
This codelab is part of the Developing Progressive Web Apps training course, developed by the Google Developers Training team. You will get the most value out of this course if you work through the codelabs in sequence.

For complete details about the course, see the Developing Progressive Web Apps overview.


Workbox is a collection of libraries and tools used for generating a service worker, precaching, routing, and runtime-caching. Workbox also includes modules for easily integrating background sync and Google Analytics into your service worker.

In this lab, you'll use the workbox-sw.js library and the workbox-build Node.js module to build an offline-capable progressive web app (PWA).

What you'll learn

  • How to write a service worker using the workbox-sw.js library
  • How to add routes to your service worker using workbox-sw.js
  • How to use the predefined caching strategies provided in workbox-sw.js
  • How to augment the workbox-sw.js caching strategies with custom logic
  • How to generate a production-grade service worker with workbox-build

What you should already know

  • Basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • ES2015 Promises
  • How to run commands from the command line
  • Some familiarity with service workers is recommended
  • Familiarity with Node.js and gulp is recommended

What you will need

Download or clone the pwa-training-labs repository from github and install the LTS version of Node.js, if needed.

Install project dependencies and start the server

Navigate to the project/ directory via the command line:

cd workbox-lab/project/

Run the following command to install the project dependencies:

npm install

Then build and serve the app with the following command:

npm run serve

You can terminate the serve process at any time with Ctrl-c.


The npm install command installs the project dependencies based on the configuration in package.json. Open project/package.json and examine its contents.

The important package is workbox-build, which is a module used to generate a list of assets that should be precached in a service worker. You'll see how that's used in a later step.

Also note that the serve script aliases the gulp serve command.

The remaining dependencies in package.json are used by gulp in gulpfile.js.

Open gulpfile.js and examine its contents. The gulp build task "builds" the app; in this case by copying the src/ files into a build/ directory (using the clean and copy tasks). The serve task builds the app (with the build task) and then the build/ directory served and watched. The watch functionality ensures that the app is rebuilt whenever src/ files are updated.

Since we ran the gulp serve task with npm run serve, the app should be built and served on localhost:8081/.

Why didn't we just run the gulp serve task directly? First, running gulp from the command line requires a global installation of the gulp command line tool. Second, relying on a global installation gives us less control over the gulp version used since package.json only specifies the local gulp version, but not any global versions. Aliasing gulp commands with npm scripts in package.json allows us to work around these issues and use the local gulp package directly.

Open the app and explore the code

Open the app in your browser by navigating to localhost:8081/. The app is a news site containing some "trending articles" and "archived posts". We will be performing different runtime caching strategies based on whether the request is for a trending article or archived post.

Open the workbox-lab/project/ folder in your text editor. The project/ folder is where you will be building the lab.

This folder contains:

  • src/images/ folder contains sample images
  • src/js/animation.js is a javascript file for page animations
  • src/pages/ folder contains sample pages
  • src/style/main.css is the stylesheet for the app's pages
  • src/sw.js is where we will write our source service worker using workbox-sw.js
  • src/index.html is the home page HTML file
  • gulpfile.js configures gulp tasks
  • package.json and package-lock.json track Node.js dependencies

All of the src/ files were also copied over to the build/ folder as mentioned in the previous section.

Now that we have the starting app working, let's start writing the service worker.

In the empty source service worker file, src/sw.js, add the following snippet:


if (workbox) {
  console.log(`Yay! Workbox is loaded 🎉`);


} else {
  console.log(`Boo! Workbox didn't load 😬`);

Save the file. Observe that our production service worker (build/sw.js) was automatically updated by gulp watch.


In this code, the importScripts call imports the workbox-sw.js library from a Content Delivery Network (CDN). Once the library is loaded, the workbox object gives our service worker access to all the Workbox modules.

The precacheAndRoute method of the precaching module takes a precache "manifest" (a list of file URLs with "revision hashes") to cache on service worker installation. It also sets up a cache-first strategy for the specified resources, serving them from the cache by default.

Currently, the array is empty, so no files will be cached.

Rather than adding files to the list manually, workbox-build can generate the manifest for us. Using a tool like workbox-build has multiple advantages:

  1. The tool can be integrated into our build process. Adding workbox-build to our build process eliminates the need for manual updates to the precache manifest each time that we update the apps files.
  2. workbox-build automatically adds "revision hashes" to the files in the manifest entries. The revision hashes enable Workbox to intelligently track when files have been modified or are outdated, and automatically keep caches up to date with the latest file versions. Workbox can also remove cached files that are no longer in the manifest, keeping the amount of data stored on a user's device to a minimum. You'll see what workbox-build and the file revision hashes look like in the next section.

Learn more

While we are using workbox-build with gulp in this lab, Workbox also supports tools like webpack with workbox-webpack-plugin and npm-build processed with workbox-cli.

Now we need to configure workbox-build to inject a precache manifest in the precacheAndRoute call in the service worker file.

Add code to include the workbox-build module into gulpfile.js:

const workboxBuild = require('workbox-build');

Then add a build-sw task in gulpfile.js (above the build task) to generate and inject the precache manifest:

const buildSw = () => {
  return workboxBuild.injectManifest({
    swSrc: 'src/sw.js',
    swDest: 'build/sw.js',
    globDirectory: 'build',
    globPatterns: [
  }).then(resources => {
    console.log(`Injected ${resources.count} resources for precaching, ` +
        `totaling ${resources.size} bytes.`);
  }).catch(err => {
    console.log('Uh oh 😬', err);
gulp.task('build-sw', buildSw);

Finally, update the build task to include the build-sw task in its series. The updated build task should be as follows:

const build = gulp.series('clean', 'copy', 'build-sw');
gulp.task('build', build);

Since we've updated gulpfile.js, we need to rerun the gulp serve task in the command line. Terminate the serve process with Ctrl+c and then restart it with npm run serve.

Observe that the precacheAndRoute call in the production service worker (build/sw.js) has been updated with the precache manifest, and should look like this (your hash values may be different):

    "url": "style/main.css",
    "revision": "919792b0fc1138b73c7553f56cae2c41"
    "url": "index.html",
    "revision": "49dc015edffceba2a88e909b944675c0"
  // ...


The build-sw task uses the workbox-build module's injectManifest method. This method copies a source service worker file, specified in swSrc, to an output specified by swDest. Workbox searches the new service worker for an empty precacheAndRoute() call and populates the empty array with the assets defined in globPatterns. Adding the build-sw task to the build task ensures that the production service worker is regenerated anytime the src/ files change.

Learn more

Precaching documentation

Now add a script in the bottom of index.html (just before the closing </body> tag) to register the new service worker:

    if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
      window.addEventListener('load', () => {
          .then(registration => {
            console.log('Service Worker registered! 😎');
          .catch(err => {
            console.log('Registration failed 😫 ', err);

Return to the app and unregister any service workers and clear all service worker caches. In Chrome DevTools, you can do this in one easy operation by going to the Application tab, clicking Clear Storage and then clicking the Clear site data button.

Note: You can automatically activate updated service workers in Chrome Developer Tools by selecting Update on reload in the Server Workers tab.

Refresh the page and check the developer console; you should see the registration success message. You can also use developer tools to check the status of the service worker. In Chrome DevTools, you can find service workers in the Service Worker section of the Application tab.

Next, observe that the resources specified in the precache manifest have been cached. In Chrome DevTools, you can see your caches by expanding the Cache Storage section in the Application tab.

Note: In Chrome, the DevTools Cache interface is not always updated automatically, even if new files are cached. If you don't see the cached files, right-click Cache Storage in the Application tab and choose Refresh Caches. If a similar method is not available in your browser, then try reloading the page.

Now go "offline" by pressing Ctrl+c to terminate the gulp server. Refresh the app in the browser. The home page should load even though we are offline!

Note: In Chrome, you may see a console error indicating that the service worker could not be fetched: An unknown error occurred when fetching the script. service-worker.js Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. This error is shown because the browser couldn't fetch the service worker script (because the site is offline), but that's expected because we can't use the service worker to cache itself. Otherwise the user's browser would be stuck with the same service worker forever!


In addition to precaching, the precacheAndRoute method sets up an implicit cache-first handler, ensuring that the precached resources are served offline.

Note: Workbox also handles an edge case that we haven't mentioned. Workbox knows to serve my-domain/index.html even if my-domain/ is requested! With this functionality, you don't have to manage multiple cached resources (one for index.html and one for /).

workbox-sw.js has a routing module that lets you easily add routes to your service worker.

Let's add a route to the service worker now. Copy the following code into src/sw.js beneath the precacheAndRoute method. Make sure you're not editing the production service worker, build/sw.js, as this file will be overwritten by our build process.

    cacheName: 'images-cache',
    plugins: [
      new workbox.expiration.Plugin({
        maxEntries: 50,
        maxAgeSeconds: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60, // 30 Days

Save the file.

Rebuild the app (including the service worker) and restart the server with the following command:

npm run serve

Refresh the app and activate the updated service worker in the browser. In Chrome DevTools you can activate a new service worker by clicking skipWaiting in the Service Worker section of the Application tab. Navigate to Article 1 and Article 2. Check the caches to see that the images-cache now exists and contains the images from Articles 1 and 2. You may need to refresh the caches in developer tools to see the contents.


The registerRoute method on the routing class adds a route to the service worker. The first parameter in registerRoute is a regular expression URL pattern to match requests against. The second parameter is the handler that provides a response if the route matches. In this case the route uses the strategies class to access the cacheFirst run-time caching strategy. This means that whenever the app requests article images, the service worker checks the cache first for the resource before going to the network.

The handler in this code also configures Workbox to maintain a maximum of 50 images in the cache (ensuring that user's devices don't get filled with excessive images). Once 50 images has been reached, Workbox will remove the oldest image automatically. The images are also set to expire after 30 days, signaling to the service worker that the network should be used for those images.

Optional: Write your own route that caches the user avatar. The route should match requests to /images/icon/* and handle the request/response using the staleWhileRevalidate strategy. Give the cache the name "icon-cache" and allow a maximum of 5 entries to be stored in the cache. This strategy is good for icons and user avatars that change frequently but the latest versions are not essential to the user experience. You'll need to remove the icon from the precache manifest so that the service worker uses your staleWhileRevalidate route instead of the implicit cache-first route established by the precache method.

Write the basic handler using the handle method

Sometimes content must always be kept up-to-date (e.g., news articles, stock figures, etc.). For this kind of data, the cacheFirst strategy is not the best solution. Instead, we can use the networkFirst strategy to fetch the newest content first, and only if that fails does the service worker get old content from the cache.

Copy the following code below the existing route in src/sw.js:

const articleHandler = workbox.strategies.networkFirst({
  cacheName: 'articles-cache',
  plugins: [
    new workbox.expiration.Plugin({
      maxEntries: 50,

workbox.routing.registerRoute(/(.*)article(.*)\.html/, args => {
  return articleHandler.handle(args);

Save the file, refresh the app, and update the service worker in the browser. Reload the home page and click a link to one of the Trending Articles. Check the caches to see that the articles-cache was created and contains the article you just clicked. You may need to refresh the caches to see the changes.

Optional: Test that articles are cached dynamically by visiting some while online. Then take the app offline again by pressing Ctrl+C in the command line and re-visit those articles. Instead of the browser's default offline page, you should see the cached article. Remember to re-run npm run serve to restart the server.

Optional: Test the networkFirst strategy by changing the text of the cached article and reloading the page. Even though the old article is cached, the new one is served and the cache is updated.


Here we are using the networkFirst strategy to handle a resource we expect to update frequently (trending news articles). This strategy updates the cache with the newest content each time it's fetched from the network.

Unlike the images route established in the previous step, the code above uses the handle method on the built-in networkFirst strategy. The handle method takes the object passed to the handler function (in this case we called it args) and returns a promise that resolves with a response. We could have passed in the caching strategy directly to the second argument of registerRoute as we did in the previous example, but instead we return a call to the handle method in a custom handler function. This technique gives us access to the response, as you'll see in the next step.

Handle invalid responses

The handle method returns a promise resolving with the response, so we can access the response with a .then.

Add the following .then inside the article route after the call to the handle method:

.then(response => {
    if (!response) {
      return caches.match('pages/offline.html');
    } else if (response.status === 404) {
      return caches.match('pages/404.html');
    return response;

Then add pages/offline.html and pages/404.html to the globPatterns in the build-sw task defined in gulpfile.js. The updated build-sw task should look like this:

const buildSw = () => {
  return workboxBuild.injectManifest({
    swSrc: 'src/sw.js',
    swDest: 'build/sw.js',
    globDirectory: 'build',
    globPatterns: [
  }).then(resources => {
    console.log(`Injected ${resources.count} resources for precaching, ` +
        `totaling ${resources.size} bytes.`);
  }).catch(err => {
    console.log('Uh oh 😬', err);
gulp.task('build-sw', buildSw);

Save the files. Restart gulp by terminating the serve process with Ctrl+c and re-running npm run serve. Refresh the app activate the updated service worker in the browser. On the app home page, try clicking the Non-existent article link. This link points to an HTML page, pages/article-missing.html, that doesn't actually exist. You should see the custom 404 page that we precached!

Now try taking the app offline by pressing Ctrl+C in the command line and then click any of the links to unvisited articles. You should see the custom offline page!

Note: If you've already cached all the articles, you can clear the caches and refresh the page in order to test the offline page.


The .then statement receives the response passed in from the handle method. If the response doesn't exist, then it means the user is offline and the response was not previously cached. Instead of letting the browser show a default offline page, the service worker returns the custom offline page that was precached. If the response exists but the status is 404, then our custom 404 page is returned. Otherwise, we return the original response.

So far you have implemented many caching strategies with Workbox, and in the previous section you learned how to add custom logic to the default Workbox caching options.

This last exercise is a challenge with less guidance (you can still see the solution code if you get stuck). You need to:

  • Add a final service worker route for the app's "post" pages (pages/post1.html, pages/post2.html, etc.).
  • The route should use Workbox's cacheFirst strategy, creating a cache called "posts-cache" that stores a maximum of 50 entries.
  • If the cache or network returns a resources with a 404 status, then return the pages/404.html resource.
  • If the resource is not available in the cache, and the app is offline, then return the pages/offline.html resource.


  • Review the previous section for how to add additional logic to Workbox's built-in strategy handlers.
  • The Workbox cacheFirst handler handles no-connectivity differently than networkFirst: instead of passing an empty response to the .then, it rejects and goes to the next .catch.

You have learned how to use Workbox to create production-ready service workers!

What we've covered

  • Writing a service worker using the workbox-sw.js library
  • Adding routes to your service worker using workbox-sw.js
  • Using the predefined caching strategies provided in workbox-sw.js
  • Augmenting the workbox-sw.js caching strategies with custom logic
  • Generating a production-grade service worker with workbox-build


To see all the codelabs in the PWA training course, see the Welcome codelab for the course/