- Dataset Availability
- 1949-06-11T00:00:00Z–2018-11-09T00:00:00Z
- Dataset Provider
- Earth Engine Snippet
- Tags
Hurricane best track database (HURDAT2).
Pacific basin 1949-2018.
Table Schema
Table Schema
Name | Type | Description |
seq | DOUBLE | ATCF cyclone number for that year |
name | STRING | Hurricane name. e.g. "ALEX" |
datetime | STRING | Observation time in UTC. Format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. |
record_id | STRING | Single letter desinating a specific event in a hurricane track. An empty string if no code.
status | STRING | Status of system:
max_wind_kts | DOUBLE | Maximum wind speed |
min_pressure | DOUBLE | Minimum pressure |
numEntries | DOUBLE | Number of points for a particular hurricane |
radii_ne_34kt | DOUBLE | 34 kt wind radii maximum extent in northeastern quadrant |
radii_se_34kt | DOUBLE | 34 kt wind radii maximum extent in southeastern quadrant |
radii_sw_34kt | DOUBLE | 34 kt wind radii maximum extent in southwestern quadrant |
radii_nw_34kt | DOUBLE | 34 kt wind radii maximum extent in northwestern quadrant |
radii_ne_50kt | DOUBLE | 50 kt wind radii maximum extent in northeastern quadrant |
radii_se_50kt | DOUBLE | 50 kt wind radii maximum extent in southeastern quadrant |
radii_sw_50kt | DOUBLE | 50 kt wind radii maximum extent in southwestern quadrant |
radii_nw_50kt | DOUBLE | 50 kt wind radii maximum extent in northwestern quadrant |
radii_ne_64kt | DOUBLE | 64 kt wind radii maximum extent in northeastern quadrant |
radii_se_64kt | DOUBLE | 64 kt wind radii maximum extent in southeastern quadrant |
radii_sw_64kt | DOUBLE | 64 kt wind radii maximum extent in southwestern quadrant |
radii_nw_64kt | DOUBLE | 64 kt wind radii maximum extent in northwestern quadrant |
basin | STRING | Ocean basin. Always one of:
id | STRING | Code for a particular hurricane. Basic code followed by a 2 digit cyclone number followed by a 4-digit year. e.g. "CP011993" |
year | DOUBLE | Year in which the hurricane occurred |
Terms of Use
Terms of Use
NOAA data, information, and products, regardless of the method of delivery, are not subject to copyright and carry no restrictions on their subsequent use by the public. Once obtained, they may be put to any lawful use.
Explore with Earth Engine
Code Editor (JavaScript)
// Show hurricane tracks and points for 1993. var hurricanes = ee.FeatureCollection('NOAA/NHC/HURDAT2/pacific'); var year = '1993'; var points = hurricanes.filter(ee.Filter.date(ee.Date(year).getRange('year'))); // Find all of the hurricane ids. var GetId = function(point) { return ee.Feature(point).get('id'); }; var storm_ids = points.toList(1000).map(GetId).distinct(); // Create a line for each hurricane. var lines = ee.FeatureCollection(storm_ids.map(function(storm_id){ var pts = points.filter(ee.Filter.eq('id', ee.String(storm_id))); pts = pts.sort('system:time_start'); var line = ee.Geometry.LineString(pts.geometry().coordinates()); var feature = ee.Feature(line); return feature.set('id', storm_id); })); Map.addLayer(lines, {color: 'red'}, 'tracks'); Map.addLayer(points, {color: 'black'}, 'points'); Map.setCenter(210, 30, 3);
Visualize as a FeatureView
A FeatureView
is a view-only, accelerated representation of a
. For more details, visit the
Code Editor (JavaScript)
var fvLayer = ui.Map.FeatureViewLayer('NOAA/NHC/HURDAT2/pacific_FeatureView'); var visParams = { isVisible: false, pointSize: 20, rules: [ { filter: ee.Filter.eq('year', 2018), isVisible: true, pointFillColor: { property: 'max_wind_kts', mode: 'linear', palette: ['f1eef6', 'd7b5d8', 'df65b0', 'ce1256'], min: 15, max: 140 } } ] }; fvLayer.setVisParams(visParams); fvLayer.setName('2018 hurricane max wind speed'); Map.setLocked(false, 4); Map.setCenter(-130, 20, 4); Map.add(fvLayer);