blockly > blockRendering > MarkerSvg

blockRendering.MarkerSvg class

Class for a marker, containing methods for graphically rendering a marker as SVG.


export declare class MarkerSvg 


Constructor Modifiers Description
(constructor)(workspace, constants, marker) Constructs a new instance of the MarkerSvg class


Property Modifiers Type Description
colour_ string
constants_ protected ConstantProvider The constants necessary to draw the marker.
currentMarkerSvg SVGElement | null The current SVG element for the marker.
markerBlock_ protected SVGPathElement | null
markerInput_ protected SVGPathElement | null
markerSvg_ protected SVGGElement | null The root SVG group containing the marker.
markerSvgLine_ protected SVGRectElement | null
markerSvgRect_ protected SVGRectElement | null
svgGroup_ protected SVGGElement | null


Method Modifiers Description
applyColour_(_curNode) protected Apply the marker's colour.
createDom() Create the DOM element for the marker.
createDomInternal_() protected Create the marker SVG.
dispose() Dispose of this marker.
draw(oldNode, curNode) Update the marker.
getBlinkProperties_() protected Get the properties to make a marker blink.
getMarker() Get the marker.
getSvgRoot() Return the root node of the SVG or null if none exists.
hide() Hide the marker.
isCursor() True if the marker should be drawn as a cursor, false otherwise. A cursor is drawn as a flashing line. A marker is drawn as a solid line.
positionBlock_(width, markerOffset, markerHeight) protected Position the marker for a block. Displays an outline of the top half of a rectangle around a block.
positionInput_(connection) protected Position the marker for an input connection. Displays a filled in puzzle piece.
positionLine_(x, y, width) protected Move and show the marker at the specified coordinate in workspace units. Displays a horizontal line.
positionOutput_(width, height, connectionShape) protected Position the marker for an output connection. Displays a puzzle outline and the top and bottom path.
positionPrevious_(width, markerOffset, markerHeight, connectionShape) protected Position the marker for a previous connection. Displays a half rectangle with a notch in the top to represent the previous connection.
positionRect_(x, y, width, height) protected Move and show the marker at the specified coordinate in workspace units. Displays a filled in rectangle.
setParent_(newParent) protected Attaches the SVG root of the marker to the SVG group of the parent.
showAtLocation_(curNode) protected Update the marker's visible state based on the type of curNode..
showCurrent_() protected Show the current marker.
showWithBlock_(curNode) protected Position and display the marker for a block.
showWithButton_(curNode) protected Position and display the marker for a flyout button. This is a box with extra padding around the button.
showWithCoordinates_(curNode) protected Position and display the marker for a workspace coordinate. This is a horizontal line.
showWithField_(curNode) protected Position and display the marker for a field. This is a box around the field.
showWithInput_(curNode) protected Position and display the marker for an input. This is a puzzle piece.
showWithNext_(curNode) protected Position and display the marker for a next connection. This is a horizontal line.
showWithOutput_(curNode) protected Position and display the marker for an output connection.
showWithPrevious_(curNode) protected Position and display the marker for a previous connection.
showWithStack_(curNode) protected Position and display the marker for a stack. This is a box with extra padding around the entire stack of blocks.