下載 SDF

作業成功完成,且您也已從已完成的作業回應中擷取資源名稱,就可以使用 media.download 方法下載含有所產生 SDF 的 ZIP 檔案。



// Extract download file resource name to use in download request
String downloadResourceName = operationResponse.getResponse()

// Configure the Media.download request
Media.Download downloadRequest =

// Create output stream for downloaded file
FileOutputStream outStream =
   new FileOutputStream(output-file);

// Download file

System.out.printf("File downloaded to %s\n", outputFile);


# Extract download file resource name to use in download request
resourceName = operation["response"]["resourceName"]

# Configure the Media.download request
downloadRequest = service.media().download_media(resourceName=resourceName)

# Create output stream for downloaded file
outStream = io.FileIO(output-file, mode='wb')

# Make downloader object
downloader = googleHttp.MediaIoBaseDownload(outStream, downloadRequest)

# Download media file in chunks until finished
download_finished = False
while download_finished is False:
  _, download_finished = downloader.next_chunk()

print("File downloaded to %s" % output-file)


// Get client and set defer so it doesn't immediately return.
$client = $this->service->getClient();

// Build media download request.
$request = $this->service->media->download(
    array('alt' => 'media')

// Call the API, getting the generated SDF.
$response = $client->execute($request);
$responseBody = $response->getBody();

// Writes the downloaded file. If the file already exists, it is
// overwritten.
file_put_contents(output-file, $responseBody);

printf('File saved to: %s\n', output-file);

檔案下載和解壓縮後,即可使用產生的結構化資料檔案。產生的檔案會包含可識別 SDF 檔案類型的一般名稱 (例如:SDF-LineItems.csv)。


如果對應的結構化資料檔案不包含要求的資源資料,則下載的 ZIP 檔案可能會包含「已略過」的檔案 (例如:SDF-LineItems-Skipped.csv)。這個檔案會有雙欄結構,第一份包含不可納入的資源 ID,第二個則包含排除原因的 ID。

系統可能會略過資源的原因有很多,包括處於不支援的狀態或類型不支援的類型。請使用最新的 SDF 版本,避免略過資源。