Whether you're an indie developer just starting out, working for a AAA publisher, or somewhere in between, Google has something for you. Read in-depth guides and resources to get your development up and running. Find links to services and open source projects that help you take your game to the next level.

This guide covers how you can quickly get started using Agones to create game servers in Kubernetes.

Run a Minecraft server on a Compute Engine instance—a virtual machine that runs on Google's infrastructure.

To learn how to plug Firebase into your Unity project, check MechaHamster, a sample game that you can download from GitHub, the App Store, or the Google Play Store.

Learn about gaming and cloud topics such as architecture, hosting big data, and logging.



Build a simple demo game that implements motion tracking, environmental understanding, and light estimation, so you can use these features in your own apps.


Build a simple musical game using the Oboe library, a C++ library that uses the high performance audio APIs in the Android NDK.

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