Google Pay quiz

  1. Fill-in-the-blanks

    Enter one or more words to complete the sentence.

    When building a checkout experience on Android with Google Pay, ___ instantiates the payment client.

  2. Fill-in-the-blanks

    Enter one or more words to complete the sentence.

    When building a checkout experience on Android with Google Pay, the JSON attribute—___—defines the available payment methods.

  3. Fill-in-the-blanks

    Enter one or more words to complete the sentence.

    When building a checkout experience on Android with Google Pay, the ___ method determines whether the user can pay with Google Pay.

  4. Fill-in-the-blanks

    Enter one or more words to complete the sentence.

    When building a checkout experience on the web with Google Pay, ___ instantiates the payment client.

  5. Fill-in-the-blanks

    Enter one or more words to complete the sentence.

    When building a checkout experience on the web with Google Pay, the JSON attribute—___—defines the available payment methods.

  6. Fill-in-the-blanks

    Enter one or more words to complete the sentence.

    When building a checkout experience on the web with Google Pay, the ___ method determines whether the user can pay with Google Pay.