Places Widgets

PlaceAutocompleteElement class

google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElement class

Implementation of AutocompleteView for Places API

This class implements PlaceAutocompleteElementOptions.

Access by calling const {PlaceAutocompleteElement} = await google.maps.importLibrary("places"). See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

element optional
Type:  HTMLElement|SVGElement optional
This Field is read-only. The DOM Element backing the view.
The input element to show autocompletions for.
Inherited: componentRestrictions, locationBias, locationRestriction, requestedLanguage, requestedRegion, types
addListener(eventName, handler)
  • eventNamestring
  • handlerFunction
Return Value:  MapsEventListener
Adds the given listener function to the given event name.
This event is fired when a user selects a place prediction. Returns a Place Object.
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when a request to the backend was denied (e.g. incorrect API key). This event does not bubble.

PlaceAutocompleteElementOptions interface

google.maps.places.PlaceAutocompleteElementOptions interface

Options for constructing a PlaceAutocompleteElement.

The input element to show autocompletions for.
componentRestrictions optional
Type:  ComponentRestrictions optional
The component restrictions. Component restrictions are used to restrict predictions to only those within the parent component. For example, the country.
element optional
Type:  HTMLElement|SVGElement optional
This Field is read-only. The DOM Element backing the view.
locationBias optional
Type:  LocationBias optional
A soft boundary or hint to use when searching for places.
locationRestriction optional
Type:  LocationRestriction optional
Bounds to constrain search results.
requestedLanguage optional
Type:  string optional
A language identifier for the language in which the results should be returned, if possible. Results in the selected language may be given a higher ranking, but suggestions are not restricted to this language. See the list of supported languages.
requestedRegion optional
Type:  string optional
A region code which is used for result formatting and for result filtering. It does not restrict the suggestions to this country. The region code accepts a ccTLD ("top-level domain") two-character value. Most ccTLD codes are identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with some notable exceptions. For example, the United Kingdom's ccTLD is "uk" ( while its ISO 3166-1 code is "gb" (technically for the entity of "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland").
types optional
Type:  Array<string> optional
The types of predictions to be returned. For supported types, see the developer's guide. If no types are specified, all types will be returned.

Autocomplete class

google.maps.places.Autocomplete class

A widget that provides Place predictions based on a user's text input. It attaches to an input element of type text, and listens for text entry in that field. The list of predictions is presented as a drop-down list, and is updated as text is entered.

This class extends MVCObject.

Access by calling const {Autocomplete} = await google.maps.importLibrary("places"). See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

Autocomplete(inputField[, opts])
Creates a new instance of Autocomplete that attaches to the specified input text field with the given options.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  LatLngBounds|undefined The biasing bounds.
Returns the bounds to which predictions are biased.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  Array<string>|undefined
Returns the fields to be included for the Place in the details response when the details are successfully retrieved. For a list of fields see PlaceResult.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  PlaceResult The Place selected by the user.
Returns the details of the Place selected by user if the details were successfully retrieved. Otherwise returns a stub Place object, with the name property set to the current value of the input field.
Return Value:  None
Sets the preferred area within which to return Place results. Results are biased towards, but not restricted to, this area.
Return Value:  None
Sets the component restrictions. Component restrictions are used to restrict predictions to only those within the parent component. For example, the country.
  • fieldsArray<string> optional
Return Value:  None
Sets the fields to be included for the Place in the details response when the details are successfully retrieved. For a list of fields see PlaceResult.
Return Value:  None
  • typesArray<string> optional The types of predictions to be included.
Return Value:  None
Sets the types of predictions to be returned. For supported types, see the developer's guide. If no types are specified, all types will be returned.
Inherited: addListener, bindTo, get, notify, set, setValues, unbind, unbindAll
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when a PlaceResult is made available for a Place the user has selected.
If the user enters the name of a Place that was not suggested by the control and presses the Enter key, or if a Place Details request fails, the PlaceResult contains the user input in the name property, with no other properties defined.

AutocompleteOptions interface

google.maps.places.AutocompleteOptions interface

The options that can be set on an Autocomplete object.

bounds optional
The area in which to search for places.
componentRestrictions optional
Type:  ComponentRestrictions optional
The component restrictions. Component restrictions are used to restrict predictions to only those within the parent component. For example, the country.
fields optional
Type:  Array<string> optional
Fields to be included for the Place in the details response when the details are successfully retrieved, which will be billed for. If ['ALL'] is passed in, all available fields will be returned and billed for (this is not recommended for production deployments). For a list of fields see PlaceResult. Nested fields can be specified with dot-paths (for example, "geometry.location"). The default is ['ALL'].
placeIdOnly optional
Type:  boolean optional
Whether to retrieve only Place IDs. The PlaceResult made available when the place_changed event is fired will only have the place_id, types and name fields, with the place_id, types and description returned by the Autocomplete service. Disabled by default.
strictBounds optional
Type:  boolean optional
A boolean value, indicating that the Autocomplete widget should only return those places that are inside the bounds of the Autocomplete widget at the time the query is sent. Setting strictBounds to false (which is the default) will make the results biased towards, but not restricted to, places contained within the bounds.
types optional
Type:  Array<string> optional
The types of predictions to be returned. For supported types, see the developer's guide. If no types are specified, all types will be returned.

google.maps.places.SearchBox class

A widget that provides query predictions based on a user's text input. It attaches to an input element of type text, and listens for text entry in that field. The list of predictions is presented as a drop-down list, and is updated as text is entered.

This class extends MVCObject.

Access by calling const {SearchBox} = await google.maps.importLibrary("places"). See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

SearchBox(inputField[, opts])
Creates a new instance of SearchBox that attaches to the specified input text field with the given options.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  LatLngBounds|undefined
Returns the bounds to which query predictions are biased.
Parameters:  None
Return Value:  Array<PlaceResult>|undefined
Returns the query selected by the user to be used with places_changed event.
Return Value:  None
Sets the region to use for biasing query predictions. Results will only be biased towards this area and not be completely restricted to it.
Inherited: addListener, bindTo, get, notify, set, setValues, unbind, unbindAll
Arguments:  None
This event is fired when the user selects a query, getPlaces should be used to get new places.

SearchBoxOptions interface

google.maps.places.SearchBoxOptions interface

The options that can be set on a SearchBox object.

bounds optional
The area towards which to bias query predictions. Predictions are biased towards, but not restricted to, queries targeting these bounds.