Menggunakan Array untuk Menentukan Model

Bagian sebelumnya menunjukkan cara menyelesaikan MIP hanya dengan beberapa variabel dan batasan, yang ditentukan satu per satu. Untuk masalah yang lebih besar, akan lebih mudah untuk menentukan variabel dan batasan dengan melakukan loop pada array. Contoh berikut menggambarkan hal ini.


Dalam contoh ini, kita akan menyelesaikan masalah berikut.

Maksimalkan 7x1 + 8x2 + 2x3 + 9x4 + 6x5 dengan tunduk pada batasan berikut:

  1. 5 x1 + 7 x2 + 9 x3 + 2 x4 + 1 x5 ≤ 250
  2. 18 x1 + 4 x2 - 9 x3 + 10 x4 + 12 x5 ≤ 285
  3. 4 x1 + 7 x2 + 3 x3 + 8 x4 + 5 x5 211
  4. 5 x1 + 13 x2 + 16 x3 + 3 x4 - 7 x5 ≤ 315

dengan x1, x2, ..., x5 adalah bilangan bulat non-negatif.

Bagian berikut menampilkan program yang dapat mengatasi masalah ini. Program tersebut menggunakan metode yang sama seperti contoh MIP sebelumnya, tetapi dalam hal ini menerapkannya ke nilai array dalam sebuah loop.

Mendeklarasikan pemecah masalah

Dalam program MIP apa pun, Anda memulai dengan mengimpor wrapper pemecah pemecah linear dan mendeklarasikan pemecah MIP, seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam contoh MIP sebelumnya.

Membuat data

Kode berikut membuat array yang berisi data untuk contoh berikut: koefisien variabel untuk batasan dan fungsi objektif, serta batas untuk batasan.


def create_data_model():
    """Stores the data for the problem."""
    data = {}
    data["constraint_coeffs"] = [
        [5, 7, 9, 2, 1],
        [18, 4, -9, 10, 12],
        [4, 7, 3, 8, 5],
        [5, 13, 16, 3, -7],
    data["bounds"] = [250, 285, 211, 315]
    data["obj_coeffs"] = [7, 8, 2, 9, 6]
    data["num_vars"] = 5
    data["num_constraints"] = 4
    return data


struct DataModel {
  const std::vector<std::vector<double>> constraint_coeffs{
      {5, 7, 9, 2, 1},
      {18, 4, -9, 10, 12},
      {4, 7, 3, 8, 5},
      {5, 13, 16, 3, -7},
  const std::vector<double> bounds{250, 285, 211, 315};
  const std::vector<double> obj_coeffs{7, 8, 2, 9, 6};
  const int num_vars = 5;
  const int num_constraints = 4;


static class DataModel {
  public final double[][] constraintCoeffs = {
      {5, 7, 9, 2, 1},
      {18, 4, -9, 10, 12},
      {4, 7, 3, 8, 5},
      {5, 13, 16, 3, -7},
  public final double[] bounds = {250, 285, 211, 315};
  public final double[] objCoeffs = {7, 8, 2, 9, 6};
  public final int numVars = 5;
  public final int numConstraints = 4;


class DataModel
    public double[,] ConstraintCoeffs = {
        { 5, 7, 9, 2, 1 },
        { 18, 4, -9, 10, 12 },
        { 4, 7, 3, 8, 5 },
        { 5, 13, 16, 3, -7 },
    public double[] Bounds = { 250, 285, 211, 315 };
    public double[] ObjCoeffs = { 7, 8, 2, 9, 6 };
    public int NumVars = 5;
    public int NumConstraints = 4;

Membuat instance data

Kode berikut membuat instance model data.


data = create_data_model()


DataModel data;


final DataModel data = new DataModel();


DataModel data = new DataModel();

Membuat instance pemecah masalah

Kode berikut membuat instance pemecah.


# Create the mip solver with the SCIP backend.
solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver("SCIP")
if not solver:


// Create the mip solver with the SCIP backend.
std::unique_ptr<MPSolver> solver(MPSolver::CreateSolver("SCIP"));
if (!solver) {
  LOG(WARNING) << "SCIP solver unavailable.";


// Create the linear solver with the SCIP backend.
MPSolver solver = MPSolver.createSolver("SCIP");
if (solver == null) {
  System.out.println("Could not create solver SCIP");


// Create the linear solver with the SCIP backend.
Solver solver = Solver.CreateSolver("SCIP");
if (solver is null)

Menentukan variabel

Kode berikut menentukan variabel untuk contoh dalam sebuah loop. Untuk masalah besar, lebih mudah daripada menentukan variabel satu per satu, seperti dalam contoh sebelumnya.


infinity = solver.infinity()
x = {}
for j in range(data["num_vars"]):
    x[j] = solver.IntVar(0, infinity, "x[%i]" % j)
print("Number of variables =", solver.NumVariables())


const double infinity = solver->infinity();
// x[j] is an array of non-negative, integer variables.
std::vector<const MPVariable*> x(data.num_vars);
for (int j = 0; j < data.num_vars; ++j) {
  x[j] = solver->MakeIntVar(0.0, infinity, "");
LOG(INFO) << "Number of variables = " << solver->NumVariables();


double infinity = java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
MPVariable[] x = new MPVariable[data.numVars];
for (int j = 0; j < data.numVars; ++j) {
  x[j] = solver.makeIntVar(0.0, infinity, "");
System.out.println("Number of variables = " + solver.numVariables());


Variable[] x = new Variable[data.NumVars];
for (int j = 0; j < data.NumVars; j++)
    x[j] = solver.MakeIntVar(0.0, double.PositiveInfinity, $"x_{j}");
Console.WriteLine("Number of variables = " + solver.NumVariables());

Menentukan batasan

Kode berikut membuat batasan untuk contoh, menggunakan metode MakeRowConstraint (atau varian tertentu, bergantung pada bahasa coding). Dua argumen pertama untuk metode ini adalah batas bawah dan atas untuk batasan. Argumen ketiga, nama untuk batasan, bersifat opsional.

Untuk setiap batasan, Anda menentukan koefisien variabel menggunakan metode SetCoefficient. Metode ini menetapkan koefisien variabel x[j] dalam batasan i menjadi entri [i][j] dari array constraint_coeffs.


for i in range(data["num_constraints"]):
    constraint = solver.RowConstraint(0, data["bounds"][i], "")
    for j in range(data["num_vars"]):
        constraint.SetCoefficient(x[j], data["constraint_coeffs"][i][j])
print("Number of constraints =", solver.NumConstraints())
# In Python, you can also set the constraints as follows.
# for i in range(data['num_constraints']):
#  constraint_expr = \
# [data['constraint_coeffs'][i][j] * x[j] for j in range(data['num_vars'])]
#  solver.Add(sum(constraint_expr) <= data['bounds'][i])


// Create the constraints.
for (int i = 0; i < data.num_constraints; ++i) {
  MPConstraint* constraint = solver->MakeRowConstraint(0, data.bounds[i], "");
  for (int j = 0; j < data.num_vars; ++j) {
    constraint->SetCoefficient(x[j], data.constraint_coeffs[i][j]);
LOG(INFO) << "Number of constraints = " << solver->NumConstraints();


// Create the constraints.
for (int i = 0; i < data.numConstraints; ++i) {
  MPConstraint constraint = solver.makeConstraint(0, data.bounds[i], "");
  for (int j = 0; j < data.numVars; ++j) {
    constraint.setCoefficient(x[j], data.constraintCoeffs[i][j]);
System.out.println("Number of constraints = " + solver.numConstraints());


for (int i = 0; i < data.NumConstraints; ++i)
    Constraint constraint = solver.MakeConstraint(0, data.Bounds[i], "");
    for (int j = 0; j < data.NumVars; ++j)
        constraint.SetCoefficient(x[j], data.ConstraintCoeffs[i, j]);
Console.WriteLine("Number of constraints = " + solver.NumConstraints());

Menentukan tujuannya

Kode berikut menentukan fungsi objektif untuk contoh. Metode SetCoefficient menetapkan koefisien untuk objektif, sedangkan SetMaximization mendefinisikan hal ini sebagai masalah pemaksimalan.


objective = solver.Objective()
for j in range(data["num_vars"]):
    objective.SetCoefficient(x[j], data["obj_coeffs"][j])
# In Python, you can also set the objective as follows.
# obj_expr = [data['obj_coeffs'][j] * x[j] for j in range(data['num_vars'])]
# solver.Maximize(solver.Sum(obj_expr))


// Create the objective function.
MPObjective* const objective = solver->MutableObjective();
for (int j = 0; j < data.num_vars; ++j) {
  objective->SetCoefficient(x[j], data.obj_coeffs[j]);


MPObjective objective = solver.objective();
for (int j = 0; j < data.numVars; ++j) {
  objective.setCoefficient(x[j], data.objCoeffs[j]);


Objective objective = solver.Objective();
for (int j = 0; j < data.NumVars; ++j)
    objective.SetCoefficient(x[j], data.ObjCoeffs[j]);

Panggil pemecah masalah

Kode berikut memanggil pemecah.


print(f"Solving with {solver.SolverVersion()}")
status = solver.Solve()


const MPSolver::ResultStatus result_status = solver->Solve();


final MPSolver.ResultStatus resultStatus = solver.solve();


Solver.ResultStatus resultStatus = solver.Solve();

Menampilkan solusi

Kode berikut menampilkan solusi.


if status == pywraplp.Solver.OPTIMAL:
    print("Objective value =", solver.Objective().Value())
    for j in range(data["num_vars"]):
        print(x[j].name(), " = ", x[j].solution_value())
    print(f"Problem solved in {solver.wall_time():d} milliseconds")
    print(f"Problem solved in {solver.iterations():d} iterations")
    print(f"Problem solved in {solver.nodes():d} branch-and-bound nodes")
    print("The problem does not have an optimal solution.")


// Check that the problem has an optimal solution.
if (result_status != MPSolver::OPTIMAL) {
  LOG(FATAL) << "The problem does not have an optimal solution.";
LOG(INFO) << "Solution:";
LOG(INFO) << "Optimal objective value = " << objective->Value();

for (int j = 0; j < data.num_vars; ++j) {
  LOG(INFO) << "x[" << j << "] = " << x[j]->solution_value();


// Check that the problem has an optimal solution.
if (resultStatus == MPSolver.ResultStatus.OPTIMAL) {
  System.out.println("Objective value = " + objective.value());
  for (int j = 0; j < data.numVars; ++j) {
    System.out.println("x[" + j + "] = " + x[j].solutionValue());
  System.out.println("Problem solved in " + solver.wallTime() + " milliseconds");
  System.out.println("Problem solved in " + solver.iterations() + " iterations");
  System.out.println("Problem solved in " + solver.nodes() + " branch-and-bound nodes");
} else {
  System.err.println("The problem does not have an optimal solution.");


// Check that the problem has an optimal solution.
if (resultStatus != Solver.ResultStatus.OPTIMAL)
    Console.WriteLine("The problem does not have an optimal solution!");

Console.WriteLine("Optimal objective value = " + solver.Objective().Value());

for (int j = 0; j < data.NumVars; ++j)
    Console.WriteLine("x[" + j + "] = " + x[j].SolutionValue());

Berikut solusi untuk masalah tersebut.

Number of variables = 5
Number of constraints = 4
Objective value = 260.0
x[0]  =  10.0
x[1]  =  16.0
x[2]  =  4.0
x[3]  =  4.0
x[4]  =  3.0

Problem solved in 29.000000 milliseconds
Problem solved in 315 iterations
Problem solved in 13 branch-and-bound nodes

Selesaikan program

Berikut program lengkapnya.


from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp

def create_data_model():
    """Stores the data for the problem."""
    data = {}
    data["constraint_coeffs"] = [
        [5, 7, 9, 2, 1],
        [18, 4, -9, 10, 12],
        [4, 7, 3, 8, 5],
        [5, 13, 16, 3, -7],
    data["bounds"] = [250, 285, 211, 315]
    data["obj_coeffs"] = [7, 8, 2, 9, 6]
    data["num_vars"] = 5
    data["num_constraints"] = 4
    return data

def main():
    data = create_data_model()
    # Create the mip solver with the SCIP backend.
    solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver("SCIP")
    if not solver:

    infinity = solver.infinity()
    x = {}
    for j in range(data["num_vars"]):
        x[j] = solver.IntVar(0, infinity, "x[%i]" % j)
    print("Number of variables =", solver.NumVariables())

    for i in range(data["num_constraints"]):
        constraint = solver.RowConstraint(0, data["bounds"][i], "")
        for j in range(data["num_vars"]):
            constraint.SetCoefficient(x[j], data["constraint_coeffs"][i][j])
    print("Number of constraints =", solver.NumConstraints())
    # In Python, you can also set the constraints as follows.
    # for i in range(data['num_constraints']):
    #  constraint_expr = \
    # [data['constraint_coeffs'][i][j] * x[j] for j in range(data['num_vars'])]
    #  solver.Add(sum(constraint_expr) <= data['bounds'][i])

    objective = solver.Objective()
    for j in range(data["num_vars"]):
        objective.SetCoefficient(x[j], data["obj_coeffs"][j])
    # In Python, you can also set the objective as follows.
    # obj_expr = [data['obj_coeffs'][j] * x[j] for j in range(data['num_vars'])]
    # solver.Maximize(solver.Sum(obj_expr))

    print(f"Solving with {solver.SolverVersion()}")
    status = solver.Solve()

    if status == pywraplp.Solver.OPTIMAL:
        print("Objective value =", solver.Objective().Value())
        for j in range(data["num_vars"]):
            print(x[j].name(), " = ", x[j].solution_value())
        print(f"Problem solved in {solver.wall_time():d} milliseconds")
        print(f"Problem solved in {solver.iterations():d} iterations")
        print(f"Problem solved in {solver.nodes():d} branch-and-bound nodes")
        print("The problem does not have an optimal solution.")

if __name__ == "__main__":


#include <memory>
#include <vector>

#include "ortools/linear_solver/linear_solver.h"

namespace operations_research {
struct DataModel {
  const std::vector<std::vector<double>> constraint_coeffs{
      {5, 7, 9, 2, 1},
      {18, 4, -9, 10, 12},
      {4, 7, 3, 8, 5},
      {5, 13, 16, 3, -7},
  const std::vector<double> bounds{250, 285, 211, 315};
  const std::vector<double> obj_coeffs{7, 8, 2, 9, 6};
  const int num_vars = 5;
  const int num_constraints = 4;

void MipVarArray() {
  DataModel data;

  // Create the mip solver with the SCIP backend.
  std::unique_ptr<MPSolver> solver(MPSolver::CreateSolver("SCIP"));
  if (!solver) {
    LOG(WARNING) << "SCIP solver unavailable.";

  const double infinity = solver->infinity();
  // x[j] is an array of non-negative, integer variables.
  std::vector<const MPVariable*> x(data.num_vars);
  for (int j = 0; j < data.num_vars; ++j) {
    x[j] = solver->MakeIntVar(0.0, infinity, "");
  LOG(INFO) << "Number of variables = " << solver->NumVariables();

  // Create the constraints.
  for (int i = 0; i < data.num_constraints; ++i) {
    MPConstraint* constraint = solver->MakeRowConstraint(0, data.bounds[i], "");
    for (int j = 0; j < data.num_vars; ++j) {
      constraint->SetCoefficient(x[j], data.constraint_coeffs[i][j]);
  LOG(INFO) << "Number of constraints = " << solver->NumConstraints();

  // Create the objective function.
  MPObjective* const objective = solver->MutableObjective();
  for (int j = 0; j < data.num_vars; ++j) {
    objective->SetCoefficient(x[j], data.obj_coeffs[j]);

  const MPSolver::ResultStatus result_status = solver->Solve();

  // Check that the problem has an optimal solution.
  if (result_status != MPSolver::OPTIMAL) {
    LOG(FATAL) << "The problem does not have an optimal solution.";
  LOG(INFO) << "Solution:";
  LOG(INFO) << "Optimal objective value = " << objective->Value();

  for (int j = 0; j < data.num_vars; ++j) {
    LOG(INFO) << "x[" << j << "] = " << x[j]->solution_value();
}  // namespace operations_research

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;



/** MIP example with a variable array. */
public class MipVarArray {
  static class DataModel {
    public final double[][] constraintCoeffs = {
        {5, 7, 9, 2, 1},
        {18, 4, -9, 10, 12},
        {4, 7, 3, 8, 5},
        {5, 13, 16, 3, -7},
    public final double[] bounds = {250, 285, 211, 315};
    public final double[] objCoeffs = {7, 8, 2, 9, 6};
    public final int numVars = 5;
    public final int numConstraints = 4;

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    final DataModel data = new DataModel();

    // Create the linear solver with the SCIP backend.
    MPSolver solver = MPSolver.createSolver("SCIP");
    if (solver == null) {
      System.out.println("Could not create solver SCIP");

    double infinity = java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    MPVariable[] x = new MPVariable[data.numVars];
    for (int j = 0; j < data.numVars; ++j) {
      x[j] = solver.makeIntVar(0.0, infinity, "");
    System.out.println("Number of variables = " + solver.numVariables());

    // Create the constraints.
    for (int i = 0; i < data.numConstraints; ++i) {
      MPConstraint constraint = solver.makeConstraint(0, data.bounds[i], "");
      for (int j = 0; j < data.numVars; ++j) {
        constraint.setCoefficient(x[j], data.constraintCoeffs[i][j]);
    System.out.println("Number of constraints = " + solver.numConstraints());

    MPObjective objective = solver.objective();
    for (int j = 0; j < data.numVars; ++j) {
      objective.setCoefficient(x[j], data.objCoeffs[j]);

    final MPSolver.ResultStatus resultStatus = solver.solve();

    // Check that the problem has an optimal solution.
    if (resultStatus == MPSolver.ResultStatus.OPTIMAL) {
      System.out.println("Objective value = " + objective.value());
      for (int j = 0; j < data.numVars; ++j) {
        System.out.println("x[" + j + "] = " + x[j].solutionValue());
      System.out.println("Problem solved in " + solver.wallTime() + " milliseconds");
      System.out.println("Problem solved in " + solver.iterations() + " iterations");
      System.out.println("Problem solved in " + solver.nodes() + " branch-and-bound nodes");
    } else {
      System.err.println("The problem does not have an optimal solution.");

  private MipVarArray() {}


using System;
using Google.OrTools.LinearSolver;

public class MipVarArray
    class DataModel
        public double[,] ConstraintCoeffs = {
            { 5, 7, 9, 2, 1 },
            { 18, 4, -9, 10, 12 },
            { 4, 7, 3, 8, 5 },
            { 5, 13, 16, 3, -7 },
        public double[] Bounds = { 250, 285, 211, 315 };
        public double[] ObjCoeffs = { 7, 8, 2, 9, 6 };
        public int NumVars = 5;
        public int NumConstraints = 4;
    public static void Main()
        DataModel data = new DataModel();

        // Create the linear solver with the SCIP backend.
        Solver solver = Solver.CreateSolver("SCIP");
        if (solver is null)

        Variable[] x = new Variable[data.NumVars];
        for (int j = 0; j < data.NumVars; j++)
            x[j] = solver.MakeIntVar(0.0, double.PositiveInfinity, $"x_{j}");
        Console.WriteLine("Number of variables = " + solver.NumVariables());

        for (int i = 0; i < data.NumConstraints; ++i)
            Constraint constraint = solver.MakeConstraint(0, data.Bounds[i], "");
            for (int j = 0; j < data.NumVars; ++j)
                constraint.SetCoefficient(x[j], data.ConstraintCoeffs[i, j]);
        Console.WriteLine("Number of constraints = " + solver.NumConstraints());

        Objective objective = solver.Objective();
        for (int j = 0; j < data.NumVars; ++j)
            objective.SetCoefficient(x[j], data.ObjCoeffs[j]);

        Solver.ResultStatus resultStatus = solver.Solve();

        // Check that the problem has an optimal solution.
        if (resultStatus != Solver.ResultStatus.OPTIMAL)
            Console.WriteLine("The problem does not have an optimal solution!");

        Console.WriteLine("Optimal objective value = " + solver.Objective().Value());

        for (int j = 0; j < data.NumVars; ++j)
            Console.WriteLine("x[" + j + "] = " + x[j].SolutionValue());

        Console.WriteLine("\nAdvanced usage:");
        Console.WriteLine("Problem solved in " + solver.WallTime() + " milliseconds");
        Console.WriteLine("Problem solved in " + solver.Iterations() + " iterations");
        Console.WriteLine("Problem solved in " + solver.Nodes() + " branch-and-bound nodes");