Create and display a single destination trip

This tutorial walks you through the process of creating a trip with a single pickup and drop-off, and then sharing that journey with a consumer.


To complete this tutorial, be sure to complete the following:

  1. Set up the Fleet Engine. For more information, see Fleet Engine: Initial setup.

  2. Integrate your app with the Driver SDK. For more information, see Initializing the Driver SDK for Android, and Integration Guide for the Driver SDK for iOS.

  3. Integrate your consumer-facing app with the Consumer SDK. For more information, see Getting Started with the Consumer SDK for Android, and Getting Started with the Consumer SDK for iOS.

  4. Set up authorization tokens. For more information about authorization tokens, see Creating a JSON Web Token for authorization in the Getting Started with Fleet Engine guide, and Authentication and authorization in the Consumer SDK documentation for Fleet Engine.

Step 1. Create a vehicle in Fleet Engine

Vehicles are objects that represent the vehicles in your fleet. You must create them in Fleet Engine in order to be able to track them in the consumer app.

You can create a vehicle using either of the following two approaches:

Call the CreateVehicle() method with the CreateVehicleRequest request message. You must have Fleet Engine Super User privileges to call CreateVehicle().


The following caveats apply when you create a vehicle.

  • Be sure to set the initial vehicle state to OFFLINE. This ensures that Fleet Engine can discover your vehicle for trip matching.

  • The vehicle's provider_id must be the same as the project ID of the Google Cloud Project that contains the Service Accounts used for calling Fleet Engine. While multiple service accounts can access the Fleet Engine for the same rideshare provider, Fleet Engine doesn't currently support service accounts from different Google Cloud Projects accessing the same vehicles.

  • The response returned from CreateVehicle() contains the Vehicle instance. The instance is deleted after seven days if it has not been updated using UpdateVehicle(). You should call GetVehicle() before calling CreateVehicle() just to confirm that the vehicle doesn't already exist. If GetVehicle() returns a NOT_FOUND error, then you should proceed with calling CreateVehicle(). For more information, see Vehicles and their lifecycle.


The following provider code sample demonstrates how to create a vehicle in the Fleet Engine.

static final String PROJECT_ID = "my-rideshare-co-gcp-project";

VehicleServiceBlockingStub vehicleService = VehicleService.newBlockingStub(channel);

String parent = "providers/" + PROJECT_ID;

Vehicle vehicle = Vehicle.newBuilder()
    .setVehicleState(VehicleState.OFFLINE)  // Initial state

CreateVehicleRequest createVehicleRequest = CreateVehicleRequest.newBuilder()
    .setVehicleId("8241890")  // Vehicle ID assigned by solution provider.
    .setVehicle(vehicle)      // Initial state.

// The Vehicle is created in the OFFLINE state, and no initial position is
// provided.  When the driver app calls the rideshare provider, the state can be
// set to ONLINE, and the driver app updates the vehicle location.
try {
  Vehicle createdVehicle = vehicleService.createVehicle(createVehicleRequest);
} catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
  Status s = e.getStatus();
  switch (s.getCode()) {

Step 2. Enable location tracking

Location tracking refers to tracking the vehicle's location during the trip, where the driver app sends telemetry to the Fleet Engine, which contains the vehicles current location. This constantly updated stream of position information is used to convey the vehicle's progress along the trip's route. When you enable location tracking, the driver app starts sending this telemetry, at a default frequency of once every five seconds.

You enable location tracking for Android and iOS as follows:


The following code example demonstrates how to enable location tracking.


RidesharingVehicleReporter vehicleReporter = ...;



val vehicleReporter = ...



vehicleReporter.locationTrackingEnabled = true


_vehicleReporter.locationTrackingEnabled = YES;

Step 3. Set the vehicle's state to online

You bring a vehicle into service (that is, to make it available for use) by setting its state to online, but you cannot do this until after you have enabled location tracking.

You set the vehicle's state to online for Android and iOS as follows:


The following code example demonstrates how to set the vehicle's state to ONLINE.








[_vehicleReporter updateVehicleState:GMTDVehicleStateOnline];

Step 4. Create a trip in Fleet Engine

Programmatically, a Trip is an object that represents a journey, and you must create one for each trip request so that they can be matched to vehicles and then tracked.

Required attributes

The following fields are required to create a trip.

A string that includes the provider ID. This must be the same as the project ID of the Google Cloud Project that contains the Service Accounts used for calling Fleet Engine
A string that you create, that uniquely identifies this trip.
One of the TripType enumeration values (either SHARED or EXCLUSIVE).
The trip's point of origin.

When you create a trip, you can provide the number_of_passengers, dropoff_point, and vehicle_id, although these fields are not required. When you provide a vehicle_id, the trip contains a list of remaining waypoints, which you can use to set the destination in the driver app.


The following example demonstrates how to create a trip to the Grand Indonesia East Mall. The trip involves two passengers, it's exclusive, and its status is new. The provider_id of the trip must be the same as the project ID. In the example, the rideshare provider created the Google Cloud Project with the project ID my-rideshare-co-gcp-project. This project must include a service account for calling the Fleet Engine.

static final String PROJECT_ID = "my-rideshare-co-gcp-project";

TripServiceBlockingStub tripService = TripService.newBlockingStub(channel);

// Trip initial settings.
String parent = "providers/" + PROJECT_ID;

Trip trip = Trip.newBuilder()
    .setTripType(TripType.EXCLUSIVE) // Use TripType.SHARED for carpooling.
    .setPickupPoint(                 // Grand Indonesia East Mall.
    // Provide the drop-off point if available.

// Create trip request
CreateTripRequest createTripRequest = CreateTripRequest.newBuilder()
    .setTripId("trip-8241890")  // Trip ID assigned by the provider.
    .setTrip(trip)              // The initial state is NEW.

// Error handling.
try {
  Trip createdTrip = tripService.createTrip(createTripRequest);
} catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
  Status s = e.getStatus();
  switch (s.getCode()) {

Step 5. Set the destination in the driver app

After you have paired a consumer with a driver, you must configure the trip's destination in the driver app. You can retrieve the vehicle’s destination from its waypoints collection, which is returned by GetTrip(), UpdateTrip() and GetVehicle().

For the consumer app to properly render the trip, the geographic coordinates (LatLng) supplied to setDestination() must match those in the trip’s waypoint. For more information, see the tutorials Route to a Single Destination and Route to Multiple Destinations.


The following code sample demonstrates how to set the destination in the driver app.


private void navigateToLocation(LatLng locationLatLng, RoutingOptions routingOptions) {
  Waypoint destination = Waypoint.newBuilder().setLocation(locationLatLng).build();

  // Create a future to await the result of the asynchronous navigator task.
  ListenableResultFuture<Navigator.RouteStatus> pendingRoute =
      mNavigator.setDestination(destination, routingOptions);

  // Define the action to perform when the SDK has determined the route.
      new ListenableResultFuture.OnResultListener<Navigator.RouteStatus>() {
        public void onResult(Navigator.RouteStatus code) {
          switch (code) {
            case OK:
              // Hide the toolbar to maximize the navigation UI.
              if (getActionBar() != null) {

              // Enable voice audio guidance (through the device speaker).

              // Simulate vehicle progress along the route for demo/debug builds.
              if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
                    new SimulationOptions().speedMultiplier(5));

              // Start turn-by-turn guidance along the current route.
            // Handle error conditions returned by the navigator.
            case NO_ROUTE_FOUND:
              displayMessage("Error starting navigation: No route found.");
            case NETWORK_ERROR:
              displayMessage("Error starting navigation: Network error.");
            case ROUTE_CANCELED:
              displayMessage("Error starting navigation: Route canceled.");
              displayMessage("Error starting navigation: "

                                    +   String.valueOf(code));


private fun navigateToLocation(locationLatLng: LatLng, travelMode: RoutingOptions) {
  val destination = Waypoint.newBuilder().setLocation(locationLatLng).build()

  // Create a future to await the result of the asynchronous navigator task.
  val pendingRoute = mNavigator.setDestination(destination, travelMode)

  // Define the action to perform when the SDK has determined the route.
    object : ListenableResultFuture.OnResultListener<Navigator.RouteStatus>() {
      override fun onResult(code: Navigator.RouteStatus) {
        when (code) {
          Navigator.RouteStatus.OK -> {
            // Hide the toolbar to maximize the navigation UI.

            // Enable voice audio guidance (through the device speaker).

            // Simulate vehicle progress along the route for demo/debug builds.
            if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {

            // Start turn-by-turn guidance along the current route.
          Navigator.RouteStatus.NO_ROUTE_FOUND -> {
            displayMessage("Error starting navigation: No route found.")
          Navigator.RouteStatus.NETWORK_ERROR -> {
            displayMessage("Error starting navigation: Network error.")
          Navigator.RouteStatus.ROUTE_CANCELED -> {
            displayMessage("Error starting navigation: Route canceled.")
          else -> {
            displayMessage("Error starting navigation: ${}")


private func startNavigation() {
  let destinations = [
      placeID: "ChIJnUYTpNASkFQR_gSty5kyoUk", title: "PCC Natural Market"),
      placeID: "ChIJJ326ROcSkFQRBfUzOL2DSbo", title: "Marina Park"),

  mapView.navigator?.setDestinations(destinations, callback: { routeStatus in
    guard routeStatus == .OK else {
      // Error starting navigation.
    mapView.navigator?.isGuidanceActive = true
    mapView.navigator?.sendsBackgroundNotifications = true
    mapView.cameraMode = .following


- (void)startNavigation {
  NSArray<GMSNavigationWaypoint *> *destinations =
  @[[[GMSNavigationWaypoint alloc] initWithPlaceID:@"ChIJnUYTpNASkFQR_gSty5kyoUk"
                                             title:@"PCC Natural Market"],
    [[GMSNavigationWaypoint alloc] initWithPlaceID:@"ChIJJ326ROcSkFQRBfUzOL2DSbo"
                                             title:@"Marina Park"]];

  [_mapView.navigator setDestinations:destinations
                             callback:^(GMSRouteStatus routeStatus) {
                               if (routeStatus != GMSRouteStatusOK) {
                                 // Error starting navigation.
                               [_mapView.locationSimulator simulateLocationsAlongExistingRoute];
                               _mapView.navigator.guidanceActive = YES;
                               _mapView.navigator.sendsBackgroundNotifications = YES;
                               _mapView.cameraMode = GMSNavigationCameraModeFollowing;

Step 6. Listen for trip updates in the consumer app

  • For Android, you can listen for data updates from a trip by obtaining a TripModel object from the TripModelManager and registering a TripModelCallback listener.

  • For iOS, you can listen for data updates from a trip by obtaining a GMTCTripModel object from the GMTCTripService and registering a GMTCTripModelSubscriber subscriber.

A TripModelCallback listener and GMTCTripModelSubscriber subscriber let your app receive periodic trip progress updates on each refresh based on the auto refresh interval. Only values that change can trigger the callback. Otherwise, the callback remains silent.

The TripModelCallback.onTripUpdated() and tripModel(_:didUpdate:updatedPropertyFields:) methods are always called, regardless of any data changes.

Example 1

The following code sample demonstrates how to obtain a TripModel from TripModelManager/GMTCTripService and set a listener on it.


// Start journey sharing after a trip has been created via Fleet Engine.
TripModelManager tripModelManager = consumerApi.getTripModelManager();

// Get a TripModel object.
TripModel tripModel = tripModelManager.getTripModel(tripName);

// Register a listener on the trip.
TripModelCallback tripCallback = new TripModelCallback() {

// Set the refresh interval.
TripModelOptions tripModelOptions = TripModelOptions.builder()
    .setRefreshInterval(5000) // interval in milliseconds, so 5 seconds

// The trip stops auto-refreshing when all listeners are unregistered.


// Start journey sharing after a trip has been created via Fleet Engine.
val tripModelManager = consumerApi.getTripModelManager()

// Get a TripModel object.
val tripModel = tripModelManager.getTripModel(tripName)

// Register a listener on the trip.
val tripCallback = TripModelCallback() {


// Set the refresh interval.
val tripModelOptions =
    .setRefreshInterval(5000) // interval in milliseconds, so 5 seconds


// The trip stops auto-refreshing when all listeners are unregistered.


let tripService = GMTCServices.shared().tripService

// Create a tripModel instance for listening for updates from the trip
// specified by the trip name.
let tripModel = tripService.tripModel(forTripName: tripName)

// Register for the trip update events.

// Set the refresh interval (in seconds).
tripModel.options.autoRefreshTimeInterval = 5

// Unregister for the trip update events.


GMTCTripService *tripService = [GMTCServices sharedServices].tripService;

// Create a tripModel instance for listening for updates from the trip
// specified by the trip name.
GMTCTripModel *tripModel = [tripService tripModelForTripName:tripName];

// Register for the trip update events.
[tripModel registerSubscriber:self];

// Set the refresh interval (in seconds).
tripModel.options.autoRefreshTimeInterval = 5;

// Unregister for the trip update events.
[tripModel unregisterSubscriber:self];

Example 2

The following code sample demonstrates how to set up a TripModelCallback listener and GMTCTripModelSubscriber subscriber.


// Implements a callback for the trip model so your app can listen for trip
// updates from Fleet Engine.
TripModelCallback subscriber =
  new TripModelCallback() {

    public void onTripStatusUpdated(TripInfo tripInfo, @TripStatus int status) {
      // ...

    public void onTripActiveRouteUpdated(TripInfo tripInfo, List<LatLng> route) {
      // ...

    public void onTripVehicleLocationUpdated(
        TripInfo tripInfo, @Nullable VehicleLocation vehicleLocation) {
      // ...

    public void onTripPickupLocationUpdated(
        TripInfo tripInfo, @Nullable TerminalLocation pickup) {
      // ...

    public void onTripPickupTimeUpdated(TripInfo tripInfo, @Nullable Long timestampMillis) {
      // ...

    public void onTripDropoffLocationUpdated(
        TripInfo tripInfo, @Nullable TerminalLocation dropoff) {
      // ...

    public void onTripDropoffTimeUpdated(TripInfo tripInfo, @Nullable Long timestampMillis) {
      // ...

    public void onTripETAToNextWaypointUpdated(
        TripInfo tripInfo, @Nullable Long timestampMillis) {
      // ...

    public void onTripActiveRouteRemainingDistanceUpdated(
        TripInfo tripInfo, @Nullable Integer distanceMeters) {
      // ...

    public void onTripUpdateError(TripInfo tripInfo, TripUpdateError error) {
      // ...

    public void onTripUpdated(TripInfo tripInfo) {
      // ...

    public void onTripRemainingWaypointsUpdated(
        TripInfo tripInfo, List<TripWaypoint> waypointList) {
      // ...

    public void onTripIntermediateDestinationsUpdated(
        TripInfo tripInfo, List<TerminalLocation> intermediateDestinations) {
      // ...

    public void onTripRemainingRouteDistanceUpdated(
        TripInfo tripInfo, @Nullable Integer distanceMeters) {
      // ...

    public void onTripRemainingRouteUpdated(TripInfo tripInfo, List<LatLng> route) {
      // ...


// Implements a callback for the trip model so your app can listen for trip
// updates from Fleet Engine.
val subscriber =
  object : TripModelCallback() {
    override fun onTripStatusUpdated(tripInfo: TripInfo, status: @TripStatus Int) {
      // ...

    override fun onTripActiveRouteUpdated(tripInfo: TripInfo, route: List<LatLng>) {
      // ...

    override fun onTripVehicleLocationUpdated(
      tripInfo: TripInfo,
      vehicleLocation: VehicleLocation?
    ) {
      // ...

    override fun onTripPickupLocationUpdated(tripInfo: TripInfo, pickup: TerminalLocation?) {
      // ...

    override fun onTripPickupTimeUpdated(tripInfo: TripInfo, timestampMillis: Long?) {
      // ...

    override fun onTripDropoffLocationUpdated(tripInfo: TripInfo, dropoff: TerminalLocation?) {
      // ...

    override fun onTripDropoffTimeUpdated(tripInfo: TripInfo, timestampMillis: Long?) {
      // ...

    override fun onTripETAToNextWaypointUpdated(tripInfo: TripInfo, timestampMillis: Long?) {
      // ...

    override fun onTripActiveRouteRemainingDistanceUpdated(
      tripInfo: TripInfo,
      distanceMeters: Int?
    ) {
      // ...

    override fun onTripUpdateError(tripInfo: TripInfo, error: TripUpdateError) {
      // ...

    override fun onTripUpdated(tripInfo: TripInfo) {
      // ...

    override fun onTripRemainingWaypointsUpdated(
      tripInfo: TripInfo,
      waypointList: List<TripWaypoint>
    ) {
      // ...

    override fun onTripIntermediateDestinationsUpdated(
      tripInfo: TripInfo,
      intermediateDestinations: List<TerminalLocation>
    ) {
      // ...

    override fun onTripRemainingRouteDistanceUpdated(tripInfo: TripInfo, distanceMeters: Int?) {
      // ...

    override fun onTripRemainingRouteUpdated(tripInfo: TripInfo, route: List<LatLng>) {
      // ...


class TripModelSubscriber: NSObject, GMTCTripModelSubscriber {

  func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdate trip: GMTSTrip?, updatedPropertyFields: GMTSTripPropertyFields) {
    // Update the UI with the new `trip` data.
    updateUI(with: trip)

  func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdate tripStatus: GMTSTripStatus) {
    // Handle trip status did change.

  func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdateActiveRoute activeRoute: [GMTSLatLng]?) {
    // Handle trip active route did update.

  func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdate vehicleLocation: GMTSVehicleLocation?) {
    // Handle vehicle location did update.

  func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdatePickupLocation pickupLocation: GMTSTerminalLocation?) {
    // Handle pickup location did update.

  func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdateDropoffLocation dropoffLocation: GMTSTerminalLocation?) {
    // Handle drop off location did update.

  func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdatePickupETA pickupETA: TimeInterval) {
    // Handle the pickup ETA did update.

  func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdateDropoffETA dropoffETA: TimeInterval) {
    // Handle the drop off ETA did update.

  func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdateRemaining remainingWaypoints: [GMTSTripWaypoint]?) {
    // Handle updates to the pickup, dropoff or intermediate destinations of the trip.

  func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didFailUpdateTripWithError error: Error?) {
    // Handle the error.

  func tripModel(_: GMTCTripModel, didUpdateIntermediateDestinations intermediateDestinations: [GMTSTerminalLocation]?) {
    // Handle the intermediate destinations being updated.



@interface TripModelSubscriber : NSObject <GMTCTripModelSubscriber>

@implementation TripModelSubscriber

- (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
            didUpdateTrip:(nullable GMTSTrip *)trip
    updatedPropertyFields:(GMTSTripPropertyFields)updatedPropertyFields {
  // Update the UI with the new `trip` data.
  [self updateUIWithTrip:trip];

- (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel didUpdateTripStatus:(enum GMTSTripStatus)tripStatus {
  // Handle trip status did change.

- (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
    didUpdateActiveRoute:(nullable NSArray<GMTSLatLng *> *)activeRoute {
  // Handle trip route did update.

- (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
    didUpdateVehicleLocation:(nullable GMTSVehicleLocation *)vehicleLocation {
  // Handle vehicle location did update.

- (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
    didUpdatePickupLocation:(nullable GMTSTerminalLocation *)pickupLocation {
  // Handle pickup location did update.

- (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
    didUpdateDropoffLocation:(nullable GMTSTerminalLocation *)dropoffLocation {
  // Handle drop off location did update.

- (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel didUpdatePickupETA:(NSTimeInterval)pickupETA {
  // Handle the pickup ETA did update.

- (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
    didUpdateRemainingWaypoints:(nullable NSArray<GMTSTripWaypoint *> *)remainingWaypoints {
  // Handle updates to the pickup, dropoff or intermediate destinations of the trip.

- (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel didUpdateDropoffETA:(NSTimeInterval)dropoffETA {
  // Handle the drop off ETA did update.

- (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel didFailUpdateTripWithError:(nullable NSError *)error {
  // Handle the error.

- (void)tripModel:(GMTCTripModel *)tripModel
        (nullable NSArray<GMTSTerminalLocation *> *)intermediateDestinations {
  // Handle the intermediate destinations being updated.

You can access information for the trip any time as follows:

  • Call the Consumer SDK for Android method TripModel.getTripInfo(). Calling this method doesn't force a data refresh, although data still continues to be refreshed at the refresh frequency.

  • Get the Consumer SDK for iOS property GMTCTripModel.currentTrip.

Step 7. Update the trip with the vehicle ID

You must configure the trip with a vehicle ID so that the Fleet Engine can track the vehicle along its route.


  • If you don't specify a destination when you create the trip, you can always do it here.

  • If you need to change the vehicle on a trip in progress, then you must set the state of the trip back to new, and then update the trip (as you did above) with the new vehicle ID.


The following code sample demonstrates how to update the trip with a vehicle ID.

static final String PROJECT_ID = "my-rideshare-co-gcp-project";
static final String TRIP_ID = "trip-8241890";

String tripName = "providers/" + PROJECT_ID + "/trips/" + TRIP_ID;

TripServiceBlockingStub tripService = TripService.newBlockingStub(channel);

// The trip settings to update.
Trip trip = Trip.newBuilder()

// The trip update request.
UpdateTripRequest updateTripRequest =
    UpdateTripRequest.newBuilder()      // No need for the header.

// Error handling.
// If the Fleet Engine has both a trip and vehicle with IDs, and if the
// credentials validate, then the service updates the trip.
try {
  Trip updatedTrip = tripService.updateTrip(updateTripRequest);
} catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
  Status s = e.getStatus();
  switch (s.getCode()) {
    case NOT_FOUND:                    // Neither the trip nor vehicle exist.

Step 8. Display the journey in the consumer app

Use the ConsumerController object to access the Rides and Deliveries user interface element APIs.

For more information, see Using the user interface element APIs.


The following code example demonstrates how to start the journey sharing user interface.


JourneySharingSession session = JourneySharingSession.createInstance(tripModel);


val session = JourneySharingSession.createInstance(tripModel)


let journeySharingSession = GMTCJourneySharingSession(tripModel: tripModel)


GMTCJourneySharingSession *journeySharingSession =
    [[GMTCJourneySharingSession alloc] initWithTripModel:tripModel];
[self.mapView showMapViewSession:journeySharingSession];

Step 9. Manage the trip state in the Fleet Engine

You specify the state of a trip using one of the TripStatus enumeration values. When a trip's state changes (for example, changing from ENROUTE_TO_PICKUP to ARRIVED_AT_PICKUP) you must update the trip state via the Fleet Engine. Trip state always begins with a value of NEW, and ends with a value of either COMPLETE or CANCELED. For more information, see trip_status.


The following code sample demonstrates how to update the trip state in the Fleet Engine.

static final String PROJECT_ID = "my-rideshare-co-gcp-project";
static final String TRIP_ID = "trip-8241890";

String tripName = "providers/" + PROJECT_ID + "/trips/" + TRIP_ID;

TripServiceBlockingStub tripService = TripService.newBlockingStub(channel);

// Trip settings to be updated.
Trip trip = Trip.newBuilder()

// Trip update request
UpdateTripRequest updateTripRequest = UpdateTripRequest.newBuilder()

// Error handling.
try {
  Trip updatedTrip = tripService.updateTrip(updateTripRequest);
} catch (StatusRuntimeException e) {
  Status s = e.getStatus();
  switch (s.getCode()) {
    case NOT_FOUND:            // The trip doesn't exist.
    case FAILED_PRECONDITION:  // The given trip status is invalid.