API Workflows

Get a list of Publishers


Create a new Publisher

  1. externalPublisherId is required and must be unique. externalPublisherIds can be populated for additional publisher ids.
  2. Call Create API. A unique name will be assigned, and can be used to Get the created publisher.
  3. Call Get API to see details of the created publisher.
  4. Optionally, Upload a logo for the created publisher.

Update Publisher

  1. If you don't store the created Publisher name, call the LIST API to find the publisher you want to update.
  2. Update the fields based on results from LIST API.
  3. Call Patch API to update the Publisher. The 'updateMask' is required, it indicates which fields you want the update to be applied to. Only fields that are allowed to be updated can be set in the 'updateMask'.

Important fields to provide:

  • Display Name
  • Description
  • Contact Information
  • Logo
  • Forecast
    • Provide publisher owned DOMAIN_NAME under 'breakdowns'
    • Provide publisher owned App under 'appsBreakdown'