shows how much, on average, each of the biddable conversions is worth. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.value_per_conversions_by_conversion_date |
Field description | Biddable conversions value by conversion date divided by biddable conversions by conversion date. Shows how much, on average, each of the biddable conversions is worth (by conversion date). When this column is selected with date, the values in date column means the conversion date. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |
metrics.visits |
Field description | Clicks that Search Ads 360 has successfully recorded and forwarded to an advertiser's landing page. |
Category | METRIC |
Data Type | DOUBLE |
Type URL | N/A |
Filterable | True |
Selectable | True |
Sortable | True |
Repeated | False |