Bring Google's Places data into your Android app

Learn about the Places SDK for Android and build Android apps in Kotlin that incorporate data about real world places.


Get started with the Places SDK for Android (Kotlin)


Learn the basics of the Places SDK for Android.

Add a map to your Android app (Kotlin)

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Learn how to add Google Maps to your Android app and explore ways to customize it.

Add a Place Autocomplete widget to your Android app


Learn how to bring the power of Place Autocomplete to get predictions for places such as businesses, addresses and points of interest as the user types.

Tutorial: Use Place Autocomplete to auto-fill address forms

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See a full walk-through of implementing an address form with Place Autocomplete.

Quick tip: Reduce Place Details costs with one parameter


Specify the fields parameter in Place Details and Place Autocomplete requests to ensure you only pay for what your application needs.

Display nearby places in AR on Android (Kotlin)

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Learn to display nearby places in augmented reality on Android in Kotlin.

Bring Google's Places data into your Android app quiz

Take a quiz, earn a badge. Correctly answer three questions to earn a Get started with Google Places badge.