Offer simpler and secure payments with Google Pay

Google Pay lets your customers pay with the press of a button—using payment methods saved to their Google Accounts. Learn how to add Google Pay to your existing payments- processing stack to offer simpler, more secure checkouts in your apps and websites.


Build a fast checkout experience on Android with Google Pay


In this codelab, you'll build a checkout screen in your Android app and equip it with Google Pay. That will allow your customers to pay for items in a fast, convenient, and secure way with the tap of a button.

Build a fast checkout experience on the web with Google Pay


In this codelab, you'll build a checkout page and equip it with Google Pay. That will allow your customers to pay for items in a fast, convenient, and secure way with the tap of a button.

Google Pay API explained

Video Optional

This video covers an overview of how Google Pay API uses your existing payments processing stack to make your web payments faster, easier and more secure.

Google Pay quiz

Take a quiz, earn a badge. Answer 4 questions correctly to earn a Google Pay badge.