Release Notes

This page provides information about the changes in each release of Ads Data Hub

September 11, 2024

Update to description of methodology

We have updated the Description of methodology page with the following changes:

  • Minor updates were made to the Introduction section to clarify the purpose of the document.
  • "OTT" has been corrected to "CTV" in the "Out-of-scope" column of the audit process table.
  • "YouTube: Views" has been updated to "True View: View".

July 19, 2024

Update to description of methodology

Due to the anticipated deprecation of third-party cookies on Chrome (see blog post), Ads Data Hub is no longer seeking MRC accreditation for cookie matching. We have updated the Description of methodology page to remove cookie matching from the description of the accreditation audit process.

July 1, 2024

Demand Gen campaigns

YouTube inventory from Demand Gen campaigns is now available for Brand lift, Brand safety, Reach, and Viewability measurement. (In-feed inventory is not available for Brand safety.)

To identify Demand Gen inventory in Google Ads and Display & Video 360 YouTube tables, filter the adgroup_type field by the value DEMAND_GEN.

Learn more about Demand Gen campaigns.

May 10, 2024

New feature: User-provided data matching

User-provided data matching (UPDM) lets you bring in first-party data that you've collected about a user—such as information from your websites, apps, or physical stores—and join it in Ads Data Hub with that same user's signed-in activity from Google ad data, helping you generate richer customer insights while protecting user privacy. UPDM already supports a number of data sources, such as Google Cloud Storage, Amazon S3, and sFTP. Learn more about user-provided data matching.

May 3, 2024

Update to engaged audiences

Ads Data Hub has expanded engaged audience lists to be eligible for activation in all Google owned and operated campaign types, such as Search, Shopping, and Performance Max. To learn more, see Build and manage audiences.

April 1, 2024

YouTube Masthead queries

To continue improving Ads Data Hub's performance, the legacy is_masthead field in the dv360_youtube_creative table is deprecated. To segment YouTube Masthead inventory moving forward, you will need to update your queries to use adgroup_type IN ('VIDEO_MASTHEAD') from the dv360_youtube_adgroup table.

Note that this does not affect the is_masthead field in the yt_reserve_creative table.

January 16, 2024

Consent requirements for the European Economic Area

As a part of Google's ongoing commitment to a privacy-centric digital advertising ecosystem, we are strengthening the enforcement of our EU user consent policy.

By March 2024, all customers, irrespective of region, will need to attest that appropriate consent has been obtained pursuant to the Ads Data Hub Policies, complying with the EU user consent policy where applicable, for any first-party data uploaded to Ads Data Hub.

Beginning today, Ads Data Hub includes:

  • A new attestation to indicate that you have obtained consent for data uploaded into Ads Data Hub
  • New policy-isolated tables that split data out by Google services, and
  • Updated templates to help you write queries that comply with our EU user consent policy

To learn more about these changes, and what actions you should take, see Consent requirements for the European Economic Area.

November 14, 2023

Following the September 2022 announcement, the google_ads_clicks and dv360_youtube_clicks tables will be deprecated on March 6, 2024. Update your queries before the deprecation to avoid interruptions in reporting.

For queries that use the deprecated tables, adjust them to use the creative conversions tables as follows:

  • Replace google_ads_clicks with google_ads_creative_conversions
  • Replace dv360_youtube_clicks with dv360_youtube_creative_conversions

There are no changes to the field names between the old and new tables. For queries that count the number of clicks from a deprecated clicks table, adjust the query to sum the clicks instead, for example:

SELECT COUNT(*) from google_ads_clicks

should become:

SELECT SUM(num_clicks) from google_ads_creative_conversions

November 13, 2023

Fixed a bug in the MRC-accredited video viewability queries where Google Video Platform (GVP) was being excluded. Note that if you ran the queries from May 3, 2023 - November 7, 2023, there is a risk that GVP was not returned in results.

November 9, 2023

Due to global privacy regulations, the Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360 paths tables, adh.cm_paths and adh.dv360_paths, are being deprecated. You can continue to use the paths tables until February 28, 2024. Once the tables are decommissioned, you can use the Linear attribution model (CM event table) template for similar analyses.

October 18, 2023

Due to the upstream deprecation of frequency-based audiences in Display & Video 360, frequency capping audiences are no longer supported in Ads Data Hub.

August 23, 2023

Ads Data Hub has added First Party audience lists to allow advertisers to create, maintain, and activate audiences using their consented 1P data only. This enables Google Ads and Display & Video 360 advertisers to write queries that segment and target specific audiences using solely their 1P data, expanding the capabilities of Engaged Audiences beyond remarketing and frequency capping alone. This capability is available only using the API. Learn more.

August 15, 2023

Ads Data Hub now supports BigQuery temporary table syntax. Previously, temporary tables in Ads Data Hub were approximated by creating persistent tables which would expire after 72 hours. Now, using the CREATE TEMP TABLE statement, you can create session-level tables that are not subject to privacy checks. To learn more about temporary and persistent tables in Ads Data Hub, see Create tables.

July 18, 2023

Ads Data Hub has added the capability of marketers to query Connected TV (CTV) Identifiers for Advertising (IFA) within its resettable device identifier (RDID) tables. This feature allows marketers to analyze and gain insights related to user activity on connected TV platforms. Learn more.

June 15, 2023

Ads Data Hub now includes YouTube Shorts data.

These schema changes have been made to support YouTube Shorts:

  • New values, VIDEO_VIEW, VIDEO_REACH, and VIDEO_ACTION added to
    • dv360_adgroup.adgoup_type
    • google_ads_adgroup.adgroup_type
  • New field, youtube_page_type (available only to marketers) added to
    • google_ads_impressions
    • dv360_youtube_impressions
    • freewheel_impressions
    • partner_sold_cross_sell_impressions
    • yt_reserve_impressions

May 25, 2023

The current release fixes a bug in the MRC-accredited YouTube Reserve Video viewability query template, where events that occurred before July 6, 2022 were incorrectly excluded from the results.

Note that if you query data prior to July 6, 2022 using the MRC-accredited YouTube Reserve Video viewability query template, there is the potential for out-of-scope and unaccredited traffic to be replicated in the results.

May 22, 2023

Ads Data Hub engaged audiences now allow you to use your first-party data and YouTube event-level data to decide which users and segments to reach. To learn about use cases and how to create engaged audiences see Engaged audiences.

May 3, 2023

Ads Data Hub made changes to the MRC-approved templated viewability queries available in the UI. The MRC in-scope traffic are explicitly defined, following MRC reporting best practices. These changes future-proof the templates for new ad traffic enablement.

Google Ads: Changed the filtering on an impression's inventory_type and adgroup_type from exclude (!=) to include (IN) style.

Display & Video 360:

  1. Changed the filtering on an impression's inventory_type from exclude (!=) to include (IN) style.
  2. Joined the ad events table with the ad group metadata table, and then perform relevant filtering on an impression's adgroup_type.

YouTube Reserve:

  1. Changed the filtering on an impression's inventory_type from exclude (!=) to include (IN) style.
  2. Use the impression's format_category field to refine the scope on "VIDEO" format events.

Note that if you query data prior to July 6, 2022 using the MRC-accredited YouTube Reserve Video viewability query template, there is the potential for out-of-scope and unaccredited traffic to be replicated in the results.

May 2, 2023

Ads Data Hub now supports Gmail ads. Beginning today, you can query campaigns that serve on Gmail inventory.

  • Gmail data will be available in Google Ads tables. Link your Google Ads accounts.
  • Use the inventory_type field to distinguish Gmail from ads serving on other inventory. Learn how to use this field with the new sample query.
  • Gmail data is not available in RDID tables.
  • Gmail data is not available for vendors.

April 18, 2023

You can now link YouTube Reservation bought through Google Ads. See Link your Google Ads account.

March 22, 2023

A new template library is available in Ads Data Hub for Marketers. Switch to the new UI experience here. View documentation for Ads Data Hub for Marketers here.

March 14, 2023

Ads Data Hub supports BigQuery Omni functionality. To learn how to bring your Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage data into Ads Data Hub, see BigQuery external connections.

March 7, 2023

Ads Data Hub is adding a new field, impression_id, to Freewheel tables. This field had previously been added to Google Ads, Display & Video 360 YouTube, Partner Sold - Cross Sell, and YouTube Reserve event tables. This introduces a way to join clicks, conversions, and Active Views to impressions for Freewheel. impression_id is a join key that is unique to individual impressions.

February 28, 2023

URL parameters

As part of our ongoing commitment to protect user data and privacy, we have launched a new Personally Identifiable Information (PII) protection feature in Ads Data Hub that applies to the content_url field.

Over the next few weeks, we will deploy the change to full effect. After this launch, you may notice that URL parameters based on the content_url field that may contain PII are missing in outputted datasets.

Attribution event type

It's now easier to understand how many of your conversions were attributed to engaged views versus clicks. Ads Data Hub now surfaces Engaged View Conversions (EVCs) and Click-through Conversions (CTCs). To match what displays in front-end reporting, a new column, attribution_event_type, is now available in the Google Ads and Display & Video 360 conversions tables. This new column can be used in analysis queries.

In addition to launching the new column, beginning on March 1, 2023, new query templates will be available in the UI that allow you to drill down by approved segments.

Learn about EVCs and CTCs.

February 22, 2023

Query advisor is a new feature that surfaces actionable advice during query development, if your SQL is valid but might trigger undesirable results. To learn more, see Query advisor.

February 3, 2023

The active_view_data and its derived fields were deprecated and replaced with a new format on January 31, 2023.

Affected fields:

  • adh.google_ads_impressions.num_active_view_eligible_impression
  • adh.google_ads_impressions.num_active_view_measurable_impression
  • adh.google_ads_impressions.active_view_data
  • adh.dv360_youtube_impressions.num_active_view_eligible_impression
  • adh.dv360_youtube_impressions.num_active_view_measurable_impression
  • adh.dv360_youtube_impressions.active_view_data
  • adh.yt_reserve_impressions.num_active_view_eligible_impression
  • adh.yt_reserve_impressions.num_active_view_measurable_impression
  • adh.freewheel_impressions.num_active_view_eligible_impression
  • adh.freewheel_impressions.num_active_view_measurable_impression
  • adh.freewheel_impressions.active_view.active_view_data

To map deprecated fields with their replacements, see Migration schema.

December 6, 2022

The active_view_data field and its derived fields will be deprecated and replaced with a new format by January 31, 2023.

Affected fields:

  • adh.google_ads_impressions.num_active_view_eligible_impression
  • adh.google_ads_impressions.num_active_view_measurable_impression
  • adh.google_ads_impressions.active_view_data
  • adh.dv360_youtube_impressions.num_active_view_eligible_impression
  • adh.dv360_youtube_impressions.num_active_view_measurable_impression
  • adh.dv360_youtube_impressions.active_view_data
  • adh.yt_reserve_impressions.num_active_view_eligible_impression
  • adh.yt_reserve_impressions.num_active_view_measurable_impression
  • adh.freewheel_impressions.num_active_view_eligible_impression
  • adh.freewheel_impressions.num_active_view_measurable_impression
  • adh.freewheel_impressions.active_view.active_view_data

To map deprecated fields with their replacements, see Migration schema.

November 3, 2022

Ads Data Hub now supports viewability metrics for any display-measured ads on YouTube that have Active View metrics, including Masthead CPM and in-feed videos.

Learn more about querying YouTube viewability metrics.

October 4, 2022

Ads Data Hub now enables a filtered row summary by default for new analysis queries created via the UI. This update also introduces an automatic configuration mode to filtered row summaries. Queries saved prior to this change will retain their current enablement state, mode, and configuration. Filtered row summaries do not apply to audience queries, and remain disabled by default for new analysis queries created via the API. Learn about automatic mode for filtered row summaries.

September 27, 2022

Advanced viewability metrics documentation, previously located under Guides, is now located under Reference.

September 22, 2022

Ads Data Hub is introducing schema changes to make querying your YouTube data easier and more consistent with YouTube reporting. Previously, YouTube click data was split between clicks and creative conversions tables. This update brings click data into the creative conversions tables.

The following fields have been added to the dv360_youtube_creative_conversions and google_ads_creative_conversions tables:

  • num_clicks
  • num_video_views
  • advertiser_cost_usd
  • advertiser_cost_local_micros

These new fields can be used to rewrite your queries to remove joins to the dv360_youtube_clicks and google_ads_clicks tables, which will be deprecated in a future update.

August 10, 2022

A bug was fixed in the Invalid traffic API which caused TrueView views to be double counted for conversion-optimized campaigns in Display & Video 360 and Google Ads.

The issue persisted from approximately August 1, 2021 - July 30, 2022. Only 1.8% of MRC in-scope campaigns in Ads Data Hub were affected, and impact was limited to TrueView views retrieved via the Invalid traffic API.

July 29, 2022

A new field, is_trueview, is now available to marketers. This field can be used to identify TrueView views, and is available in the following tables:

  • google_ads_clicks
  • dv360_youtube_clicks

July 25, 2022

Regression modeling is now generally available. You can use linear and logistic regression models to generate predictions using advertising data.

July 18, 2022

As announced on July 1, 2022, starting from today, Ads Data Hub will contain a more complete set of conversions for YouTube inventory bought in Google Ads and Display & Video 360. This launch will bring more consistency between the conversion data of these products and Ads Data Hub reporting. The following tables are affected:

  • dv360_youtube_conversions
  • google_ads_conversions

July 6, 2022

You can now use format_category in the following tables to determine the YouTube ad format:

  • adh.google_ads_impressions
  • adh.dv360_youtube_impressions
  • adh.yt_reserve_impressions
  • adh.partner_sold_cross_sell_impressions
  • adh.freewheel_impressions

July 1, 2022

Beginning on July 18, 2022, Ads Data Hub will contain a more complete set of conversions for YouTube inventory bought in Google Ads and Display & Video 360. This launch will bring more consistency between the conversion data of these products and Ads Data Hub reporting. The following tables will be affected:

  • dv360_youtube_conversions
  • google_ads_conversions

June 24, 2022

The is_in_rdid_project field will be deprecated across tables on June 27, 2022. Update your queries to use is_app_traffic instead.

May 18, 2022

A correctness fix was applied to columns Invalid_Eligible_Impressions and Invalid_Measurable_Impressions in the generateIvtReport method.

These columns were incorrect from January 10, 2022 - May 18, 2022. This affected <1% of Ads Data Hub customers.

March 21, 2022

Campaign Manager 360 dynamic data is now available in Ads Data Hub. You can use the following 10 fields (available in the clicks and impressions tables) to analyze dynamic creative campaigns:

  • event.dynamic_profile
  • event.dynamic_profile_id
  • event.feed
  • event.feed_reporting_label
  • event.feed_reporting_dimension1
  • event.feed_reporting_dimension2
  • event.feed_reporting_dimension3
  • event.feed_reporting_dimension4
  • event.feed_reporting_dimension5
  • event.feed_reporting_dimension6

If you aren't familiar working with arrays, read documentation on using UNNEST and SAFE_ORDINAL.

Additionally, review samples for examples of how to use these fields.

February 16, 2022

Beginning in February 2022, Ads Data Hub will restrict the number of times that a user can query the same data for a given table. If you haven't yet been contacted by a Google representative regarding this change, it's because you aren't impacted.

Learn how to refactor your queries to avoid encountering this privacy check.

January 10, 2022

You can now use the metricType parameter in generateIvtReport requests to designate the platform you want to measure and report on. To learn about the parameters that metricType supports, read the reference documentation.

December 14, 2021

Regression modeling is now in open beta. You can use linear and logistic regression models to generate predictions using advertising data. To sign up, contact your Google representative.

To learn more, read the regression modeling documentation.

December 6, 2021

Ads Data Hub is making changes to how empty input tables are handled. Previously, jobs reading from an empty input table would fail with a "table not found" error. Now, these jobs will return an empty result set.

December 3, 2021

Google Ads is making changes that impact asset-based ads. As a result of these changes, video_ad_duration will be more accurate. Additionally, creative_format_type is now YOUTUBE_VIDEO, not TYPE_VIDEO. Any queries using impacted fields will continue to run successfully.

December 1, 2021

To align with other platforms, Ads Data Hub is making changes to how unmeasurable impressions are calculated.

  • Previous calculation: num_unmeasureable_impressions = num_enabled_impressions - num_measurable_impressions
  • New calculation: num_unmeasureable_impressions = num_impressions - num_measurable_impressions

This change also fixes an issue where the Invalid traffic API erroneously reported unmeasurable impressions as zero from approximately August 1, 2021 - December 1, 2021.

November 8, 2021

All *_paths tables are disabled for accounts that aren't actively using them. The *_paths tables won't be enabled for new accounts by default. Contact your Google representative if you need access.

November 2, 2021

Ads Data Hub added 3 new Advanced active view metric queries to the templated queries page. These queries are now available for your use.

October 22, 2021

Ads Data Hub is deprecating 24 fields on November 11, 2021. These fields are duplicated across a number of tables. To ensure that your queries continue to work, update queries that references these fields in accordance with the migration guide.

The following 3 fields:

  • num_active_view_eligible_impression
  • num_active_view_measurable_impression
  • active_view_data

Will be deprecated in the following 4 tables:

  • adh.google_ads_impressions
  • adh.dv360_youtube_impressions
  • adh.yt_reserve_impressions
  • adh.partner_sold_cross_sell_impressions

And the following 3 fields:

  • num_active_view_viewable_impression
  • active_view.view_state
  • active_view.active_view_data

Will be deprecated in the following 4 tables:

  • adh.google_ads_active_views
  • adh.dv360_youtube_active_views
  • adh.yt_reserve_active_views
  • adh.partner_sold_cross_sell_active_views

October 12, 2021

A new set of viewability metrics, collectively known as "Advanced Active View metrics", are now available in Ads Data Hub. These metrics replace existing signal-based integrations on January 3, 2021. Advanced Active View metrics enable the computation of a broader set of metrics, with a more robust schema that's easier to use.

To learn more, read the viewability documentation.

October 6, 2021

Past outage: Ads Data Hub experienced a disruption of query services from Saturday, October 2, 2021 to Sunday, October 3, 2021. As a result, some queries may not run.

September 22, 2021

advertiser_timezone is now populating in the following tables: * google_ads_customer * dv360_youtube_advertiser * yt_reserve_order * partner_sold_cross_sell_order

advertiser_timezone surfaces the IANA time zone of the ads buying platform. This allows queries to return results in the same timezone as the front-end settings set by the advertiser. Learn how to use the advertiser_timezone field in this sample query.

July 19, 2021

The skippable_ad_type field is moving from the yt_reserve_lineitem table to the yt_reserve_creative table.

The yt_reserve_lineitem.skippable_ad_type field will be deprecated on September 19, 2021. Update your queries to use skippable_ad_type.yt_reserve_creative.

July 8, 2021

The Media Rating Council (MRC) audit of Ads Data Hub's first-party viewability measurement reporting is complete. Third-party vendors can now initiate accreditation of their YouTube third-party viewability measurement reporting with the MRC.

Learn more about MRC-accredited viewability metrics and find sample queries

July 1, 2021

Job results preview

You can now preview the first 20 rows of your query results on the "Jobs" page.

To try it out, run a query in Ads Data Hub and click Preview once your query finishes running.

In-product notifications

Account notifications are now available via a notifications panel in Ads Data Hub. You'll be able to see notifications about new features, deprecations, outages, and more.

May 24, 2021

Ads Data Hub is expanding opportunities for participation in user studies, market research, and pilots.

To receive emails about upcoming research:

  1. Navigate to Settings in Ads Data Hub.
  2. Under "Email preferences", click the checkbox below "Feedback and testing".

April 9, 2021

Ads Data Hub released 1 new table and 2 new fields (across 2 tables). The new table and fields provide information on inventory in app stores serving through Google Display and Video networks. The new fields are app_id and app_store_id (both found in {google_ads/dv360_youtube}_impressions), and the new table is mobile_app_info.

Learn more by reading the field descriptions, or running the sample query.

March 15, 2021

Ads Data Hub is migrating API support from Google Groups to Google IssueTracker. Migrating channels will enable the support team to respond to requests more effectively and facilitate knowledge sharing between users experiencing identical issues.

Support for the Google Group will be turned down on April 1, 2021. Effective immediately, you can view open issues in the new group and create new issues.

February 26, 2021

As announced on November 10, 2020, the following fields are now deprecated:

  • operating_system_version_ids: Replace with operating_system.
  • snippet_url.*: Has been deprecated since March 2020.
  • beacon_url: Has been deprecated since March 2020.
  • region_code: Replace with region_name.
  • metro_code: Replace with metro_name.
  • metro_abbrev: Replace with metro_name.
  • longitude: Use city or metro instead.
  • latitude: Use city or metro instead.

February 23, 2021

Edit: As of June 2022, Ads Data Hub no longer supports YouTube audio ads.

Ads Data Hub now supports YouTube audio ads. You can identify YouTube audio ad groups in The Google Ads and Display & Video 360 adgroup tables by using google_ads_adgroup/dv360_youtube_adgroup.adgroup_type = YOUTUBE_AUDIO. Learn more about YouTube audio ads

February 22, 2021

Ads Data Hub made changes to the MRC-approved templated queries available in the UI. Some of these changes impact the names of output columns. The changes are outlined below.


  • Updated to join impressions and active views on the new impression_id field.
  • Now excludes YouTube TV from inventory type. YouTube TV is out of scope for MRC accreditation, so it is now filtered from results.
  • num_unmesurable_impressions was corrected to num_unmeasurable_impressions.
  • Updated to correctly classify mobile app metrics as OTT. This has a minor impact on a small fraction of impressions.

Invalid traffic:

  • The "TrueView: Views" metric name was rebranded to "YouTube views" for Display & Video 360.
  • The following device types were aligned with the viewability queries:
    • “Desktop” was changed to “Desktop Web”.
    • “Mobile_Web” was changed to “Mobile Web”.
    • "Mobile_App" was changed to "Mobile app"
    • “OTT” was changed to “Ott”.

February 5, 2021

Ads Data Hub has made multiple changes related to MRC-accreditation:

February 3, 2021

Beginning March 1, 2021 the adh.cm_dt_activities and adh.dv360_dt_activities tables won't populate with new data. Queries that use these tables will still run, but won't return current data. Ensure that your queries are rewritten to use the following tables:

  • adh.cm_dt_activities_events
  • adh.cm_dt_activities_attributed
  • adh.dv360_activities_attributed

January 25, 2021

The results page now provides information when rows (including filtered row summaries) are filtered from your results. Learn more about filtered row summaries

January 13, 2021

Ads Data Hub now shows the expected number of bytes that a query will use, before you run it. This can be used to estimate how long the query will take to run.

December 10, 2020

You can now use Ads Data Hub to build and manage audience lists for use in Google Ads, and Display & Video 360. Learn more about audience activation

December 4, 2020

The Ads Data Hub policies were updated to include more information related to audience activation features, acceptable use, and sensitive interest information and categories.

November 10, 2020

Ads Data Hub is removing 9 fields. These fields are either inconsistently populated, or have been previously deprecated. Effective January 29, 2021, the fields will all return null. Effective February 26, 2021, the fields will be removed from the schema.

  • operating_system_version_ids: Replace with operating_system.
  • snippet_url.*: Has been deprecated since March 2020.
  • beacon_url: Has been deprecated since March 2020.
  • region_code: Replace with region_name.
  • metro_code: Replace with metro_name.
  • metro_abbrev: Replace with metro_name.
  • longitude: Use city or metro instead.
  • latitude: Use city or metro instead.

November 5, 2020

Vendors now no longer have access to dv360_dt_* and cm_dt_* tables.

November 2, 2020

Ads Data Hub added 2 new statistical models for use in performance measurement, Markov chain analysis and the Shapley value method. Both models can be used to compute the modeled contribution that a campaign, advertising channel, or other touchpoint had on conversions.

October 30, 2020

You can now use query history audits to generate logs of all jobs run using your Ads Data Hub account.

October 22, 2020

Ads Data Hub is adding a new field, impression_id, to all Google Ads, Display & Video 360 YouTube, partner-sold cross-sell, and YouTube Reserve event tables.

Historically, users depended on query_id to join clicks, conversions, and Active Views to impressions. However, this caused reporting discrepancies in cases where multiple ad impressions existed in one query (such as ad pods on YouTube). impression_id improves this workflow by providing a join key that is unique to individual impressions.

October 20, 2020

You can now launch support resources from the Ads Data Hub UI. Launch the help panel by clicking Help . The panel allows you to:

  • View relevant help articles.
  • Contact support.
  • Send feedback.

October 15, 2020

Linking Google Ads accounts is now easier. Read more about self-service account linking here.

October 1, 2020

Ads Data Hub is deprecating adh.cm_dt_activities and adh.dv360_activities. These tables are being deprecated to allow for improvements that will enable support for additional attribution models and continuously streaming data. The improved tables are available for all users, and should be used for query development moving forward:

  • adh.cm_dt_activities_events
  • adh.cm_dt_activities_attributed
  • adh.dv360_activities_attributed

August 27, 2020

Ads Data Hub now supports customer-managed encryption keys, allowing you to control the cryptographic keys used to encrypt your data at rest. Learn more about enabling customer-managed encryption keys

July 17, 2020

As a prerequisite to additional security features, Ads Data Hub is introducing restrictions governing changes to the specific Google Cloud project used for administrating your Ads Data Hub account. These changes won't impact your account functionality and don't require action. Learn more about designating an admin project.

June 25, 2020

Effective immediately, the cm_dt_events table is deprecated. A Google representative should have reached out with instructions regarding how to rewrite any queries that depended on this table.

June 19, 2020

You can now open query results in Google Sheets and Data Studio directly from the completed job in Ads Data Hub. Learn how to view results

June 15, 2020

Display & Video 360 YouTube data is now being populated in adh.dv360_youtube_* tables. This data was previously available in adh.google_ads_* tables.

See the earlier release note for additional details on modifying your queries for compatibility with the new tables.

June 3, 2020

You can now query offline events uploaded using the Campaign Manager Offline Conversions API in Ads Data Hub. Offline events can take up to 14 days to appears in the adh.dv360_dt_activities and adh.cm_dt_activities tables.

June 2, 2020

The feature formerly known as "row merge" has been renamed to "filtered row summary". All functionality remains the same, and you should continue using filtered row summaries as you were using row merges before. This change extends only to the feature's name.

June 1, 2020

Ads Data Hub is releasing the following updates to improve usability:

Schema assistant

You can now search the "Table schemas" sidebar for tables and fields. Fields can be copied or added to your query using the click of a button.

Export to Data Studio and Google Sheets

You now have more options for how to work with your results outside of Ads Data Hub. You can explore results in Data Studio and Google Sheets, in addition to BigQuery.

Help menu

The help menu now provides more robust support options. You can find contextually recommended articles, contact support, and send feedback all from the same menu

May 8, 2020

Linking Display and Video 360 and Campaign manager accounts is now easier, with self-service account linking. Read more about the new account linking process here.

March 11, 2020

Effective April 21, 2020, due to an upstream change, vendors will no longer be able to access RDID data, or the following tables, which include advertiser conversions:

  • adh.google_ads_conversions
  • adh.dv360_youtube_conversions
  • adh.yt_reserve_conversions

These tables have been replaced with the following tables in the vendor schema, which include creative conversions such as pausing or skipping interactions:

  • adh.google_ads_creative_conversions
  • adh.dv360_youtube_creative_conversions
  • adh.yt_reserve_creative_conversions

April 16, 2020

Display & Video 360 YouTube data is no longer automatically populated unless explicitly requested. If you want to enable Display & Video 360 YouTube data, submit a ticket to Ads Data Hub support via the Ads Data Hub support form. Then, select Ads Data Hub UI access and functionality issues, and request “Feature enablement for Display & Video 360 YouTube data”.

February 13, 2020

You can now use inventory_type in the following tables to determine where your ad served:

  • adh.google_ads_impressions
  • adh.dv360_youtube_impressions
  • adh.yt_reserve_impressions
  • adh.partner_sold_cross_sell_impressions
  • adh.freewheel_impressions

February 6, 2020

Templated queries

Templated queries are now available in the UI, providing an easier query workflow. These templates are extensible, or ready to be run without modification on your data. Find instructions on how to use them here, or try running a query in the UI.

Partner sold campaign metadata

Ads Data Hub added 3 new tables, allowing vendors to query campaign metadata:

  • adh.partner_sold_cross_sell_creative
  • adh.partner_sold_cross_sell_lineitem
  • adh.partner_sold_cross_sell_order

These tables allow partners to query Partner Sold cross sell campaign metadata.

January 21, 2020

Ads Data Hub now supports VAST creatives (third_party_url and ad_id) for Instant Reserve campaigns in Google Ads and Display and Video 360, which are available to a subset of customers. If you or your customers wants to run VAST creatives on Instant Reserve campaigns, reach out to your YouTube Account Manager.

January 7, 2019

On June 1, 2020, Ads Data Hub will stop populating Google Ads tables with Display and Video 360 data. All adh.google_ads_* tables have corresponding adh.dv360_youtube_* tables, where your data has been populating since November. Rewrite your queries to use the new adh.google_ads_* tables and the Display and Video 360 ID space.

We've added is_dv360 to the adh.google_ads_campaign table. This field allows you to identify Display and Video 360 campaigns running in Google Ads.

We've also added reservation_type to the adh.google_ads_campaign and adh.dv360_youtube_lineitem tables. This field allows you to differentiate between programmatic, instant reserve, and auction campaigns.

December 11, 2019

You can now use change history to view a history of changes to your account.

December 4, 2019

We've added 2 new tables: cm_dt_paths and dv360_paths. These tables make event path analysis easier and more computationally efficient. Learn more

November 4, 2019

Report on DV360 TrueView campaigns in Ads Data Hub

We've added 9 tables, allowing you to report on Display and Video 360 YouTube campaigns (including Google Video Partners) in Ads Data Hub. The tables are:

  • dv360_youtube_adgroup
  • dv360_youtube_advertiser
  • dv360_youtube_campaign
  • dv360_youtube_clicks
  • dv360_youtube_creative
  • dv360_youtube_conversions
  • dv360_youtube_impressions
  • dv360_youtube_insertion_order
  • dv360_youtube_lineitem

October 24, 2019

We've added impression data fields to the adh.*_clicks, adh.*_conversions, and adh.*_active_views tables, simplifying the querying process for impression data. To see an example query using the new fields, look at the samples page.

October 14, 2019

We've added 2 new customer types to the table format documentation: agencies and holding companies. Additionally, we've updated the advertiser and vendor documentation to include additional fields and tables.

September 23, 2019

Query job IDs are now generated differently. For queries where no job ID is specified, Ads Data Hub generates one using 32 random hexadecimal characters. This change doesn't impact users who specify a job ID using ADHv1.

June 14th, 2019

The adh.cm_dt_floodlight table has been removed from the Data Transfer schema. This table hasn't been populated with data since mid-2018. This shouldn't be confused with the adh.cm_dt_activities table, which contains account activity data and is used for attribution. If you have questions, contact support.

May 21, 2019

Ads Data Hub's new API, Ads Data Hub v1, is now generally available. Learn how to migrate to the new API.

April 17, 2019

You can now test queries and look at synthetic event-level data using the new sandbox role. Learn more.

March 18, 2019

You can now assign users different levels of access to your Ads Data Hub account based on their role in your agency. See Assign access by role for details.

December 6, 2018

You can now query Campaign Manager audience segments data using a new match table and field. See table format for an updated list of fields.

November 26, 2018

Fields deprecated in Google Ads and YouTube reserve tables

The following fields are now deprecated:

  • in adh.google_ads_impressions: activeview_cost, click_cost, conv_cost, cost_usd, device_id_md5, impression_cost, is_gfp, is_mobile_id, line_item_id, output_language, target_type, user_bandwidth
  • in adh.yt_reserve_impressions: campaign_id, device_id_md5, is_gfp, is_mobile_id, output_language, target_type, user_bandwidth
  • in adh.google_ads_active_views: is_gfp
  • in adh.yt_reserve_ads_active_views: is_gfp

Additionally, both adh.google_ads_views and adh.yt_reserve_views are now deprecated.

See table format for suggested workarounds

November 7, 2018

Fields deprecated in city, metro, and region tables

The following fields are now deprecated:

  • in latitude, longitude, metro_code, region_code
  • in adh.metro: metro_code, metro_abbrev
  • in adh.region: region_code

See table format for suggested workarounds.

August 24, 2018

AdWords tables were renamed to reflect the new Google Ads name. See table format for an updated list of new table names, and use the new names in the Ads Data Hub interface when writing queries.

August 21, 2018

New dv360_dt metadata tables

You can now query Display & Video 360 Data Transfer metadata in Ads Data Hub. Many other Data Transfer fields and tables were also renamed. See table format for an updated list of fields, and use the new names in the Ads Data Hub interface when writing queries.

August 17, 2018

DV360 / DBM cost and fee fields removed

The following field types will be removed soon, and should no longer be used in queries: event.xbid_total_media_cost, event.xbid_cpm_fee, event.xbid_media_fee, and event.xbid_data_cost. All individual fields (fee 1 through 5, currency options, etc.) related to these types will be removed.

August 3, 2018

New temporary tables

You can now create temporary tables in your queries using the CREATE TABLE statement. You must still specify an output table to run queries with the sole purpose of generating a temporary table. Temporary tables are active for 72 hours before they need to be refreshed. See sample queries, and example below:

CREATE TABLE temp_table AS ( /* query to output to the temporary table */ )

May 2, 2018

New dcm_dt metadata tables

You can now query DCM Data Transfer metadata in Ads Data Hub. See table format and sample queries for more information.

April 12, 2018

New _rdid tables

You can now query mobile device IDs in the _rdid tables. Add _rdid to the end of any adh. table to query device_id_md5 instead of user_id. Use the is_in_rdid_project field to deduplicate events contained in standard and _rdid tables. See table format, sample queries, and join your data for more information.

New account linking workflow

You can now link AdWords, Bid Manager, and Campaign manager accounts with Ads Data Hub through their respective interfaces. You will need to know your Ads Data Hub account ID. Contact support if you have trouble finding it. Learn more

May 1, 2017


There is an updated custom query user interface for Ads Data Hub.