क्रिप्टारिथमेटिक पहेलियां

क्रिप्टारिथमेटिक पहेली एक गणित की कसरत है, जिसमें कुछ संख्याओं के अंकों को अक्षरों (या प्रतीकों) से दिखाया जाता है. हर अक्षर एक खास अंक को दिखाता है. इसका मकसद अंकों को इस तरह ढूंढना होता है कि दिए गए गणितीय समीकरण की पुष्टि हो जाए:

+     IS
+    FUN
=   TRUE

अंकों को अक्षरों को एक साथ असाइन करने से नीचे दिया गया समीकरण मिलता है:

+     74
+    968
=   1065

इस सवाल के दूसरे जवाब भी हैं. हम आपको सभी समाधान ढूंढने का तरीका बताएंगे.

सवाल का मॉडल बनाना

ऑप्टिमाइज़ेशन के किसी अन्य समस्या की तरह, हम वैरिएबल और सीमाओं की पहचान करने से शुरुआत करेंगे. वैरिएबल ऐसे अक्षर होते हैं, जो किसी भी एक अंक वाली वैल्यू ले सकते हैं.

CP + IS + FUN = TRUE के लिए, पाबंदियां इस तरह हैं:

  • समीकरण: CP + IS + FUN = TRUE.
  • दस में से हर अक्षर एक अलग अंक का होना चाहिए.
  • C, I, F, और T शून्य नहीं हो सकते (क्योंकि हम अंकों में शुरुआत में शून्य नहीं लिखते).

नए सीपी-एसएटी सॉल्वर या ऑरिजनल सीपी सॉल्वर का इस्तेमाल करके, क्रिप्टो करंसी की समस्याओं को हल किया जा सकता है. हम आपको सीपी-एसएटी से शुरू करते हुए, दोनों सॉल्वर के उदाहरण दिखाएंगे.

CP-SAT सलूशन

हम वैरिएबल, कंस्ट्रेंट, सॉल्वर को शुरू करने की प्रोसेस, और आखिर में पूरे प्रोग्राम दिखाएंगे.

लाइब्रेरी इंपोर्ट करना

नीचे दिया गया कोड, ज़रूरी लाइब्रेरी को इंपोर्ट करता है.


from ortools.sat.python import cp_model


#include <stdlib.h>

#include <cstdint>

#include "ortools/base/logging.h"
#include "ortools/sat/cp_model.h"
#include "ortools/sat/cp_model.pb.h"
#include "ortools/sat/cp_model_solver.h"
#include "ortools/sat/model.h"
#include "ortools/sat/sat_parameters.pb.h"
#include "ortools/util/sorted_interval_list.h"


import com.google.ortools.Loader;
import com.google.ortools.sat.CpModel;
import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolver;
import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolverSolutionCallback;
import com.google.ortools.sat.IntVar;
import com.google.ortools.sat.LinearExpr;


using System;
using Google.OrTools.Sat;

मॉडल का एलान करना

यहां दिया गया कोड, समस्या के लिए मॉडल के बारे में बताता है.


model = cp_model.CpModel()


CpModelBuilder cp_model;


CpModel model = new CpModel();


        CpModel model = new CpModel();

        int kBase = 10;

        IntVar c = model.NewIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "C");
        IntVar p = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "P");
        IntVar i = model.NewIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "I");
        IntVar s = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "S");
        IntVar f = model.NewIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "F");
        IntVar u = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "U");
        IntVar n = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "N");
        IntVar t = model.NewIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "T");
        IntVar r = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "R");
        IntVar e = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "E");

        // We need to group variables in a list to use the constraint AllDifferent.
        IntVar[] letters = new IntVar[] { c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e };

        // Define constraints.

        // CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
        model.Add(c * kBase + p + i * kBase + s + f * kBase * kBase + u * kBase + n ==
                  t * kBase * kBase * kBase + r * kBase * kBase + u * kBase + e);

        // Creates a solver and solves the model.
        CpSolver solver = new CpSolver();
        VarArraySolutionPrinter cb = new VarArraySolutionPrinter(letters);
        // Search for all solutions.
        solver.StringParameters = "enumerate_all_solutions:true";
        // And solve.
        solver.Solve(model, cb);

        Console.WriteLine($"  conflicts : {solver.NumConflicts()}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  branches  : {solver.NumBranches()}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  wall time : {solver.WallTime()} s");
        Console.WriteLine($"  number of solutions found: {cb.SolutionCount()}");

वैरिएबल तय करना

सीपी-एसएटी सॉल्वर का इस्तेमाल करते समय, कुछ ऐसे हेल्पर मेथड होते हैं जिनके बारे में बताना मददगार हो सकता है. हम अपने (पूर्णांक) अंकों का एलान करने के लिए उनमें से एक, NewIntVar का इस्तेमाल करेंगे. हम उन अक्षरों में फ़र्क़ करते हैं जो शून्य हो सकते हैं और जो नहीं हो सकते (C, I, F, और T).


base = 10

c = model.new_int_var(1, base - 1, "C")
p = model.new_int_var(0, base - 1, "P")
i = model.new_int_var(1, base - 1, "I")
s = model.new_int_var(0, base - 1, "S")
f = model.new_int_var(1, base - 1, "F")
u = model.new_int_var(0, base - 1, "U")
n = model.new_int_var(0, base - 1, "N")
t = model.new_int_var(1, base - 1, "T")
r = model.new_int_var(0, base - 1, "R")
e = model.new_int_var(0, base - 1, "E")

# We need to group variables in a list to use the constraint AllDifferent.
letters = [c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e]

# Verify that we have enough digits.
assert base >= len(letters)


const int64_t kBase = 10;

// Define decision variables.
Domain digit(0, kBase - 1);
Domain non_zero_digit(1, kBase - 1);

IntVar c = cp_model.NewIntVar(non_zero_digit).WithName("C");
IntVar p = cp_model.NewIntVar(digit).WithName("P");
IntVar i = cp_model.NewIntVar(non_zero_digit).WithName("I");
IntVar s = cp_model.NewIntVar(digit).WithName("S");
IntVar f = cp_model.NewIntVar(non_zero_digit).WithName("F");
IntVar u = cp_model.NewIntVar(digit).WithName("U");
IntVar n = cp_model.NewIntVar(digit).WithName("N");
IntVar t = cp_model.NewIntVar(non_zero_digit).WithName("T");
IntVar r = cp_model.NewIntVar(digit).WithName("R");
IntVar e = cp_model.NewIntVar(digit).WithName("E");


int base = 10;
IntVar c = model.newIntVar(1, base - 1, "C");
IntVar p = model.newIntVar(0, base - 1, "P");
IntVar i = model.newIntVar(1, base - 1, "I");
IntVar s = model.newIntVar(0, base - 1, "S");
IntVar f = model.newIntVar(1, base - 1, "F");
IntVar u = model.newIntVar(0, base - 1, "U");
IntVar n = model.newIntVar(0, base - 1, "N");
IntVar t = model.newIntVar(1, base - 1, "T");
IntVar r = model.newIntVar(0, base - 1, "R");
IntVar e = model.newIntVar(0, base - 1, "E");

// We need to group variables in a list to use the constraint AllDifferent.
IntVar[] letters = new IntVar[] {c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e};


        int kBase = 10;

        IntVar c = model.NewIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "C");
        IntVar p = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "P");
        IntVar i = model.NewIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "I");
        IntVar s = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "S");
        IntVar f = model.NewIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "F");
        IntVar u = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "U");
        IntVar n = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "N");
        IntVar t = model.NewIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "T");
        IntVar r = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "R");
        IntVar e = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "E");

        // We need to group variables in a list to use the constraint AllDifferent.
        IntVar[] letters = new IntVar[] { c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e };

कंस्ट्रेंट को तय करना

अगली बात, पाबंदियां. सबसे पहले, हम AddAllDifferent हेल्पर तरीके का इस्तेमाल करके यह पक्का करते हैं कि सभी अक्षरों की वैल्यू अलग-अलग हो. इसके बाद, हम AddEquality हेल्पर तरीके का इस्तेमाल करके, ऐसे पाबंदियां बनाते हैं जो CP + IS + FUN = TRUE समानता को लागू करती हैं.



# CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
    c * base + p + i * base + s + f * base * base + u * base + n
    == t * base * base * base + r * base * base + u * base + e


// Define constraints.
cp_model.AddAllDifferent({c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e});

// CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
    c * kBase + p + i * kBase + s + f * kBase * kBase + u * kBase + n,
    kBase * kBase * kBase * t + kBase * kBase * r + kBase * u + e);



// CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
model.addEquality(LinearExpr.weightedSum(new IntVar[] {c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, u, e},
                      new long[] {base, 1, base, 1, base * base, base, 1, -base * base * base,
                          -base * base, -base, -1}),


// Define constraints.

// CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
model.Add(c * kBase + p + i * kBase + s + f * kBase * kBase + u * kBase + n ==
          t * kBase * kBase * kBase + r * kBase * kBase + u * kBase + e);

सॉल्यूशन प्रिंटर

सॉल्वर प्रिंटर का कोड नीचे दिखाया गया है. सॉल्वर में हर सलूशन को जैसे ही ढूंढा जाता है, तो इसे डिसप्ले किया जाता है.


class VarArraySolutionPrinter(cp_model.CpSolverSolutionCallback):
    """Print intermediate solutions."""

    def __init__(self, variables: list[cp_model.IntVar]):
        self.__variables = variables
        self.__solution_count = 0

    def on_solution_callback(self) -> None:
        self.__solution_count += 1
        for v in self.__variables:
            print(f"{v}={self.value(v)}", end=" ")

    def solution_count(self) -> int:
        return self.__solution_count 


Model model;
int num_solutions = 0;
model.Add(NewFeasibleSolutionObserver([&](const CpSolverResponse& response) {
  LOG(INFO) << "Solution " << num_solutions;
  LOG(INFO) << "C=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, c) << " "
            << "P=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, p) << " "
            << "I=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, i) << " "
            << "S=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, s) << " "
            << "F=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, f) << " "
            << "U=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, u) << " "
            << "N=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, n) << " "
            << "T=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, t) << " "
            << "R=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, r) << " "
            << "E=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, e);


static class VarArraySolutionPrinter extends CpSolverSolutionCallback {
  public VarArraySolutionPrinter(IntVar[] variables) {
    variableArray = variables;

  public void onSolutionCallback() {
    for (IntVar v : variableArray) {
      System.out.printf("  %s = %d", v.getName(), value(v));

  public int getSolutionCount() {
    return solutionCount;

  private int solutionCount;
  private final IntVar[] variableArray;


public class VarArraySolutionPrinter : CpSolverSolutionCallback
    public VarArraySolutionPrinter(IntVar[] variables)
        variables_ = variables;

    public override void OnSolutionCallback()
            foreach (IntVar v in variables_)
                Console.Write(String.Format("  {0}={1}", v.ToString(), Value(v)));

    public int SolutionCount()
        return solution_count_;

    private int solution_count_;
    private IntVar[] variables_;

सॉल्वर को बढ़ावा देना

आखिर में, हम समस्या को हल करते हैं और उसके हल के बारे में बताते हैं. सारे काम operations_research::sat::SolveCpModel() तरीके में किए गए हैं.


solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
solution_printer = VarArraySolutionPrinter(letters)
# Enumerate all solutions.
solver.parameters.enumerate_all_solutions = True
# Solve.
status = solver.solve(model, solution_printer)


// Tell the solver to enumerate all solutions.
SatParameters parameters;

const CpSolverResponse response = SolveCpModel(cp_model.Build(), &model);
LOG(INFO) << "Number of solutions found: " << num_solutions;


CpSolver solver = new CpSolver();
VarArraySolutionPrinter cb = new VarArraySolutionPrinter(letters);
// Tell the solver to enumerate all solutions.
// And solve.
solver.solve(model, cb);


// Creates a solver and solves the model.
CpSolver solver = new CpSolver();
VarArraySolutionPrinter cb = new VarArraySolutionPrinter(letters);
// Search for all solutions.
solver.StringParameters = "enumerate_all_solutions:true";
// And solve.
solver.Solve(model, cb);

प्रोग्राम को चलाने पर, यह इन आउटपुट को डाइप्ले करता है जिनमें हर पंक्ति एक समाधान है:

C=2 P=3 I=7 S=4 F=9 U=6 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=5
C=2 P=4 I=7 S=3 F=9 U=6 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=5
C=2 P=5 I=7 S=3 F=9 U=4 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=6
C=2 P=8 I=7 S=3 F=9 U=4 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=6
C=2 P=8 I=7 S=3 F=9 U=6 N=4 T=1 R=0 E=5
C=3 P=7 I=6 S=2 F=9 U=8 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=6 P=7 I=3 S=2 F=9 U=8 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=6 P=5 I=3 S=2 F=9 U=8 N=7 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=3 P=5 I=6 S=2 F=9 U=8 N=7 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=3 P=8 I=6 S=4 F=9 U=2 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=3 P=7 I=6 S=5 F=9 U=8 N=2 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=3 P=8 I=6 S=5 F=9 U=2 N=4 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=3 P=5 I=6 S=4 F=9 U=2 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=3 P=4 I=6 S=5 F=9 U=2 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=3 P=2 I=6 S=5 F=9 U=8 N=7 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=3 P=4 I=6 S=8 F=9 U=2 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=3 P=2 I=6 S=7 F=9 U=8 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=3 P=5 I=6 S=8 F=9 U=2 N=4 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=3 P=5 I=6 S=7 F=9 U=8 N=2 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=2 P=5 I=7 S=6 F=9 U=8 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=2 P=5 I=7 S=8 F=9 U=4 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=6
C=2 P=6 I=7 S=5 F=9 U=8 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=2 P=4 I=7 S=8 F=9 U=6 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=5
C=2 P=3 I=7 S=8 F=9 U=6 N=4 T=1 R=0 E=5
C=2 P=8 I=7 S=5 F=9 U=4 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=6
C=2 P=8 I=7 S=4 F=9 U=6 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=5
C=2 P=6 I=7 S=3 F=9 U=8 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=2 P=5 I=7 S=3 F=9 U=8 N=6 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=2 P=3 I=7 S=5 F=9 U=4 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=6
C=2 P=3 I=7 S=5 F=9 U=8 N=6 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=2 P=3 I=7 S=6 F=9 U=8 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=2 P=3 I=7 S=8 F=9 U=4 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=6
C=4 P=3 I=5 S=8 F=9 U=2 N=6 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=5 P=3 I=4 S=8 F=9 U=2 N=6 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=6 P=2 I=3 S=7 F=9 U=8 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=7 P=3 I=2 S=6 F=9 U=8 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=7 P=3 I=2 S=8 F=9 U=4 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=6
C=6 P=4 I=3 S=8 F=9 U=2 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=5 P=3 I=4 S=6 F=9 U=2 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=4 P=3 I=5 S=6 F=9 U=2 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=5 P=6 I=4 S=3 F=9 U=2 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=7 P=4 I=2 S=3 F=9 U=6 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=5
C=7 P=3 I=2 S=4 F=9 U=6 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=5
C=6 P=2 I=3 S=5 F=9 U=8 N=7 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=7 P=3 I=2 S=5 F=9 U=4 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=6
C=6 P=4 I=3 S=5 F=9 U=2 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=6 P=5 I=3 S=4 F=9 U=2 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=7 P=5 I=2 S=3 F=9 U=4 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=6
C=4 P=6 I=5 S=3 F=9 U=2 N=8 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=6 P=5 I=3 S=8 F=9 U=2 N=4 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=6 P=5 I=3 S=7 F=9 U=8 N=2 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=7 P=5 I=2 S=8 F=9 U=4 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=6
C=7 P=5 I=2 S=6 F=9 U=8 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=5 P=8 I=4 S=6 F=9 U=2 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=4 P=8 I=5 S=6 F=9 U=2 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=4 P=8 I=5 S=3 F=9 U=2 N=6 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=5 P=8 I=4 S=3 F=9 U=2 N=6 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=7 P=8 I=2 S=3 F=9 U=4 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=6
C=7 P=8 I=2 S=3 F=9 U=6 N=4 T=1 R=0 E=5
C=7 P=8 I=2 S=4 F=9 U=6 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=5
C=7 P=8 I=2 S=5 F=9 U=4 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=6
C=6 P=8 I=3 S=5 F=9 U=2 N=4 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=6 P=8 I=3 S=4 F=9 U=2 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=6 P=7 I=3 S=5 F=9 U=8 N=2 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=7 P=6 I=2 S=5 F=9 U=8 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=7 P=3 I=2 S=5 F=9 U=8 N=6 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=7 P=4 I=2 S=8 F=9 U=6 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=5
C=7 P=3 I=2 S=8 F=9 U=6 N=4 T=1 R=0 E=5
C=5 P=6 I=4 S=8 F=9 U=2 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=4 P=6 I=5 S=8 F=9 U=2 N=3 T=1 R=0 E=7
C=7 P=6 I=2 S=3 F=9 U=8 N=5 T=1 R=0 E=4
C=7 P=5 I=2 S=3 F=9 U=8 N=6 T=1 R=0 E=4

  - status          : OPTIMAL
  - conflicts       : 110
  - branches        : 435
  - wall time       : 0.014934 ms
  - solutions found : 72

प्रोग्राम पूरे करना

यहां सारे प्रोग्राम दिए गए हैं.


"""Cryptarithmetic puzzle.

First attempt to solve equation CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
where each letter represents a unique digit.

This problem has 72 different solutions in base 10.
from ortools.sat.python import cp_model

class VarArraySolutionPrinter(cp_model.CpSolverSolutionCallback):
    """Print intermediate solutions."""

    def __init__(self, variables: list[cp_model.IntVar]):
        self.__variables = variables
        self.__solution_count = 0

    def on_solution_callback(self) -> None:
        self.__solution_count += 1
        for v in self.__variables:
            print(f"{v}={self.value(v)}", end=" ")

    def solution_count(self) -> int:
        return self.__solution_count

def main() -> None:
    """solve the CP+IS+FUN==TRUE cryptarithm."""
    # Constraint programming engine
    model = cp_model.CpModel()

    base = 10

    c = model.new_int_var(1, base - 1, "C")
    p = model.new_int_var(0, base - 1, "P")
    i = model.new_int_var(1, base - 1, "I")
    s = model.new_int_var(0, base - 1, "S")
    f = model.new_int_var(1, base - 1, "F")
    u = model.new_int_var(0, base - 1, "U")
    n = model.new_int_var(0, base - 1, "N")
    t = model.new_int_var(1, base - 1, "T")
    r = model.new_int_var(0, base - 1, "R")
    e = model.new_int_var(0, base - 1, "E")

    # We need to group variables in a list to use the constraint AllDifferent.
    letters = [c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e]

    # Verify that we have enough digits.
    assert base >= len(letters)

    # Define constraints.

    # CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
        c * base + p + i * base + s + f * base * base + u * base + n
        == t * base * base * base + r * base * base + u * base + e

    # Creates a solver and solves the model.
    solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
    solution_printer = VarArraySolutionPrinter(letters)
    # Enumerate all solutions.
    solver.parameters.enumerate_all_solutions = True
    # Solve.
    status = solver.solve(model, solution_printer)

    # Statistics.
    print(f"  status   : {solver.status_name(status)}")
    print(f"  conflicts: {solver.num_conflicts}")
    print(f"  branches : {solver.num_branches}")
    print(f"  wall time: {solver.wall_time} s")
    print(f"  sol found: {solution_printer.solution_count}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


// Cryptarithmetic puzzle
// First attempt to solve equation CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
// where each letter represents a unique digit.
// This problem has 72 different solutions in base 10.
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <cstdint>

#include "ortools/base/logging.h"
#include "ortools/sat/cp_model.h"
#include "ortools/sat/cp_model.pb.h"
#include "ortools/sat/cp_model_solver.h"
#include "ortools/sat/model.h"
#include "ortools/sat/sat_parameters.pb.h"
#include "ortools/util/sorted_interval_list.h"

namespace operations_research {
namespace sat {

void CPIsFunSat() {
  // Instantiate the solver.
  CpModelBuilder cp_model;

  const int64_t kBase = 10;

  // Define decision variables.
  Domain digit(0, kBase - 1);
  Domain non_zero_digit(1, kBase - 1);

  IntVar c = cp_model.NewIntVar(non_zero_digit).WithName("C");
  IntVar p = cp_model.NewIntVar(digit).WithName("P");
  IntVar i = cp_model.NewIntVar(non_zero_digit).WithName("I");
  IntVar s = cp_model.NewIntVar(digit).WithName("S");
  IntVar f = cp_model.NewIntVar(non_zero_digit).WithName("F");
  IntVar u = cp_model.NewIntVar(digit).WithName("U");
  IntVar n = cp_model.NewIntVar(digit).WithName("N");
  IntVar t = cp_model.NewIntVar(non_zero_digit).WithName("T");
  IntVar r = cp_model.NewIntVar(digit).WithName("R");
  IntVar e = cp_model.NewIntVar(digit).WithName("E");

  // Define constraints.
  cp_model.AddAllDifferent({c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e});

  // CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
      c * kBase + p + i * kBase + s + f * kBase * kBase + u * kBase + n,
      kBase * kBase * kBase * t + kBase * kBase * r + kBase * u + e);

  Model model;
  int num_solutions = 0;
  model.Add(NewFeasibleSolutionObserver([&](const CpSolverResponse& response) {
    LOG(INFO) << "Solution " << num_solutions;
    LOG(INFO) << "C=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, c) << " "
              << "P=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, p) << " "
              << "I=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, i) << " "
              << "S=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, s) << " "
              << "F=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, f) << " "
              << "U=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, u) << " "
              << "N=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, n) << " "
              << "T=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, t) << " "
              << "R=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, r) << " "
              << "E=" << SolutionIntegerValue(response, e);

  // Tell the solver to enumerate all solutions.
  SatParameters parameters;

  const CpSolverResponse response = SolveCpModel(cp_model.Build(), &model);
  LOG(INFO) << "Number of solutions found: " << num_solutions;

  // Statistics.
  LOG(INFO) << "Statistics";
  LOG(INFO) << CpSolverResponseStats(response);

}  // namespace sat
}  // namespace operations_research

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


package com.google.ortools.sat.samples;
import com.google.ortools.Loader;
import com.google.ortools.sat.CpModel;
import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolver;
import com.google.ortools.sat.CpSolverSolutionCallback;
import com.google.ortools.sat.IntVar;
import com.google.ortools.sat.LinearExpr;

/** Cryptarithmetic puzzle. */
public final class CpIsFunSat {
  static class VarArraySolutionPrinter extends CpSolverSolutionCallback {
    public VarArraySolutionPrinter(IntVar[] variables) {
      variableArray = variables;

    public void onSolutionCallback() {
      for (IntVar v : variableArray) {
        System.out.printf("  %s = %d", v.getName(), value(v));

    public int getSolutionCount() {
      return solutionCount;

    private int solutionCount;
    private final IntVar[] variableArray;

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Create the model.
    CpModel model = new CpModel();

    int base = 10;
    IntVar c = model.newIntVar(1, base - 1, "C");
    IntVar p = model.newIntVar(0, base - 1, "P");
    IntVar i = model.newIntVar(1, base - 1, "I");
    IntVar s = model.newIntVar(0, base - 1, "S");
    IntVar f = model.newIntVar(1, base - 1, "F");
    IntVar u = model.newIntVar(0, base - 1, "U");
    IntVar n = model.newIntVar(0, base - 1, "N");
    IntVar t = model.newIntVar(1, base - 1, "T");
    IntVar r = model.newIntVar(0, base - 1, "R");
    IntVar e = model.newIntVar(0, base - 1, "E");

    // We need to group variables in a list to use the constraint AllDifferent.
    IntVar[] letters = new IntVar[] {c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e};

    // Define constraints.

    // CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
    model.addEquality(LinearExpr.weightedSum(new IntVar[] {c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, u, e},
                          new long[] {base, 1, base, 1, base * base, base, 1, -base * base * base,
                              -base * base, -base, -1}),

    // Create a solver and solve the model.
    CpSolver solver = new CpSolver();
    VarArraySolutionPrinter cb = new VarArraySolutionPrinter(letters);
    // Tell the solver to enumerate all solutions.
    // And solve.
    solver.solve(model, cb);

    // Statistics.
    System.out.println("  - conflicts : " + solver.numConflicts());
    System.out.println("  - branches  : " + solver.numBranches());
    System.out.println("  - wall time : " + solver.wallTime() + " s");
    System.out.println("  - solutions : " + cb.getSolutionCount());

  private CpIsFunSat() {}


// Cryptarithmetic puzzle
// First attempt to solve equation CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
// where each letter represents a unique digit.
// This problem has 72 different solutions in base 10.
using System;
using Google.OrTools.Sat;

public class CpIsFunSat
    public class VarArraySolutionPrinter : CpSolverSolutionCallback
        public VarArraySolutionPrinter(IntVar[] variables)
            variables_ = variables;

        public override void OnSolutionCallback()
                foreach (IntVar v in variables_)
                    Console.Write(String.Format("  {0}={1}", v.ToString(), Value(v)));

        public int SolutionCount()
            return solution_count_;

        private int solution_count_;
        private IntVar[] variables_;

    // Solve the CP+IS+FUN==TRUE cryptarithm.
    static void Main()
        // Constraint programming engine
        CpModel model = new CpModel();

        int kBase = 10;

        IntVar c = model.NewIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "C");
        IntVar p = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "P");
        IntVar i = model.NewIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "I");
        IntVar s = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "S");
        IntVar f = model.NewIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "F");
        IntVar u = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "U");
        IntVar n = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "N");
        IntVar t = model.NewIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "T");
        IntVar r = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "R");
        IntVar e = model.NewIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "E");

        // We need to group variables in a list to use the constraint AllDifferent.
        IntVar[] letters = new IntVar[] { c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e };

        // Define constraints.

        // CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
        model.Add(c * kBase + p + i * kBase + s + f * kBase * kBase + u * kBase + n ==
                  t * kBase * kBase * kBase + r * kBase * kBase + u * kBase + e);

        // Creates a solver and solves the model.
        CpSolver solver = new CpSolver();
        VarArraySolutionPrinter cb = new VarArraySolutionPrinter(letters);
        // Search for all solutions.
        solver.StringParameters = "enumerate_all_solutions:true";
        // And solve.
        solver.Solve(model, cb);

        Console.WriteLine($"  conflicts : {solver.NumConflicts()}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  branches  : {solver.NumBranches()}");
        Console.WriteLine($"  wall time : {solver.WallTime()} s");
        Console.WriteLine($"  number of solutions found: {cb.SolutionCount()}");

ओरिजनल सीपी सलूशन

इस मामले में हम आधार को एक चर मानेंगे, ताकि आप उच्च आधारों के लिए समीकरण को हल कर सकें. (सभी 10 अक्षरों का अलग-अलग होना ज़रूरी है, इसलिए CP + IS + FUN = TRUE के लिए कोई लोअर बेस सलूशन नहीं है.)

लाइब्रेरी इंपोर्ट करना

नीचे दिया गया कोड, ज़रूरी लाइब्रेरी को इंपोर्ट करता है.


from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp


#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>

#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
#include "absl/log/flags.h"
#include "ortools/base/init_google.h"
#include "ortools/base/logging.h"
#include "ortools/constraint_solver/constraint_solver.h"




using System;
using Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver;

सॉल्वर तैयार करना

सबसे पहले Solver बनाएं.


solver = pywrapcp.Solver("CP is fun!")


Solver solver("CP is fun!");


Solver solver = new Solver("CP is fun!");


Solver solver = new Solver("CP is fun!");

वैरिएबल तय करना

पहले चरण में, हर अक्षर के लिए एक IntVar बनाएं. हम उन वर्णों में फ़र्क़ करते हैं जो शून्य हो सकते हैं और जो नहीं हो सकते हैं (C, I, F, और T).

इसके बाद, हम एक कलेक्शन बनाते हैं, जिसमें हर अक्षर के लिए एक नया IntVar होता है. इसकी ज़रूरत सिर्फ़ इसलिए है, क्योंकि कंस्ट्रेंट को तय करते समय हम AllDifferent का इस्तेमाल करते हैं. इसलिए, हमें कुछ कलेक्शन की ज़रूरत होती है, जिनके लिए हर एलिमेंट को अलग होना चाहिए.

आखिर में, हम पुष्टि करते हैं कि हमारा आधार कम से कम अक्षरों की संख्या जितना बड़ा है; अन्यथा कोई समाधान नहीं है.


base = 10

# Decision variables.
digits = list(range(0, base))
digits_without_zero = list(range(1, base))
c = solver.IntVar(digits_without_zero, "C")
p = solver.IntVar(digits, "P")
i = solver.IntVar(digits_without_zero, "I")
s = solver.IntVar(digits, "S")
f = solver.IntVar(digits_without_zero, "F")
u = solver.IntVar(digits, "U")
n = solver.IntVar(digits, "N")
t = solver.IntVar(digits_without_zero, "T")
r = solver.IntVar(digits, "R")
e = solver.IntVar(digits, "E")

# We need to group variables in a list to use the constraint AllDifferent.
letters = [c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e]

# Verify that we have enough digits.
assert base >= len(letters)


const int64_t kBase = 10;

// Define decision variables.
IntVar* const c = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "C");
IntVar* const p = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "P");
IntVar* const i = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "I");
IntVar* const s = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "S");
IntVar* const f = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "F");
IntVar* const u = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "U");
IntVar* const n = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "N");
IntVar* const t = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "T");
IntVar* const r = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "R");
IntVar* const e = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "E");

// We need to group variables in a vector to be able to use
// the global constraint AllDifferent
std::vector<IntVar*> letters{c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e};

// Check if we have enough digits
CHECK_GE(kBase, letters.size());


final int base = 10;

// Decision variables.
final IntVar c = solver.makeIntVar(1, base - 1, "C");
final IntVar p = solver.makeIntVar(0, base - 1, "P");
final IntVar i = solver.makeIntVar(1, base - 1, "I");
final IntVar s = solver.makeIntVar(0, base - 1, "S");
final IntVar f = solver.makeIntVar(1, base - 1, "F");
final IntVar u = solver.makeIntVar(0, base - 1, "U");
final IntVar n = solver.makeIntVar(0, base - 1, "N");
final IntVar t = solver.makeIntVar(1, base - 1, "T");
final IntVar r = solver.makeIntVar(0, base - 1, "R");
final IntVar e = solver.makeIntVar(0, base - 1, "E");

// Group variables in a vector so that we can use AllDifferent.
final IntVar[] letters = new IntVar[] {c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e};

// Verify that we have enough digits.
if (base < letters.length) {
  throw new Exception("base < letters.Length");


const int kBase = 10;

// Decision variables.
IntVar c = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "C");
IntVar p = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "P");
IntVar i = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "I");
IntVar s = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "S");
IntVar f = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "F");
IntVar u = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "U");
IntVar n = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "N");
IntVar t = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "T");
IntVar r = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "R");
IntVar e = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "E");

// Group variables in a vector so that we can use AllDifferent.
IntVar[] letters = new IntVar[] { c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e };

// Verify that we have enough digits.
if (kBase < letters.Length)
    throw new Exception("kBase < letters.Length");

कंस्ट्रेंट को तय करना

अब हमने अपने वैरिएबल तय कर लिए हैं, तो अगला चरण कंस्ट्रेंट को तय करना है. सबसे पहले, हम AllDifferent कंस्ट्रेंट को जोड़ते हैं. इससे हर अक्षर में एक अलग अंक होता है.

इसके बाद, हम CP + IS + FUN = TRUE कंस्ट्रेंट जोड़ते हैं. सैंपल प्रोग्राम अलग-अलग तरीक़ों से ऐसा करते हैं.



# CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
    p + s + n + base * (c + i + u) + base * base * f
    == e + base * u + base * base * r + base * base * base * t


// Define constraints.

// CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
IntVar* const term1 = MakeBaseLine2(&solver, c, p, kBase);
IntVar* const term2 = MakeBaseLine2(&solver, i, s, kBase);
IntVar* const term3 = MakeBaseLine3(&solver, f, u, n, kBase);
IntVar* const sum_terms =
    solver.MakeSum(solver.MakeSum(term1, term2), term3)->Var();

IntVar* const sum = MakeBaseLine4(&solver, t, r, u, e, kBase);

solver.AddConstraint(solver.MakeEquality(sum_terms, sum));



// CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
final IntVar sum1 =
        .makeSum(new IntVar[] {p, s, n,
            solver.makeProd(solver.makeSum(new IntVar[] {c, i, u}).var(), base).var(),
            solver.makeProd(f, base * base).var()})
final IntVar sum2 = solver
                        .makeSum(new IntVar[] {e, solver.makeProd(u, base).var(),
                            solver.makeProd(r, base * base).var(),
                            solver.makeProd(t, base * base * base).var()})
solver.addConstraint(solver.makeEquality(sum1, sum2));



// CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
solver.Add(p + s + n + kBase * (c + i + u) + kBase * kBase * f ==
           e + kBase * u + kBase * kBase * r + kBase * kBase * kBase * t);

सॉल्वर को बढ़ावा देना

अब हमारे पास अपनी ज़रूरत के हिसाब से बदलाव और शर्तें हैं. इसलिए, अब हम इसे हल करने के लिए तैयार हैं.

सॉल्वर प्रिंटर का कोड नीचे दिखाया गया है. सॉल्वर में हर सलूशन को जैसे ही ढूंढा जाता है, तो इसे डिसप्ले किया जाता है.

हमारी समस्या के एक से ज़्यादा समाधान हैं. इसलिए, हम while solver.NextSolution() लूप की मदद से समस्याओं को हल करने की कोशिश करते हैं. अगर हमें बस कोई एक हल खोजना होता, तो हम इस मुहावरे का इस्तेमाल करते:\

if (solver.NextSolution()) {
    // Print solution.
} else {
    // Print that no solution could be found.


solution_count = 0
db = solver.Phase(letters, solver.INT_VAR_DEFAULT, solver.INT_VALUE_DEFAULT)
while solver.NextSolution():
    # Is CP + IS + FUN = TRUE?
    assert (
        base * c.Value()
        + p.Value()
        + base * i.Value()
        + s.Value()
        + base * base * f.Value()
        + base * u.Value()
        + n.Value()
        == base * base * base * t.Value()
        + base * base * r.Value()
        + base * u.Value()
        + e.Value()
    solution_count += 1
print(f"Number of solutions found: {solution_count}")


int num_solutions = 0;
// Create decision builder to search for solutions.
DecisionBuilder* const db = solver.MakePhase(
    letters, Solver::CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, Solver::ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE);
while (solver.NextSolution()) {
  LOG(INFO) << "C=" << c->Value() << " " << "P=" << p->Value() << " "
            << "I=" << i->Value() << " " << "S=" << s->Value() << " "
            << "F=" << f->Value() << " " << "U=" << u->Value() << " "
            << "N=" << n->Value() << " " << "T=" << t->Value() << " "
            << "R=" << r->Value() << " " << "E=" << e->Value();

  // Is CP + IS + FUN = TRUE?
  CHECK_EQ(p->Value() + s->Value() + n->Value() +
               kBase * (c->Value() + i->Value() + u->Value()) +
               kBase * kBase * f->Value(),
           e->Value() + kBase * u->Value() + kBase * kBase * r->Value() +
               kBase * kBase * kBase * t->Value());
LOG(INFO) << "Number of solutions found: " << num_solutions;


int countSolution = 0;
// Create the decision builder to search for solutions.
final DecisionBuilder db =
    solver.makePhase(letters, Solver.CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, Solver.ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE);
while (solver.nextSolution()) {
  System.out.println("C=" + c.value() + " P=" + p.value());
  System.out.println(" I=" + i.value() + " S=" + s.value());
  System.out.println(" F=" + f.value() + " U=" + u.value());
  System.out.println(" N=" + n.value() + " T=" + t.value());
  System.out.println(" R=" + r.value() + " E=" + e.value());

  // Is CP + IS + FUN = TRUE?
  if (p.value() + s.value() + n.value() + base * (c.value() + i.value() + u.value())
          + base * base * f.value()
      != e.value() + base * u.value() + base * base * r.value()
          + base * base * base * t.value()) {
    throw new Exception("CP + IS + FUN != TRUE");
System.out.println("Number of solutions found: " + countSolution);


int SolutionCount = 0;
// Create the decision builder to search for solutions.
DecisionBuilder db = solver.MakePhase(letters, Solver.CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, Solver.ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE);
while (solver.NextSolution())
    Console.Write("C=" + c.Value() + " P=" + p.Value());
    Console.Write(" I=" + i.Value() + " S=" + s.Value());
    Console.Write(" F=" + f.Value() + " U=" + u.Value());
    Console.Write(" N=" + n.Value() + " T=" + t.Value());
    Console.Write(" R=" + r.Value() + " E=" + e.Value());

    // Is CP + IS + FUN = TRUE?
    if (p.Value() + s.Value() + n.Value() + kBase * (c.Value() + i.Value() + u.Value()) +
            kBase * kBase * f.Value() !=
        e.Value() + kBase * u.Value() + kBase * kBase * r.Value() + kBase * kBase * kBase * t.Value())
        throw new Exception("CP + IS + FUN != TRUE");
Console.WriteLine($"Number of solutions found: {SolutionCount}");

प्रोग्राम पूरे करना

यहां सारे प्रोग्राम दिए गए हैं.


"""Cryptarithmetic puzzle.

First attempt to solve equation CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
where each letter represents a unique digit.

This problem has 72 different solutions in base 10.
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp

def main():
    # Constraint programming engine
    solver = pywrapcp.Solver("CP is fun!")

    base = 10

    # Decision variables.
    digits = list(range(0, base))
    digits_without_zero = list(range(1, base))
    c = solver.IntVar(digits_without_zero, "C")
    p = solver.IntVar(digits, "P")
    i = solver.IntVar(digits_without_zero, "I")
    s = solver.IntVar(digits, "S")
    f = solver.IntVar(digits_without_zero, "F")
    u = solver.IntVar(digits, "U")
    n = solver.IntVar(digits, "N")
    t = solver.IntVar(digits_without_zero, "T")
    r = solver.IntVar(digits, "R")
    e = solver.IntVar(digits, "E")

    # We need to group variables in a list to use the constraint AllDifferent.
    letters = [c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e]

    # Verify that we have enough digits.
    assert base >= len(letters)

    # Define constraints.

    # CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
        p + s + n + base * (c + i + u) + base * base * f
        == e + base * u + base * base * r + base * base * base * t

    solution_count = 0
    db = solver.Phase(letters, solver.INT_VAR_DEFAULT, solver.INT_VALUE_DEFAULT)
    while solver.NextSolution():
        # Is CP + IS + FUN = TRUE?
        assert (
            base * c.Value()
            + p.Value()
            + base * i.Value()
            + s.Value()
            + base * base * f.Value()
            + base * u.Value()
            + n.Value()
            == base * base * base * t.Value()
            + base * base * r.Value()
            + base * u.Value()
            + e.Value()
        solution_count += 1
    print(f"Number of solutions found: {solution_count}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


// Cryptarithmetic puzzle
// First attempt to solve equation CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
// where each letter represents a unique digit.
// This problem has 72 different solutions in base 10.
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>

#include "absl/flags/flag.h"
#include "absl/log/flags.h"
#include "ortools/base/init_google.h"
#include "ortools/base/logging.h"
#include "ortools/constraint_solver/constraint_solver.h"

namespace operations_research {

// Helper functions.
IntVar* MakeBaseLine2(Solver* s, IntVar* const v1, IntVar* const v2,
                      const int64_t base) {
  return s->MakeSum(s->MakeProd(v1, base), v2)->Var();

IntVar* MakeBaseLine3(Solver* s, IntVar* const v1, IntVar* const v2,
                      IntVar* const v3, const int64_t base) {
  std::vector<IntVar*> tmp_vars;
  std::vector<int64_t> coefficients;
  coefficients.push_back(base * base);

  return s->MakeScalProd(tmp_vars, coefficients)->Var();

IntVar* MakeBaseLine4(Solver* s, IntVar* const v1, IntVar* const v2,
                      IntVar* const v3, IntVar* const v4, const int64_t base) {
  std::vector<IntVar*> tmp_vars;
  std::vector<int64_t> coefficients;
  coefficients.push_back(base * base * base);
  coefficients.push_back(base * base);

  return s->MakeScalProd(tmp_vars, coefficients)->Var();

void CPIsFunCp() {
  // Instantiate the solver.
  Solver solver("CP is fun!");

  const int64_t kBase = 10;

  // Define decision variables.
  IntVar* const c = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "C");
  IntVar* const p = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "P");
  IntVar* const i = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "I");
  IntVar* const s = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "S");
  IntVar* const f = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "F");
  IntVar* const u = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "U");
  IntVar* const n = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "N");
  IntVar* const t = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "T");
  IntVar* const r = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "R");
  IntVar* const e = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "E");

  // We need to group variables in a vector to be able to use
  // the global constraint AllDifferent
  std::vector<IntVar*> letters{c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e};

  // Check if we have enough digits
  CHECK_GE(kBase, letters.size());

  // Define constraints.

  // CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
  IntVar* const term1 = MakeBaseLine2(&solver, c, p, kBase);
  IntVar* const term2 = MakeBaseLine2(&solver, i, s, kBase);
  IntVar* const term3 = MakeBaseLine3(&solver, f, u, n, kBase);
  IntVar* const sum_terms =
      solver.MakeSum(solver.MakeSum(term1, term2), term3)->Var();

  IntVar* const sum = MakeBaseLine4(&solver, t, r, u, e, kBase);

  solver.AddConstraint(solver.MakeEquality(sum_terms, sum));

  int num_solutions = 0;
  // Create decision builder to search for solutions.
  DecisionBuilder* const db = solver.MakePhase(
      letters, Solver::CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, Solver::ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE);
  while (solver.NextSolution()) {
    LOG(INFO) << "C=" << c->Value() << " " << "P=" << p->Value() << " "
              << "I=" << i->Value() << " " << "S=" << s->Value() << " "
              << "F=" << f->Value() << " " << "U=" << u->Value() << " "
              << "N=" << n->Value() << " " << "T=" << t->Value() << " "
              << "R=" << r->Value() << " " << "E=" << e->Value();

    // Is CP + IS + FUN = TRUE?
    CHECK_EQ(p->Value() + s->Value() + n->Value() +
                 kBase * (c->Value() + i->Value() + u->Value()) +
                 kBase * kBase * f->Value(),
             e->Value() + kBase * u->Value() + kBase * kBase * r->Value() +
                 kBase * kBase * kBase * t->Value());
  LOG(INFO) << "Number of solutions found: " << num_solutions;

}  // namespace operations_research

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  InitGoogle(argv[0], &argc, &argv, true);
  absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_stderrthreshold, 0);
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;


// Cryptarithmetic puzzle
// First attempt to solve equation CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
// where each letter represents a unique digit.
// This problem has 72 different solutions in base 10.
package com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.samples;
import com.google.ortools.Loader;
import com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.DecisionBuilder;
import com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.IntVar;
import com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.Solver;

/** Cryptarithmetic puzzle. */
public final class CpIsFunCp {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Instantiate the solver.
    Solver solver = new Solver("CP is fun!");

    final int base = 10;

    // Decision variables.
    final IntVar c = solver.makeIntVar(1, base - 1, "C");
    final IntVar p = solver.makeIntVar(0, base - 1, "P");
    final IntVar i = solver.makeIntVar(1, base - 1, "I");
    final IntVar s = solver.makeIntVar(0, base - 1, "S");
    final IntVar f = solver.makeIntVar(1, base - 1, "F");
    final IntVar u = solver.makeIntVar(0, base - 1, "U");
    final IntVar n = solver.makeIntVar(0, base - 1, "N");
    final IntVar t = solver.makeIntVar(1, base - 1, "T");
    final IntVar r = solver.makeIntVar(0, base - 1, "R");
    final IntVar e = solver.makeIntVar(0, base - 1, "E");

    // Group variables in a vector so that we can use AllDifferent.
    final IntVar[] letters = new IntVar[] {c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e};

    // Verify that we have enough digits.
    if (base < letters.length) {
      throw new Exception("base < letters.Length");

    // Define constraints.

    // CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
    final IntVar sum1 =
            .makeSum(new IntVar[] {p, s, n,
                solver.makeProd(solver.makeSum(new IntVar[] {c, i, u}).var(), base).var(),
                solver.makeProd(f, base * base).var()})
    final IntVar sum2 = solver
                            .makeSum(new IntVar[] {e, solver.makeProd(u, base).var(),
                                solver.makeProd(r, base * base).var(),
                                solver.makeProd(t, base * base * base).var()})
    solver.addConstraint(solver.makeEquality(sum1, sum2));

    int countSolution = 0;
    // Create the decision builder to search for solutions.
    final DecisionBuilder db =
        solver.makePhase(letters, Solver.CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, Solver.ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE);
    while (solver.nextSolution()) {
      System.out.println("C=" + c.value() + " P=" + p.value());
      System.out.println(" I=" + i.value() + " S=" + s.value());
      System.out.println(" F=" + f.value() + " U=" + u.value());
      System.out.println(" N=" + n.value() + " T=" + t.value());
      System.out.println(" R=" + r.value() + " E=" + e.value());

      // Is CP + IS + FUN = TRUE?
      if (p.value() + s.value() + n.value() + base * (c.value() + i.value() + u.value())
              + base * base * f.value()
          != e.value() + base * u.value() + base * base * r.value()
              + base * base * base * t.value()) {
        throw new Exception("CP + IS + FUN != TRUE");
    System.out.println("Number of solutions found: " + countSolution);

  private CpIsFunCp() {}


// Cryptarithmetic puzzle
// First attempt to solve equation CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
// where each letter represents a unique digit.
// This problem has 72 different solutions in base 10.
using System;
using Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver;

public class CpIsFunCp
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        // Instantiate the solver.
        Solver solver = new Solver("CP is fun!");

        const int kBase = 10;

        // Decision variables.
        IntVar c = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "C");
        IntVar p = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "P");
        IntVar i = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "I");
        IntVar s = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "S");
        IntVar f = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "F");
        IntVar u = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "U");
        IntVar n = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "N");
        IntVar t = solver.MakeIntVar(1, kBase - 1, "T");
        IntVar r = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "R");
        IntVar e = solver.MakeIntVar(0, kBase - 1, "E");

        // Group variables in a vector so that we can use AllDifferent.
        IntVar[] letters = new IntVar[] { c, p, i, s, f, u, n, t, r, e };

        // Verify that we have enough digits.
        if (kBase < letters.Length)
            throw new Exception("kBase < letters.Length");

        // Define constraints.

        // CP + IS + FUN = TRUE
        solver.Add(p + s + n + kBase * (c + i + u) + kBase * kBase * f ==
                   e + kBase * u + kBase * kBase * r + kBase * kBase * kBase * t);

        int SolutionCount = 0;
        // Create the decision builder to search for solutions.
        DecisionBuilder db = solver.MakePhase(letters, Solver.CHOOSE_FIRST_UNBOUND, Solver.ASSIGN_MIN_VALUE);
        while (solver.NextSolution())
            Console.Write("C=" + c.Value() + " P=" + p.Value());
            Console.Write(" I=" + i.Value() + " S=" + s.Value());
            Console.Write(" F=" + f.Value() + " U=" + u.Value());
            Console.Write(" N=" + n.Value() + " T=" + t.Value());
            Console.Write(" R=" + r.Value() + " E=" + e.Value());

            // Is CP + IS + FUN = TRUE?
            if (p.Value() + s.Value() + n.Value() + kBase * (c.Value() + i.Value() + u.Value()) +
                    kBase * kBase * f.Value() !=
                e.Value() + kBase * u.Value() + kBase * kBase * r.Value() + kBase * kBase * kBase * t.Value())
                throw new Exception("CP + IS + FUN != TRUE");
        Console.WriteLine($"Number of solutions found: {SolutionCount}");