Scene Semantics and Geospatial Depth

Learn about the Scene Semantics and Geospatial Depth APIs in ARCore, which provide a richer understanding of the environment.


Depth adds realism


Learn about depth capabilities and the Depth API.

Increase your range with Geospatial Depth


Learn about Geospatial Depth, which improves depth measurements when the Geospatial API and the Streetscape Geometry API are enabled.

The Scene Semantics API for Android SDK


Learn about the Scene Semantics API for Android SDK, which provides semantic information to complement existing geometric information and improves scene understanding.

Get started with Scene Semantics and Geospatial Depth APIs in ARCore


Learn how to integrate the Scene Semantics and Geospatial Depth APIs into your app.

Scene Semantics and Geospatial Depth quiz

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