Migration for Android Consumer SDK v1.0 Customization

Marker Customization

In earlier versions of the Consumer SDK, you used Consumer SDK’s MarkerStyleOptions object to customize marker style properties. In Consumer SDK v1.0, you directly use the MarkerOptions object from the Maps SDK.

// Centering the marker anchor at (0.5, 0.5) is recommended.
// For vehicle markers, set flat to true to allow the vehicle marker to freely
// rotate flat on the map (rather than always have it face the camera).
MarkerOptions vehicleMarkerOptions = new MarkerOptions()
    .anchor(0.5f, 0.5f)

ConsumerMapStyle returns the SDK-specified default style options for a given marker type if the style has not yet been set or if the style options has been set to null.

// ConsumerMapStyle returns the SDK-set default style options if none has been set yet.
MarkerOptions defaultPickupPointStyleOptions = consumerMapStyle.getMarkerStyleOptions(MarkerType.PICKUP_POINT);

// Setting the style to null reverts the style back to the SDK-set default properties.
consumerMapStyle.setMarkerStyleOptions(MarkerType.PICKUP_POINT, /* markerStyleOptions= */ null);
MarkerOptions defaultPickupPointStyleOptions = consumerMapStyle.getMarkerStyleOptions(MarkerType.PICKUP_POINT);

If you don't want to create a new style from scratch, you can modify the default style. The following example modifies only the pickup icon and uses the SDK's default settings for the rest of the marker options.

// getMarkerStyleOptions returns the default pickup point style options, since
// the custom style hasn't been set yet.
MarkerOptions pickupPointStyleOptions =
// Modify the icon value and set the style.

Polyline Customization

In earlier versions of the Consumer SDK, you used Consumer SDK’s PolylineStyleOptions object to customize polyline style properties. In Consumer SDK v1.0, you use the PolylineOptions object from Maps SDK to customize the base polyline style properties and the TrafficStyle object to customize polyline traffic colors.

Traffic polylines are available in the alpha variant of the Consumer SDK v1.0 If traffic is visible, the base polyline color is overridden by the traffic colors. Traffic is not visible by default. Fields in TrafficStyle that are not set are filled in by SDK-specified default values.

// PolylineOptions is from Maps SDK
PolylineOptions polylineOptions = new PolylineOptions()
  PolylineType.ACTIVE_ROUTE, polylineOptions);

// TrafficStyle is from ConsumerSDK
TrafficStyle trafficStyle = TrafficStyle.builder()
  .setTrafficColor(SpeedType.NO_DATA, Color.GREY)
  .setTrafficColor(SpeedType.NORMAL_VALUE, Color.BLUE)
  .setTrafficColor(SpeedType.SLOW_VALUE, Color.ORANGE)
  .setTrafficColor(SpeedType.TRAFFIC_JAM, Color.RED)
consumerMapStyle.setPolylineTrafficStyle(PolylineType.ACTIVE_ROUTE, trafficStyle);

ConsumerMapStyle returns the SDK's default style options for a given polyline type if none has yet been set, or if style options are set to null. This applies to both the base PolylineOptions and the TrafficStyle.

// ConsumerMapStyle returns the SDK's default style options if none has been set yet.
PolylineOptions defaultActiveRouteStyleOptions = consumerMapStyle.getPolylineStyleOptions(PolylineType.ACTIVE_ROUTE);

// Setting the style to null reverts the style back to the SDK-set default properties.
  PolylineType.ACTIVE_ROUTE, /* polylineStyleOptions= */ null);
PolylineOptions defaultActiveRouteStyleOptions =

If you don't want to create a new style from scratch, you can modify the default style. The following example modifies only the base active route polyline color, and uses the SDK's default style settings for the rest of the marker options.

// Only customize the remaining route polyline color.
PolylineOptions remainingRouteStyleOptions =