AddressComponent |
Represents a component of an address, e.g., street number, postcode, city, etc. |
AddressComponent.Builder |
Builder for AddressComponent . |
AddressComponents |
The address components for the location of a Place . |
AuthorAttribution |
Information about the author of the data. |
AuthorAttribution.Builder |
Builder for AuthorAttribution . |
AuthorAttributions |
Information about the author(s) for the photo of a Place . |
AutocompletePrediction |
Represents an autocomplete suggestion of a place, based on a particular text query. |
AutocompletePrediction.Builder |
Builder for AutocompletePrediction . |
AutocompleteSessionToken |
Token used for sessionizing multiple instances of FindAutocompletePredictionsRequest . |
CircularBounds |
Represents a circular-shaped bounds around a geographical area, defined by the latitude-longitude
coordinates of the center and a radius. |
LocalDate |
Represents a local date with year, month, and day. |
LocalTime |
Represents a local time with just hours and minutes. |
OpeningHours |
Represents information on when a Place will be open during the week. |
OpeningHours.Builder |
Builder for OpeningHours . |
Period |
Represents a time segment. |
Period.Builder |
Builder for Period . |
PhotoMetadata |
The metadata corresponding to a single photo associated with a place. |
PhotoMetadata.Builder |
Builder for PhotoMetadata . |
Place |
Represents a particular physical place. |
Place.Builder |
Builder for Place . |
PlaceLikelihood |
A Place and the relative likelihood of the place being the best match within the list of
returned places for a single request. |
PlaceTypes |
Helper class that contains most of the supported place types for autocomplete place
predictions. |
PlusCode |
Plus Code, or Open Location Code (OLC), is a geocode system for identifying any geographical area
on Earth, even when a street address does not exist. |
PlusCode.Builder |
Builder for PlusCode . |
RectangularBounds |
Represents a rectangle-shaped bounds around a geographical area, defined by the
latitude-longitude coordinates of the southwest and northeast corners. |
Review |
Information about a review of the place. |
Review.Builder |
Builder for Review . |
SpecialDay |
Represents information on a particular day over the next seven days which may have opening hours
that differ from the normal operating hours. |
SpecialDay.Builder |
Builder for SpecialDay . |
TimeOfWeek |
Represents the opening or closing details for a Period . |
TimeOfWeek.Builder |
Builder for TimeOfWeek . |