blockly > ASTNode

ASTNode class

Class for an AST node. It is recommended that you use one of the createNode methods instead of creating a node directly.


export declare class ASTNode 


Constructor Modifiers Description
(constructor)(type, location, opt_params) Constructs a new instance of the ASTNode class


Property Modifiers Type Description
NAVIGATE_ALL_FIELDS static boolean True to navigate to all fields. False to only navigate to clickable fields.


Method Modifiers Description
createBlockNode(block) static Creates an AST node pointing to a block.
createButtonNode(button) static Create an AST node of type button. A button in this case refers specifically to a button in a flyout.
createConnectionNode(connection) static Creates an AST node pointing to a connection. If the connection has a parent input then create an AST node of type input that will hold the connection.
createFieldNode(field) static Create an AST node pointing to a field.
createInputNode(input) static Creates an AST node pointing to an input. Stores the input connection as the location.
createStackNode(topBlock) static Create an AST node of type stack. A stack, represented by its top block, is the set of all blocks connected to a top block, including the top block.
createTopNode(block) static Creates an AST node for the top position on a block. This is either an output connection, previous connection, or block.
createWorkspaceNode(workspace, wsCoordinate) static Creates an AST node pointing to a workspace.
getLocation() Gets the value pointed to by this node. It is the callers responsibility to check the node type to figure out what type of object they get back from this.
getSourceBlock() Finds the source block of the location of this node.
getType() The type of the current location. One of ASTNode.types
getWsCoordinate() The coordinate on the workspace.
in() Find the element one level below and all the way to the left of the current location.
next() Find the element to the right of the current element in the AST.
out() Find the next element that is one position above and all the way to the left of the current location.
prev() Find the element to the left of the current element in the AST.