Get a list of Auction Packages
Call LIST API. Supports filtering by external_deal_id
Create a new Auction Package
- external_deal_id must be unique. Call LIST with external_deal_id to see if the id has already been used.
- Call Create API. A unique name will be assigned, and can be used to Get the created package.
- Call Get API to see details of the created Auction Package.
- Optionally, Upload a logo for the created package.
Update Auction Package
- If you do not store the created Auction Package name, call the LIST API filter by external_deal_id to get the Auction Package you want to update.
- Update the fields based on results from LIST API.
- Call Patch API to update the Auction Package. The “updateMask” is required, it indicates which fields you want the update to be applied to. Only fields that are allowed to be updated can be set in the “updateMask”.
Beta Process
The only difference between Beta VS GA is during beta, Auction Packages created need to have status set to “DISCOVERY_OBJECT_STATUS_PAUSED”, and status cannot be updated. PAUSED packages are not visible in DV3 UI. This is to provide exchanges a way to test out API integration without showing the test packages.
It is common to create all the “real” packages in beta as PAUSED and then “active” them once GAed.
100 active packages per exchange.
100 paused packages per exchange.