Quick Start

The starter projects demonstrate the major functionality of the Google Mirror API and gives you a good foundation in understanding how a simple piece of Glassware works. Read on to learn how to set up and deploy the starter project for your preferred language.

Exploring the Quick Start Project Demo

Before you start coding, you can see a fully deployed version of the starter project to get an idea of how it works:

  1. Navigate to https://glass-python-starter-demo.appspot.com. An OAuth 2.0 permission request screen appears.
  2. Grant the starter project access to your Google account. This should be the same account that you are using with your Google Glass device.
  3. Use the provided controls on the starter project exercise features of the Google Mirror API.
  4. Use your Glass device to see the timeline items created by the starter project demo.

Next Steps

Now it's your turn to download and deploy your own quick start project and start modifying it for your own Glassware! Check out the individual quick start projects for your desired language: