انخفاض العقوبات وإسقاط الزيارات

في هذا القسم، نشرح كيفية معالجة مشكلات التوجيه التي ليس لها حل مجدي بسبب القيود. على سبيل المثال، إذا تمّ منحك عنصر VRP مع قيود على السعة حيث يتجاوز إجمالي الطلب في جميع المواقع إجمالي سعة المركبات، فلن يكون هناك حلّ ممكن. وفي مثل هذه الحالات، يجب أن تُسقط المركبات زيارات إلى بعض المواقع الجغرافية. تكمن المشكلة في كيفية تحديد الزيارات التي سيتم إسقاطها.

لحل هذه المشكلة، طرحنا تكاليف جديدة — عقوبات — في جميع المواقع. عند إسقاط زيارة إلى موقع جغرافي، تتم إضافة عقوبة إلى إجمالي المسافة التي تم قطعها. تعثر أداة الحلّ بعد ذلك على مسار يحدّد إجمالي المسافة بالإضافة إلى مجموع العقوبات لجميع المواقع الجغرافية التي تم إسقاطها.

وكمثال على ذلك، فكِّر في برنامج VRP البسيط الذي يتضمن قيودًا على السعة والموضَّحة في الرسم البياني التالي، حيث تكون الأرقام بجانب المواقع الجغرافية الثلاثة (بخلاف المستودع) عبارة عن طلب.

لنفترض أن هناك مركبة واحدة فقط بسعة 50 راكبًا. ولا يمكنه زيارة المواقع الجغرافية الثلاثة أ وب وج، لأن إجمالي الطلب هو 60. لحل المشكلة، عليك تعيين عقوبة كبيرة - مثل 100 - لكل موقع جغرافي. بعد اكتشاف عدم جدوى المشكلة، يسقط المُحلل الموقع "ب" ويعرض المسار التالي: Depot -> A -> C -> Depot

هذا هو أقصر مسار يزور موقعين من المواقع الثلاثة (المسافة 55).

أحجام العقوبة

في المثال السابق، اخترنا عقوبات أكبر من مجموع كل المسافات بين المواقع (باستثناء المستودع). ونتيجة لذلك، بعد إسقاط موقع واحد لتصبح المشكلة ممكنة، لا يستبعد المُحلل أي مواقع إضافية، لأن عقوبة القيام بذلك ستتجاوز أي تقليل آخر في مسافة السفر.

على افتراض أنك تريد إجراء أكبر عدد ممكن من عمليات التسليم، فإن ذلك يؤدي إلى حل مُرضٍ للمشكلة.

إذا لم تكن بحاجة إلى إجراء أكبر عدد ممكن من عمليات التسليم، ننصحك بتعيين عقوبات أصغر، وفي هذه الحالة قد يؤدي استخدام أداة الحل إلى إسقاط عدد من المواقع أكبر مما يلزم لجعل المشكلة ممكنة. على سبيل المثال، يمكنك إجراء ذلك في حالة وجود تكاليف إضافية، تتجاوز تكلفة السفر الأساسية، لزيارة مواقع جغرافية معينة.


بعد ذلك، نقدّم مثالاً أكبر على برنامج VRP الذي يمكن حلّه باستخدام العقوبات. ويشبه هذا المثال مثال CVRP السابق، ولكن هذه المرة، رفعنا بعض الطلبات، مما اضطر بعض المركبات إلى تخفيض عدد الزيارات.

يظهر أدناه رسم بياني للمواقع الجغرافية والطلبات الجديدة.

حل المثال باستخدام "أدوات OR"

توضح الأقسام التالية كيفية حل المثال باستخدام أدوات OR.

إنشاء البيانات

تشمل بيانات هذا المثال البيانات الواردة في مثال VRP السابق، وتضيف المطالب والإمكانيات التالية:

لغة Python

    data["demands"] = [0, 1, 1, 3, 6, 3, 6, 8, 8, 1, 2, 1, 2, 6, 6, 8, 8]
    data["vehicle_capacities"] = [15, 15, 15, 15]


  const std::vector<int64_t> demands{
      0, 1, 1, 3, 6, 3, 6, 8, 8, 1, 2, 1, 2, 6, 6, 8, 8,
  const std::vector<int64_t> vehicle_capacities{15, 15, 15, 15};

لغة Java

    public final long[] demands = {0, 1, 1, 3, 6, 3, 6, 8, 8, 1, 2, 1, 2, 6, 6, 8, 8};
    public final long[] vehicleCapacities = {15, 15, 15, 15};


        public long[] Demands = { 0, 1, 1, 3, 6, 3, 6, 8, 8, 1, 2, 1, 2, 6, 6, 8, 8 };
        public long[] VehicleCapacities = { 15, 15, 15, 15 };

إضافة قيود القيود والعقوبات

وتضيف الرمز التالي قيودًا على معاودة الاتصال والسعة، كما تُفرض عقوبات باستخدام طريقة AddDisjunction.

لغة Python

    def demand_callback(from_index):
        """Returns the demand of the node."""
        # Convert from routing variable Index to demands NodeIndex.
        from_node = manager.IndexToNode(from_index)
        return data["demands"][from_node]

    demand_callback_index = routing.RegisterUnaryTransitCallback(demand_callback)
        0,  # null capacity slack
        data["vehicle_capacities"],  # vehicle maximum capacities
        True,  # start cumul to zero
    # Allow to drop nodes.
    penalty = 1000
    for node in range(1, len(data["distance_matrix"])):
        routing.AddDisjunction([manager.NodeToIndex(node)], penalty)


  const int demand_callback_index = routing.RegisterUnaryTransitCallback(
      [&data, &manager](const int64_t from_index) -> int64_t {
        // Convert from routing variable Index to demand NodeIndex.
        const int from_node = manager.IndexToNode(from_index).value();
        return data.demands[from_node];
      demand_callback_index,    // transit callback index
      int64_t{0},               // null capacity slack
      data.vehicle_capacities,  // vehicle maximum capacities
      true,                     // start cumul to zero
  // Allow to drop nodes.
  int64_t penalty{1000};
  for (int i = 1; i < data.distance_matrix.size(); ++i) {
        {manager.NodeToIndex(RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex(i))}, penalty);

لغة Java

    final int demandCallbackIndex = routing.registerUnaryTransitCallback((long fromIndex) -> {
      // Convert from routing variable Index to user NodeIndex.
      int fromNode = manager.indexToNode(fromIndex);
      return data.demands[fromNode];
    routing.addDimensionWithVehicleCapacity(demandCallbackIndex, 0, // null capacity slack
        data.vehicleCapacities, // vehicle maximum capacities
        true, // start cumul to zero
    // Allow to drop nodes.
    long penalty = 1000;
    for (int i = 1; i < data.distanceMatrix.length; ++i) {
      routing.addDisjunction(new long[] {manager.nodeToIndex(i)}, penalty);


        int demandCallbackIndex = routing.RegisterUnaryTransitCallback((long fromIndex) =>
                                                                           // Convert from routing variable Index to
                                                                           // demand NodeIndex.
                                                                           var fromNode =
                                                                           return data.Demands[fromNode];
        routing.AddDimensionWithVehicleCapacity(demandCallbackIndex, 0, // null capacity slack
                                                data.VehicleCapacities, // vehicle maximum capacities
                                                true,                   // start cumul to zero
        // Allow to drop nodes.
        long penalty = 1000;
        for (int i = 1; i < data.DistanceMatrix.GetLength(0); ++i)
            routing.AddDisjunction(new long[] { manager.NodeToIndex(i) }, penalty);

في هذا السياق، تكون الوصلة عبارة عن متغيّر يستخدمه برنامج الحل لتحديد ما إذا كان سيتم تضمين موقع جغرافي معيّن في الحل. في هذا المثال، تضيف الطريقة العقوبة نفسها إلى كل موقع، ولكن بشكل عام يمكنك إضافة عقوبات مختلفة إلى مواقع مختلفة.

إضافة طابعة الحل

إنّ طابعة الحلول، الموضّحة أدناه، مشابهة للطابعة الواردة في مثال CVRP، ولكنها تعرض أيضًا المواقع الجغرافية التي تم إفلاتها.

لغة Python

def print_solution(data, manager, routing, assignment):
    """Prints assignment on console."""
    print(f"Objective: {assignment.ObjectiveValue()}")
    # Display dropped nodes.
    dropped_nodes = "Dropped nodes:"
    for node in range(routing.Size()):
        if routing.IsStart(node) or routing.IsEnd(node):
        if assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(node)) == node:
            dropped_nodes += f" {manager.IndexToNode(node)}"
    # Display routes
    total_distance = 0
    total_load = 0
    for vehicle_id in range(data["num_vehicles"]):
        index = routing.Start(vehicle_id)
        plan_output = f"Route for vehicle {vehicle_id}:\n"
        route_distance = 0
        route_load = 0
        while not routing.IsEnd(index):
            node_index = manager.IndexToNode(index)
            route_load += data["demands"][node_index]
            plan_output += f" {node_index} Load({route_load}) -> "
            previous_index = index
            index = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(index))
            route_distance += routing.GetArcCostForVehicle(
                previous_index, index, vehicle_id
        plan_output += f" {manager.IndexToNode(index)} Load({route_load})\n"
        plan_output += f"Distance of the route: {route_distance}m\n"
        plan_output += f"Load of the route: {route_load}\n"
        total_distance += route_distance
        total_load += route_load
    print(f"Total Distance of all routes: {total_distance}m")
    print(f"Total Load of all routes: {total_load}")


//! @brief Print the solution.
//! @param[in] data Data of the problem.
//! @param[in] manager Index manager used.
//! @param[in] routing Routing solver used.
//! @param[in] solution Solution found by the solver.
void PrintSolution(const DataModel& data, const RoutingIndexManager& manager,
                   const RoutingModel& routing, const Assignment& solution) {
  // Display dropped nodes.
  std::ostringstream dropped_nodes;
  for (int64_t node = 0; node < routing.Size(); ++node) {
    if (routing.IsStart(node) || routing.IsEnd(node)) continue;
    if (solution.Value(routing.NextVar(node)) == node) {
      dropped_nodes << " " << manager.IndexToNode(node).value();
  LOG(INFO) << "Dropped nodes:" << dropped_nodes.str();
  // Display routes
  int64_t total_distance{0};
  int64_t total_load{0};
  for (int vehicle_id = 0; vehicle_id < data.num_vehicles; ++vehicle_id) {
    int64_t index = routing.Start(vehicle_id);
    LOG(INFO) << "Route for Vehicle " << vehicle_id << ":";
    int64_t route_distance{0};
    int64_t route_load{0};
    std::ostringstream route;
    while (!routing.IsEnd(index)) {
      const int node_index = manager.IndexToNode(index).value();
      route_load += data.demands[node_index];
      route << node_index << " Load(" << route_load << ") -> ";
      const int64_t previous_index = index;
      index = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(index));
      route_distance += routing.GetArcCostForVehicle(previous_index, index,
    LOG(INFO) << route.str() << manager.IndexToNode(index).value();
    LOG(INFO) << "Distance of the route: " << route_distance << "m";
    LOG(INFO) << "Load of the route: " << route_load;
    total_distance += route_distance;
    total_load += route_load;
  LOG(INFO) << "Total distance of all routes: " << total_distance << "m";
  LOG(INFO) << "Total load of all routes: " << total_load;
  LOG(INFO) << "";
  LOG(INFO) << "Advanced usage:";
  LOG(INFO) << "Problem solved in " << routing.solver()->wall_time() << "ms";

لغة Java

  /// @brief Print the solution.
  static void printSolution(
      DataModel data, RoutingModel routing, RoutingIndexManager manager, Assignment solution) {
    // Solution cost.
    logger.info("Objective: " + solution.objectiveValue());
    // Inspect solution.
    // Display dropped nodes.
    String droppedNodes = "Dropped nodes:";
    for (int node = 0; node < routing.size(); ++node) {
      if (routing.isStart(node) || routing.isEnd(node)) {
      if (solution.value(routing.nextVar(node)) == node) {
        droppedNodes += " " + manager.indexToNode(node);
    // Display routes
    long totalDistance = 0;
    long totalLoad = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < data.vehicleNumber; ++i) {
      long index = routing.start(i);
      logger.info("Route for Vehicle " + i + ":");
      long routeDistance = 0;
      long routeLoad = 0;
      String route = "";
      while (!routing.isEnd(index)) {
        long nodeIndex = manager.indexToNode(index);
        routeLoad += data.demands[(int) nodeIndex];
        route += nodeIndex + " Load(" + routeLoad + ") -> ";
        long previousIndex = index;
        index = solution.value(routing.nextVar(index));
        routeDistance += routing.getArcCostForVehicle(previousIndex, index, i);
      route += manager.indexToNode(routing.end(i));
      logger.info("Distance of the route: " + routeDistance + "m");
      totalDistance += routeDistance;
      totalLoad += routeLoad;
    logger.info("Total Distance of all routes: " + totalDistance + "m");
    logger.info("Total Load of all routes: " + totalLoad);


    /// <summary>
    ///   Print the solution.
    /// </summary>
    static void PrintSolution(in DataModel data, in RoutingModel routing, in RoutingIndexManager manager,
                              in Assignment solution)
        Console.WriteLine($"Objective {solution.ObjectiveValue()}:");

        // Inspect solution.
        // Display dropped nodes.
        string droppedNodes = "Dropped nodes:";
        for (int index = 0; index < routing.Size(); ++index)
            if (routing.IsStart(index) || routing.IsEnd(index))
            if (solution.Value(routing.NextVar(index)) == index)
                droppedNodes += " " + manager.IndexToNode(index);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", droppedNodes);
        // Inspect solution.
        long totalDistance = 0;
        long totalLoad = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < data.VehicleNumber; ++i)
            Console.WriteLine("Route for Vehicle {0}:", i);
            long routeDistance = 0;
            long routeLoad = 0;
            var index = routing.Start(i);
            while (routing.IsEnd(index) == false)
                long nodeIndex = manager.IndexToNode(index);
                routeLoad += data.Demands[nodeIndex];
                Console.Write("{0} Load({1}) -> ", nodeIndex, routeLoad);
                var previousIndex = index;
                index = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(index));
                routeDistance += routing.GetArcCostForVehicle(previousIndex, index, 0);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", manager.IndexToNode((int)index));
            Console.WriteLine("Distance of the route: {0}m", routeDistance);
            totalDistance += routeDistance;
            totalLoad += routeLoad;
        Console.WriteLine("Total Distance of all routes: {0}m", totalDistance);
        Console.WriteLine("Total Load of all routes: {0}m", totalLoad);

تشغيل البرنامج

وعند تشغيل البرنامج، يتم عرض الناتج التالي الموضح أدناه. لاحظ أن أداة الحل تسقط الموقعين 6 و15.

Objective: 7936
Dropped nodes: 6 15
Route for vehicle 0:
 0 Load(0) ->  9 Load(1) ->  14 Load(7) ->  16 Load(15) ->  0 Load(15)
Distance of the route: 1324m
Load of the route: 15

Route for vehicle 1:
 0 Load(0) ->  12 Load(2) ->  11 Load(3) ->  4 Load(9) ->  3 Load(12) ->  1 Load(13) ->  0 Load(13)
Distance of the route: 1872m
Load of the route: 13

Route for vehicle 2:
 0 Load(0) ->  7 Load(8) ->  13 Load(14) ->  0 Load(14)
Distance of the route: 868m
Load of the route: 14

Route for vehicle 3:
 0 Load(0) ->  8 Load(8) ->  10 Load(10) ->  2 Load(11) ->  5 Load(14) ->  0 Load(14)
Distance of the route: 1872m
Load of the route: 14

Total Distance of all routes: 5936m
Total Load of all routes: 56

إليك رسم بياني للمسارات.

إكمال البرامج

إليك البرامج الكاملة.

لغة Python

"""Capacited Vehicles Routing Problem (CVRP)."""

from ortools.constraint_solver import routing_enums_pb2
from ortools.constraint_solver import pywrapcp

def create_data_model():
    """Stores the data for the problem."""
    data = {}
    data["distance_matrix"] = [
        # fmt: off
      [0, 548, 776, 696, 582, 274, 502, 194, 308, 194, 536, 502, 388, 354, 468, 776, 662],
      [548, 0, 684, 308, 194, 502, 730, 354, 696, 742, 1084, 594, 480, 674, 1016, 868, 1210],
      [776, 684, 0, 992, 878, 502, 274, 810, 468, 742, 400, 1278, 1164, 1130, 788, 1552, 754],
      [696, 308, 992, 0, 114, 650, 878, 502, 844, 890, 1232, 514, 628, 822, 1164, 560, 1358],
      [582, 194, 878, 114, 0, 536, 764, 388, 730, 776, 1118, 400, 514, 708, 1050, 674, 1244],
      [274, 502, 502, 650, 536, 0, 228, 308, 194, 240, 582, 776, 662, 628, 514, 1050, 708],
      [502, 730, 274, 878, 764, 228, 0, 536, 194, 468, 354, 1004, 890, 856, 514, 1278, 480],
      [194, 354, 810, 502, 388, 308, 536, 0, 342, 388, 730, 468, 354, 320, 662, 742, 856],
      [308, 696, 468, 844, 730, 194, 194, 342, 0, 274, 388, 810, 696, 662, 320, 1084, 514],
      [194, 742, 742, 890, 776, 240, 468, 388, 274, 0, 342, 536, 422, 388, 274, 810, 468],
      [536, 1084, 400, 1232, 1118, 582, 354, 730, 388, 342, 0, 878, 764, 730, 388, 1152, 354],
      [502, 594, 1278, 514, 400, 776, 1004, 468, 810, 536, 878, 0, 114, 308, 650, 274, 844],
      [388, 480, 1164, 628, 514, 662, 890, 354, 696, 422, 764, 114, 0, 194, 536, 388, 730],
      [354, 674, 1130, 822, 708, 628, 856, 320, 662, 388, 730, 308, 194, 0, 342, 422, 536],
      [468, 1016, 788, 1164, 1050, 514, 514, 662, 320, 274, 388, 650, 536, 342, 0, 764, 194],
      [776, 868, 1552, 560, 674, 1050, 1278, 742, 1084, 810, 1152, 274, 388, 422, 764, 0, 798],
      [662, 1210, 754, 1358, 1244, 708, 480, 856, 514, 468, 354, 844, 730, 536, 194, 798, 0],
        # fmt: on
    data["demands"] = [0, 1, 1, 3, 6, 3, 6, 8, 8, 1, 2, 1, 2, 6, 6, 8, 8]
    data["vehicle_capacities"] = [15, 15, 15, 15]
    data["num_vehicles"] = 4
    data["depot"] = 0
    return data

def print_solution(data, manager, routing, assignment):
    """Prints assignment on console."""
    print(f"Objective: {assignment.ObjectiveValue()}")
    # Display dropped nodes.
    dropped_nodes = "Dropped nodes:"
    for node in range(routing.Size()):
        if routing.IsStart(node) or routing.IsEnd(node):
        if assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(node)) == node:
            dropped_nodes += f" {manager.IndexToNode(node)}"
    # Display routes
    total_distance = 0
    total_load = 0
    for vehicle_id in range(data["num_vehicles"]):
        index = routing.Start(vehicle_id)
        plan_output = f"Route for vehicle {vehicle_id}:\n"
        route_distance = 0
        route_load = 0
        while not routing.IsEnd(index):
            node_index = manager.IndexToNode(index)
            route_load += data["demands"][node_index]
            plan_output += f" {node_index} Load({route_load}) -> "
            previous_index = index
            index = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(index))
            route_distance += routing.GetArcCostForVehicle(
                previous_index, index, vehicle_id
        plan_output += f" {manager.IndexToNode(index)} Load({route_load})\n"
        plan_output += f"Distance of the route: {route_distance}m\n"
        plan_output += f"Load of the route: {route_load}\n"
        total_distance += route_distance
        total_load += route_load
    print(f"Total Distance of all routes: {total_distance}m")
    print(f"Total Load of all routes: {total_load}")

def main():
    """Solve the CVRP problem."""
    # Instantiate the data problem.
    data = create_data_model()

    # Create the routing index manager.
    manager = pywrapcp.RoutingIndexManager(
        len(data["distance_matrix"]), data["num_vehicles"], data["depot"]

    # Create Routing Model.
    routing = pywrapcp.RoutingModel(manager)

    # Create and register a transit callback.
    def distance_callback(from_index, to_index):
        """Returns the distance between the two nodes."""
        # Convert from routing variable Index to distance matrix NodeIndex.
        from_node = manager.IndexToNode(from_index)
        to_node = manager.IndexToNode(to_index)
        return data["distance_matrix"][from_node][to_node]

    transit_callback_index = routing.RegisterTransitCallback(distance_callback)

    # Define cost of each arc.

    # Add Capacity constraint.
    def demand_callback(from_index):
        """Returns the demand of the node."""
        # Convert from routing variable Index to demands NodeIndex.
        from_node = manager.IndexToNode(from_index)
        return data["demands"][from_node]

    demand_callback_index = routing.RegisterUnaryTransitCallback(demand_callback)
        0,  # null capacity slack
        data["vehicle_capacities"],  # vehicle maximum capacities
        True,  # start cumul to zero
    # Allow to drop nodes.
    penalty = 1000
    for node in range(1, len(data["distance_matrix"])):
        routing.AddDisjunction([manager.NodeToIndex(node)], penalty)

    # Setting first solution heuristic.
    search_parameters = pywrapcp.DefaultRoutingSearchParameters()
    search_parameters.first_solution_strategy = (
    search_parameters.local_search_metaheuristic = (

    # Solve the problem.
    assignment = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters)

    # Print solution on console.
    if assignment:
        print_solution(data, manager, routing, assignment)

if __name__ == "__main__":


#include <cstdint>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>

#include "google/protobuf/duration.pb.h"
#include "ortools/constraint_solver/routing.h"
#include "ortools/constraint_solver/routing_enums.pb.h"
#include "ortools/constraint_solver/routing_index_manager.h"
#include "ortools/constraint_solver/routing_parameters.h"

namespace operations_research {
struct DataModel {
  const std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> distance_matrix{
      {0, 548, 776, 696, 582, 274, 502, 194, 308, 194, 536, 502, 388, 354, 468,
       776, 662},
      {548, 0, 684, 308, 194, 502, 730, 354, 696, 742, 1084, 594, 480, 674,
       1016, 868, 1210},
      {776, 684, 0, 992, 878, 502, 274, 810, 468, 742, 400, 1278, 1164, 1130,
       788, 1552, 754},
      {696, 308, 992, 0, 114, 650, 878, 502, 844, 890, 1232, 514, 628, 822,
       1164, 560, 1358},
      {582, 194, 878, 114, 0, 536, 764, 388, 730, 776, 1118, 400, 514, 708,
       1050, 674, 1244},
      {274, 502, 502, 650, 536, 0, 228, 308, 194, 240, 582, 776, 662, 628, 514,
       1050, 708},
      {502, 730, 274, 878, 764, 228, 0, 536, 194, 468, 354, 1004, 890, 856, 514,
       1278, 480},
      {194, 354, 810, 502, 388, 308, 536, 0, 342, 388, 730, 468, 354, 320, 662,
       742, 856},
      {308, 696, 468, 844, 730, 194, 194, 342, 0, 274, 388, 810, 696, 662, 320,
       1084, 514},
      {194, 742, 742, 890, 776, 240, 468, 388, 274, 0, 342, 536, 422, 388, 274,
       810, 468},
      {536, 1084, 400, 1232, 1118, 582, 354, 730, 388, 342, 0, 878, 764, 730,
       388, 1152, 354},
      {502, 594, 1278, 514, 400, 776, 1004, 468, 810, 536, 878, 0, 114, 308,
       650, 274, 844},
      {388, 480, 1164, 628, 514, 662, 890, 354, 696, 422, 764, 114, 0, 194, 536,
       388, 730},
      {354, 674, 1130, 822, 708, 628, 856, 320, 662, 388, 730, 308, 194, 0, 342,
       422, 536},
      {468, 1016, 788, 1164, 1050, 514, 514, 662, 320, 274, 388, 650, 536, 342,
       0, 764, 194},
      {776, 868, 1552, 560, 674, 1050, 1278, 742, 1084, 810, 1152, 274, 388,
       422, 764, 0, 798},
      {662, 1210, 754, 1358, 1244, 708, 480, 856, 514, 468, 354, 844, 730, 536,
       194, 798, 0},
  const std::vector<int64_t> demands{
      0, 1, 1, 3, 6, 3, 6, 8, 8, 1, 2, 1, 2, 6, 6, 8, 8,
  const std::vector<int64_t> vehicle_capacities{15, 15, 15, 15};
  const int num_vehicles = 4;
  const RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex depot{0};

//! @brief Print the solution.
//! @param[in] data Data of the problem.
//! @param[in] manager Index manager used.
//! @param[in] routing Routing solver used.
//! @param[in] solution Solution found by the solver.
void PrintSolution(const DataModel& data, const RoutingIndexManager& manager,
                   const RoutingModel& routing, const Assignment& solution) {
  // Display dropped nodes.
  std::ostringstream dropped_nodes;
  for (int64_t node = 0; node < routing.Size(); ++node) {
    if (routing.IsStart(node) || routing.IsEnd(node)) continue;
    if (solution.Value(routing.NextVar(node)) == node) {
      dropped_nodes << " " << manager.IndexToNode(node).value();
  LOG(INFO) << "Dropped nodes:" << dropped_nodes.str();
  // Display routes
  int64_t total_distance{0};
  int64_t total_load{0};
  for (int vehicle_id = 0; vehicle_id < data.num_vehicles; ++vehicle_id) {
    int64_t index = routing.Start(vehicle_id);
    LOG(INFO) << "Route for Vehicle " << vehicle_id << ":";
    int64_t route_distance{0};
    int64_t route_load{0};
    std::ostringstream route;
    while (!routing.IsEnd(index)) {
      const int node_index = manager.IndexToNode(index).value();
      route_load += data.demands[node_index];
      route << node_index << " Load(" << route_load << ") -> ";
      const int64_t previous_index = index;
      index = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(index));
      route_distance += routing.GetArcCostForVehicle(previous_index, index,
    LOG(INFO) << route.str() << manager.IndexToNode(index).value();
    LOG(INFO) << "Distance of the route: " << route_distance << "m";
    LOG(INFO) << "Load of the route: " << route_load;
    total_distance += route_distance;
    total_load += route_load;
  LOG(INFO) << "Total distance of all routes: " << total_distance << "m";
  LOG(INFO) << "Total load of all routes: " << total_load;
  LOG(INFO) << "";
  LOG(INFO) << "Advanced usage:";
  LOG(INFO) << "Problem solved in " << routing.solver()->wall_time() << "ms";

void VrpDropNodes() {
  // Instantiate the data problem.
  DataModel data;

  // Create Routing Index Manager
  RoutingIndexManager manager(data.distance_matrix.size(), data.num_vehicles,

  // Create Routing Model.
  RoutingModel routing(manager);

  // Create and register a transit callback.
  const int transit_callback_index = routing.RegisterTransitCallback(
      [&data, &manager](const int64_t from_index,
                        const int64_t to_index) -> int64_t {
        // Convert from routing variable Index to distance matrix NodeIndex.
        const int from_node = manager.IndexToNode(from_index).value();
        const int to_node = manager.IndexToNode(to_index).value();
        return data.distance_matrix[from_node][to_node];

  // Define cost of each arc.

  // Add Capacity constraint.
  const int demand_callback_index = routing.RegisterUnaryTransitCallback(
      [&data, &manager](const int64_t from_index) -> int64_t {
        // Convert from routing variable Index to demand NodeIndex.
        const int from_node = manager.IndexToNode(from_index).value();
        return data.demands[from_node];
      demand_callback_index,    // transit callback index
      int64_t{0},               // null capacity slack
      data.vehicle_capacities,  // vehicle maximum capacities
      true,                     // start cumul to zero
  // Allow to drop nodes.
  int64_t penalty{1000};
  for (int i = 1; i < data.distance_matrix.size(); ++i) {
        {manager.NodeToIndex(RoutingIndexManager::NodeIndex(i))}, penalty);

  // Setting first solution heuristic.
  RoutingSearchParameters search_parameters = DefaultRoutingSearchParameters();

  // Solve the problem.
  const Assignment* solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters);

  // Print solution on console.
  PrintSolution(data, manager, routing, *solution);
}  // namespace operations_research

int main(int /*argc*/, char* /*argv*/[]) {
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

لغة Java

package com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.samples;
import com.google.ortools.Loader;
import com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.Assignment;
import com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.FirstSolutionStrategy;
import com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.LocalSearchMetaheuristic;
import com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingIndexManager;
import com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingModel;
import com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters;
import com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.main;
import com.google.protobuf.Duration;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

/** Minimal VRP.*/
public class VrpDropNodes {
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(VrpDropNodes.class.getName());

  static class DataModel {
    public final long[][] distanceMatrix = {
        {0, 548, 776, 696, 582, 274, 502, 194, 308, 194, 536, 502, 388, 354, 468, 776, 662},
        {548, 0, 684, 308, 194, 502, 730, 354, 696, 742, 1084, 594, 480, 674, 1016, 868, 1210},
        {776, 684, 0, 992, 878, 502, 274, 810, 468, 742, 400, 1278, 1164, 1130, 788, 1552, 754},
        {696, 308, 992, 0, 114, 650, 878, 502, 844, 890, 1232, 514, 628, 822, 1164, 560, 1358},
        {582, 194, 878, 114, 0, 536, 764, 388, 730, 776, 1118, 400, 514, 708, 1050, 674, 1244},
        {274, 502, 502, 650, 536, 0, 228, 308, 194, 240, 582, 776, 662, 628, 514, 1050, 708},
        {502, 730, 274, 878, 764, 228, 0, 536, 194, 468, 354, 1004, 890, 856, 514, 1278, 480},
        {194, 354, 810, 502, 388, 308, 536, 0, 342, 388, 730, 468, 354, 320, 662, 742, 856},
        {308, 696, 468, 844, 730, 194, 194, 342, 0, 274, 388, 810, 696, 662, 320, 1084, 514},
        {194, 742, 742, 890, 776, 240, 468, 388, 274, 0, 342, 536, 422, 388, 274, 810, 468},
        {536, 1084, 400, 1232, 1118, 582, 354, 730, 388, 342, 0, 878, 764, 730, 388, 1152, 354},
        {502, 594, 1278, 514, 400, 776, 1004, 468, 810, 536, 878, 0, 114, 308, 650, 274, 844},
        {388, 480, 1164, 628, 514, 662, 890, 354, 696, 422, 764, 114, 0, 194, 536, 388, 730},
        {354, 674, 1130, 822, 708, 628, 856, 320, 662, 388, 730, 308, 194, 0, 342, 422, 536},
        {468, 1016, 788, 1164, 1050, 514, 514, 662, 320, 274, 388, 650, 536, 342, 0, 764, 194},
        {776, 868, 1552, 560, 674, 1050, 1278, 742, 1084, 810, 1152, 274, 388, 422, 764, 0, 798},
        {662, 1210, 754, 1358, 1244, 708, 480, 856, 514, 468, 354, 844, 730, 536, 194, 798, 0},
    public final long[] demands = {0, 1, 1, 3, 6, 3, 6, 8, 8, 1, 2, 1, 2, 6, 6, 8, 8};
    public final long[] vehicleCapacities = {15, 15, 15, 15};
    public final int vehicleNumber = 4;
    public final int depot = 0;

  /// @brief Print the solution.
  static void printSolution(
      DataModel data, RoutingModel routing, RoutingIndexManager manager, Assignment solution) {
    // Solution cost.
    logger.info("Objective: " + solution.objectiveValue());
    // Inspect solution.
    // Display dropped nodes.
    String droppedNodes = "Dropped nodes:";
    for (int node = 0; node < routing.size(); ++node) {
      if (routing.isStart(node) || routing.isEnd(node)) {
      if (solution.value(routing.nextVar(node)) == node) {
        droppedNodes += " " + manager.indexToNode(node);
    // Display routes
    long totalDistance = 0;
    long totalLoad = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < data.vehicleNumber; ++i) {
      long index = routing.start(i);
      logger.info("Route for Vehicle " + i + ":");
      long routeDistance = 0;
      long routeLoad = 0;
      String route = "";
      while (!routing.isEnd(index)) {
        long nodeIndex = manager.indexToNode(index);
        routeLoad += data.demands[(int) nodeIndex];
        route += nodeIndex + " Load(" + routeLoad + ") -> ";
        long previousIndex = index;
        index = solution.value(routing.nextVar(index));
        routeDistance += routing.getArcCostForVehicle(previousIndex, index, i);
      route += manager.indexToNode(routing.end(i));
      logger.info("Distance of the route: " + routeDistance + "m");
      totalDistance += routeDistance;
      totalLoad += routeLoad;
    logger.info("Total Distance of all routes: " + totalDistance + "m");
    logger.info("Total Load of all routes: " + totalLoad);

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Instantiate the data problem.
    final DataModel data = new DataModel();

    // Create Routing Index Manager
    RoutingIndexManager manager =
        new RoutingIndexManager(data.distanceMatrix.length, data.vehicleNumber, data.depot);

    // Create Routing Model.
    RoutingModel routing = new RoutingModel(manager);

    // Create and register a transit callback.
    final int transitCallbackIndex =
        routing.registerTransitCallback((long fromIndex, long toIndex) -> {
          // Convert from routing variable Index to user NodeIndex.
          int fromNode = manager.indexToNode(fromIndex);
          int toNode = manager.indexToNode(toIndex);
          return data.distanceMatrix[fromNode][toNode];

    // Define cost of each arc.

    // Add Capacity constraint.
    final int demandCallbackIndex = routing.registerUnaryTransitCallback((long fromIndex) -> {
      // Convert from routing variable Index to user NodeIndex.
      int fromNode = manager.indexToNode(fromIndex);
      return data.demands[fromNode];
    routing.addDimensionWithVehicleCapacity(demandCallbackIndex, 0, // null capacity slack
        data.vehicleCapacities, // vehicle maximum capacities
        true, // start cumul to zero
    // Allow to drop nodes.
    long penalty = 1000;
    for (int i = 1; i < data.distanceMatrix.length; ++i) {
      routing.addDisjunction(new long[] {manager.nodeToIndex(i)}, penalty);

    // Setting first solution heuristic.
    RoutingSearchParameters searchParameters =

    // Solve the problem.
    Assignment solution = routing.solveWithParameters(searchParameters);

    // Print solution on console.
    printSolution(data, routing, manager, solution);


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver;
using Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes; // Duration

/// <summary>
///   Minimal Vrp with drop nodes.
/// </summary>
public class VrpDropNodes
    class DataModel
        public long[,] DistanceMatrix = {
            { 0, 548, 776, 696, 582, 274, 502, 194, 308, 194, 536, 502, 388, 354, 468, 776, 662 },
            { 548, 0, 684, 308, 194, 502, 730, 354, 696, 742, 1084, 594, 480, 674, 1016, 868, 1210 },
            { 776, 684, 0, 992, 878, 502, 274, 810, 468, 742, 400, 1278, 1164, 1130, 788, 1552, 754 },
            { 696, 308, 992, 0, 114, 650, 878, 502, 844, 890, 1232, 514, 628, 822, 1164, 560, 1358 },
            { 582, 194, 878, 114, 0, 536, 764, 388, 730, 776, 1118, 400, 514, 708, 1050, 674, 1244 },
            { 274, 502, 502, 650, 536, 0, 228, 308, 194, 240, 582, 776, 662, 628, 514, 1050, 708 },
            { 502, 730, 274, 878, 764, 228, 0, 536, 194, 468, 354, 1004, 890, 856, 514, 1278, 480 },
            { 194, 354, 810, 502, 388, 308, 536, 0, 342, 388, 730, 468, 354, 320, 662, 742, 856 },
            { 308, 696, 468, 844, 730, 194, 194, 342, 0, 274, 388, 810, 696, 662, 320, 1084, 514 },
            { 194, 742, 742, 890, 776, 240, 468, 388, 274, 0, 342, 536, 422, 388, 274, 810, 468 },
            { 536, 1084, 400, 1232, 1118, 582, 354, 730, 388, 342, 0, 878, 764, 730, 388, 1152, 354 },
            { 502, 594, 1278, 514, 400, 776, 1004, 468, 810, 536, 878, 0, 114, 308, 650, 274, 844 },
            { 388, 480, 1164, 628, 514, 662, 890, 354, 696, 422, 764, 114, 0, 194, 536, 388, 730 },
            { 354, 674, 1130, 822, 708, 628, 856, 320, 662, 388, 730, 308, 194, 0, 342, 422, 536 },
            { 468, 1016, 788, 1164, 1050, 514, 514, 662, 320, 274, 388, 650, 536, 342, 0, 764, 194 },
            { 776, 868, 1552, 560, 674, 1050, 1278, 742, 1084, 810, 1152, 274, 388, 422, 764, 0, 798 },
            { 662, 1210, 754, 1358, 1244, 708, 480, 856, 514, 468, 354, 844, 730, 536, 194, 798, 0 }
        public long[] Demands = { 0, 1, 1, 3, 6, 3, 6, 8, 8, 1, 2, 1, 2, 6, 6, 8, 8 };
        public long[] VehicleCapacities = { 15, 15, 15, 15 };
        public int VehicleNumber = 4;
        public int Depot = 0;

    /// <summary>
    ///   Print the solution.
    /// </summary>
    static void PrintSolution(in DataModel data, in RoutingModel routing, in RoutingIndexManager manager,
                              in Assignment solution)
        Console.WriteLine($"Objective {solution.ObjectiveValue()}:");

        // Inspect solution.
        // Display dropped nodes.
        string droppedNodes = "Dropped nodes:";
        for (int index = 0; index < routing.Size(); ++index)
            if (routing.IsStart(index) || routing.IsEnd(index))
            if (solution.Value(routing.NextVar(index)) == index)
                droppedNodes += " " + manager.IndexToNode(index);
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", droppedNodes);
        // Inspect solution.
        long totalDistance = 0;
        long totalLoad = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < data.VehicleNumber; ++i)
            Console.WriteLine("Route for Vehicle {0}:", i);
            long routeDistance = 0;
            long routeLoad = 0;
            var index = routing.Start(i);
            while (routing.IsEnd(index) == false)
                long nodeIndex = manager.IndexToNode(index);
                routeLoad += data.Demands[nodeIndex];
                Console.Write("{0} Load({1}) -> ", nodeIndex, routeLoad);
                var previousIndex = index;
                index = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(index));
                routeDistance += routing.GetArcCostForVehicle(previousIndex, index, 0);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", manager.IndexToNode((int)index));
            Console.WriteLine("Distance of the route: {0}m", routeDistance);
            totalDistance += routeDistance;
            totalLoad += routeLoad;
        Console.WriteLine("Total Distance of all routes: {0}m", totalDistance);
        Console.WriteLine("Total Load of all routes: {0}m", totalLoad);

    public static void Main(String[] args)
        // Instantiate the data problem.
        DataModel data = new DataModel();

        // Create Routing Index Manager
        RoutingIndexManager manager =
            new RoutingIndexManager(data.DistanceMatrix.GetLength(0), data.VehicleNumber, data.Depot);

        // Create Routing Model.
        RoutingModel routing = new RoutingModel(manager);

        // Create and register a transit callback.
        int transitCallbackIndex = routing.RegisterTransitCallback((long fromIndex, long toIndex) =>
                                                                       // Convert from routing variable Index to
                                                                       // distance matrix NodeIndex.
                                                                       var fromNode = manager.IndexToNode(fromIndex);
                                                                       var toNode = manager.IndexToNode(toIndex);
                                                                       return data.DistanceMatrix[fromNode, toNode];

        // Define cost of each arc.

        // Add Capacity constraint.
        int demandCallbackIndex = routing.RegisterUnaryTransitCallback((long fromIndex) =>
                                                                           // Convert from routing variable Index to
                                                                           // demand NodeIndex.
                                                                           var fromNode =
                                                                           return data.Demands[fromNode];
        routing.AddDimensionWithVehicleCapacity(demandCallbackIndex, 0, // null capacity slack
                                                data.VehicleCapacities, // vehicle maximum capacities
                                                true,                   // start cumul to zero
        // Allow to drop nodes.
        long penalty = 1000;
        for (int i = 1; i < data.DistanceMatrix.GetLength(0); ++i)
            routing.AddDisjunction(new long[] { manager.NodeToIndex(i) }, penalty);

        // Setting first solution heuristic.
        RoutingSearchParameters searchParameters =
        searchParameters.FirstSolutionStrategy = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.PathCheapestArc;
        searchParameters.LocalSearchMetaheuristic = LocalSearchMetaheuristic.Types.Value.GuidedLocalSearch;
        searchParameters.TimeLimit = new Duration { Seconds = 1 };

        // Solve the problem.
        Assignment solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(searchParameters);

        // Print solution on console.
        PrintSolution(data, routing, manager, solution);